Chapter 2087 Battle On The Bridge (2)

Name:Myth Beyond Heaven Author:
Chapter 2087 Battle On The Bridge (2)

The silence stretched, thick with anticipation. Then, with a burst of speed that seemed to defy its size, the panther launched itself. It was a blur of black fur and gnashing fangs, a living embodiment of a nightmare.

Yun Qianxue didn't flinch. She met the charge head-on, the windshield deflecting the brunt of the impact. The panther, surprised by the unexpected barrier, skidded across the bridge, leaving deep furrows in the stone.


Yun Qianxue seized the opportunity. With a battle cry that echoed through the canyon, she lunged forward, the electrified ice blade a streak of white against the darkening sky.

The panther, regaining its footing, twisted with unnatural agility, its massive paw swiping at the incoming attack.


A deafening clang resonated as metal met claw. Sparks erupted in a shower of light, momentarily blinding the onlookers. The force of the clash sent tremors through the bridge, and Yun Qianxue felt a surge of raw power travel up her arm. The panther, however, seemed unfazed.

This was going to be a battle unlike any other. Yun Qianxue knew brute force wouldn't be enough. She needed strategy and an understanding of this creature's strengths and weaknesses. A slow, cold smile spread across her face.

This fight had just begun...

The initial clash left a tense silence hanging heavy in the air. Yun Qianxue, her breath misting in the cool night, gauged the panther. It seemed impervious to her ice attacks, the frost clinging to its fur for a mere moment before dissipating. Yet, the surprise on its face from her wind shield hinted at an exploitable weakness.

Across from her, the panther rose, its obsidian form a stark contrast to the swirling mist that shrouded the bridge's end. Its red eyes narrowed, a low growl rumbling in its throat. It circled cautiously, searching for an opening.

Yun Qianxue wouldn't give it one. She danced on the balls of her feet, the wind swirling around her in a mesmerizing pattern. It wasn't just a shield; it mirrored her movements, creating a whirlwind that both protected and enhanced her agility.


Suddenly, the panther lunged again. This time, it wasn't a direct attack, but a feint. As it swerved past her, its powerful tail whipped out, aiming to smash her into the bridge railing.

A blinding flash of white light erupted, engulfing the entire bridge section in an electric web. The crackle of energy was deafening, echoing through the canyon like a thousand thunderclaps.

From the onlookers' perspective, it looked like Yun Qianxue had disappeared, swallowed whole by the electrical storm. The panther, caught mid-leap, screeched in a horrifying mix of pain and fury. Its fur stood on end, sparks dancing around its body.

Then, with a sickening thud, the panther fell. Its body convulsed on the electrified metal mesh, its roars turning into weak whimpers before finally falling silent. The bridge section, now a mangled mess of metal and ice, continued to crackle with energy, a stark reminder of Yun Qianxue's power.

A tense silence followed. Had she...?

Slowly, the light subsided. The onlookers squinted, trying to pierce the swirling mist that hung low around the bridge's remains. Then, a figure emerged, standing tall amidst the crackling debris.

Yun Qianxue. Her clothes were singed and tattered, but her face held a resolute expression. With a deep breath, she summoned another gust of wind, clearing the remaining mist.


The crowd erupted in cheers. They had witnessed an impossible feat, a testament to Yun Qianxue's mastery of the laws of elements. The once-proud panther lay motionless at her feet, a stark reminder of the consequences of underestimating its opponent.

Lin Xinyao remained remarkably unsurprised by the outcome. She knew Yun Qianxue's true strength, and this was just a taste of it.

"Amazing..." Tang Wei murmured in awe. Though a Lower God himself, his mastery of the laws paled in comparison to Yun Qianxue's.

Meanwhile, Tang Yumei studied Yun Qianxue intently. This was the first time she had witnessed such a flawless grasp of elemental laws.

A covert glance at Yun Lintian followed, her mind swirling with questions about his own power. After all, in her eyes, he was undoubtedly the strongest present.

Yun Lintian turned to Han Bingling, a surprised note in his voice. "It seems I'm an ignorant one here."

Han Bingling curled her lips. "There are more."

Yun Lintian smiled and addressed the group, "Let's go."