Chapter 689: man i am not late

【Naruto Coming to Marvel】【】

With the arrival of a large number of armors, the three Extremis virus injectors in front of them were also knocked out, while Tony took advantage of the opportunity to put on the armor and began to destroy the enemy in the air.

At this moment, Jarvis' voice sounded: "Sir, I found Killian."

Tony said, "Let's go, let's kill him!"

Tony immediately flew in the direction where Killian was, and soon found him in a high-rise container.

I saw Tony came in front of Killian and said, "Killian, let's catch him without a fight."

"Your plot has been shattered."

Killian looked at Tony Stark with a crazy smile on his face: "No, it's not yet known who will die."


Killian let out a roar, flames gushed out of his mouth, and rushed towards Tony in front of him.

The scorching heat came across in an instant, Tony put his hands in front of him to resist, and immediately the virtual interface in the visor showed that the body was overloaded with high temperature.

Listening to the system's alarm, Tony laughed at himself, "Can the Extremis virus evolve?"

Obviously he didn't expect that Killian could still breathe fire, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

It's a pity that he is wearing the No. 33 Centurion armor instead of the anti-ninja armor, otherwise the damage of the flames would not be so high for him.

Killian spewed flames, approached Tony step by step, then stretched out his palm to circle Tony's arm, grabbed onto the armor's reactor, and directly buckled it down.

At the same time that this operation was completed, Killian also stopped the flame spray.

Looking at Tony Stark who fell to the ground, Killian squatted directly on the opponent's body, stretched out a finger and pressed it on the position of the breastplate and said:

"Is it hot in here?"

"Card owner, do you feel a little stuck?"

"It's like cooking the little turtle itself in its shell."

Tony looked at Killian and said, "You're brooding over what happened in Switzerland."

Apparently, when he found the information of AIM company, Tony also remembered the intersection with Killian.

Killian laughed, "No, how could that be."

"How could I be mad at you, Tony."

"I am very grateful for your actions. You have given me a precious gift that no one else has ever given, which is despair."

"Now I'm giving it back to you."

Killian looked at Tony Stark, who was looking at him, and said, "I think you should close your eyes."

"Close your eyes."

Seeing that Tony didn't follow his words, Killian said again, "Close your eyes, you don't want to see this."

Killian is not going to waste time with Tony anymore, he wants to deal with this guy directly, just when he is about to pierce Tony's armor directly, he sees a white-haired figure appearing in front of him, before he can do it in time He was kicked out without any preparation.


Killian was kicked out and hit the workbench behind him, knocking down the computer and equipment.

Ji Lai also looked at Tony and said, "Man, I'm not late, am I?"

"No, you came at the right time, but I need you to help me remove the armor, this thing has a fault card owner."

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【Naruto Coming to Marvel】【】

It was Killian's flame spurt that caused some problems with the armor.

Hearing Tony's request, Jiraiya directly took out a handful of kunai, and easily cut apart Tony's Mark 33 armor.

Seeing this scene, Tony was surprised: "Dude, what material is your weapon made of?"

Although Tony's battle armor is not a model with strong defense, it is also made of gold-titanium alloy satellite aviation materials, and its strength can still withstand shelling. This small kunai feels like it can be cut apart without much effort. , wouldn't the ninjas be able to shoot through his armor with kunai if they wanted to.

Cut off the battle armor, Jiraiya pulled Tony up, and then held Ku Wu De

Confidently said: "It's made of gold, it's cool."

Tony glanced at it, and then he was a little surprised: "It's just that the shape is different from the one you used before. By the way, isn't this thing out of stock?"

"Is there any channel, introduce me, I want to get some good things like this."

Ji Lai also smiled and said, "It's a special gift from my apprentice."

This Kunai was presented to Jiraiya's flying thunder **** Kunai by Namikaze Minato. As for Jiraiya's Zhenjin, he didn't make it into a weapon, and he planned to make more full-body armor directly.

"As for the channel, it was sent by Lord Charlotte. It should be difficult to buy outside."

Tony thought to himself: Could it be that there are vibrating gold ores in the magic world?

At this moment, Killian got up from the ground long ago, looked at Jiraiya who treated him like nothing, and roared directly:

"This is my personal grievance with him, what does it have to do with you ninjas?"

During the conversation, five Extremis virus fighters entered the container and came to support Killian.

Ji Lai also saw that the five extra people didn't care, and said, "He is my friend."

"Ninja: Needle Hell!"

The next second, the long silver hair wrapped himself and Tony, and then the hair turned into a thousand strands, shooting towards Killian and the others.

A large amount of silver emitted a white light that seemed to fill the sky, directly piercing the six people and the container, while Killian and others were directly knocked out.

With the lifting of the ninjutsu, Jiraiya looked at the container with only one big hole, and smiled awkwardly: "It seems that the power is too strong."

At this point Tony yelled, "Jarvis, give me a suit of armor."

Seeing this, Jiraiya said, "I'll go and destroy them."

At this moment, barrels of ignited oil barrels flew towards the container where Tony and Jiraiya were located, turning into bombs.




Seeing the bombardment of the oil barrel bomb, Jiraiya grabbed Tony directly and left here in an instant.

Jilai also brought Tony to a relatively safe place, and said, "Hurry up and put on your armor, this place is not safe."

Seeing that Jirai was about to leave, Tony said, "Be careful, he will breathe fire."

"A high-temperature flame of at least 3,000 degrees. UU Reading "

Jiraiya nodded solemnly, "I see."

After leaving Tony behind, Jiraiya rushed in the direction of Killian, and he wanted to eliminate the culprit to end the battle.

Seeing Jiraiya leave, Tony opened his arms and said, "Jarvis, send me a suit of armor."

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【Naruto Coming to Marvel】【】

Soon, Mark 23 flew in the direction of you.

the other side.

Jiraiya came in front of Killian in an instant, and directly attacked the enemy in front of him, and he quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Water escape waterspout!"

However, after knowing that Killian has a certain ability to control fire, Jilai also planned to use the ninjutsu to restrain the opponent.

In the next second, a huge waterspout appeared out of thin air, directly sweeping Killian into it.

Being carried into the air by the waterspout, feeling the water tearing his body apart, Killian's body was covered with orange light, and then roared angrily:


With Killian's roar, flames spit out from the air and burned towards the center of the waterspout. He knew that no matter if it was a waterspout or a windspout, as long as the eye in the middle was destroyed, the opponent would stop.

As the 3,000-degree high-temperature flames spurted from the sky in Killian, the collision of water and fire immediately produced a large amount of water vapor and mist.

In the blink of an eye, a large amount of fog enveloped the waterspout, making it impossible for Jirai to see what was going on inside.

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