~: Please read the book!

The pencil is here, I beg all readers!

Looking for the latest chapter!

Only by following the latest chapters can you turn your collection into follow-up reading!

The editor said that my reading has a lot of ups and downs, like a roller coaster.

o(>﹏<)o cry

If there is no follow-up reading, what can I use to PK with others on the recommendation position? If there is no follow-up reading, there will be no recommendation, no recommendation, no exposure, and no follow-up.

I beg you readers.

The pencil is very diligent in coding every day, but I can't keep generating electricity with love. I always need a good meal.

For the sake of the pencils who stay up late every day and work hard to save manuscripts, all readers, you must keep reading, don't support books, please.