14 Naruto: Endless Gravity Chapter 14

Such an existence, if it showed a strong talent, would be very uncomfortable for Konoha.

"Is it so serious? Is it because you think too much?"

The mongoose touched his head, complaining that his head is too small, the memory is limited, and the running speed is too slow, but he is not convinced and wants to refute.

"Maybe you are right, but there is no harm in preventing it before it happens. Only people who are careful enough can live long."

Ye Dou didn’t want to talk more, stood up and walked to the mongoose, letting it take out today’s harvest

Hearing this, the mongoose immediately became interested. He poured the entire large intestine into his mouth without chewing, and swallowed it raw, turning around and constantly taking out the trophy from his pants pocket.

There are kunai, shurikens, ninja swords, detonating charms, smoke bombs, etc...

It can only be said that it is worthy of robbing an entire ninja shop. The meerkats brought out not only a variety of types, but also a larger number, which can be piled into a hill, and can arm a unit.

"How about night fighting, I'm good, it only took a few minutes, I wiped out all the things in his store, including the inventory..."

"Now, you can improve the food for me, these things are sold out, they are worth a lot of money, and those Konoha families may not have your local tyrants!"

He proudly showed off his achievements, and in the end, he erected his mongoose tail.

It does not need any food to survive, but in its words, this is called pursuit and is the best way to distinguish salted fish.

Ye Dou directly refused, saying, "Don't dream, I won't sell these things."

Shuriken and detonating talisman are not contraband in Konoha.

But he, an orphan, went to do the "arms" business. This kind of thing is unscientific.

Especially today, they had a dispute with the owner of the ninjutsu shop, and he would run out to sell ninjutsu after ten and a half months.

Anyone who is not a fool knows that the theft of the ninjutsu shop is definitely related to him!

Moreover, he can use these weapons.

Looking at the piles of shurikens on the ground, Ye Dou opened his hands slightly, and then these shurikens floated in the air magically.

Upon seeing this, the mongoose suddenly opened his mouth. The picture in front of him was so shocking that he felt his scalp numb.

Hundreds of shurikens, under the control of Ye Dou, are constantly spinning in the air at high speed, and the cold glow is everywhere.

The overwhelming pitch-black shuriken, like an angry killer hive, can kill people at any time.

But this horrible scene did not last long, and soon the shuriken in the air fell to the ground again.

Just like that, the Chakra in Ye Dou was hollowed out, but it was enough to make the mongoose extremely excited.

"You have a big deal, Ye Dou, just this move, Konoha's those who are forbearing and forbearing, I am afraid that you will kill them in a second?!"

These hundreds of shuriken killing formations, and they are still controllable shuriken killing formations, who the fuck can hide them?Can't stand it at all!

"Compared with Fujitora's smile, I'm far behind!"

While gasping for breath, Ye Dou showed an expression of excitement on his face, but soon calmed down.

After the Gravity Fruit becomes Gravity Blood, there is an advantage after the limit, that is, it saves the awakening stage of the Devil Fruit.

But then, in order to perform such a technique, his body must have enough Chakra support.

13. Chapter Thirteen, Daily Life of Master and Apprentice]

No words for a night.

The next day, when Ye Dou walked out of the wooden house, Metkay jumped out of the tree.

His teeth, which he washes with Colgate every day, are still shiny, and the concave shape is still strange, like a kappa, but never knows it.

"Yedou, let us start today's youth journey together!"

After seeing Night Fight, Metkai clenched his fists and roared passionately.

Ye Dou stayed silent, put on the heavy props in silence, and started daily morning jogs in the direction of the village.

This set of weight-bearing props was given to Ye Dou yesterday by Metkay. Although it is not as effective as gravity suppressing the whole body, Metkay is worthy of being a master of physical skills. This load-bearing ninja is very suitable for him and can also perform Good exercise effect.

Moreover, Ye Dou knows very well that for an elite like Maitkai Shangren, the village cannot let him idle for a long time.

It will not be long before Metkay is expected to be assigned to perform tasks, and the frequency of tasks will be very high.

So Ye Dou didn't worry that Metkai's existence would hinder him, he still had a lot of time to practice on his own.

The chickens are crying, the dogs are barking, and the fish in the river are frolicking.

On Konoha's streets, there were busy traffic and pedestrians hurried, showing a vibrant appearance.

Suddenly, a black-clad night fight shot out from the corner, and behind him was Metkay wearing a green leather tights. He was running, holding a trumpet and constantly roaring.

"Yedou, is your youth only this level? Run faster and use your sweat to defeat it..."

"Hurry up, have you seen the sun? Catch him, where is the end of our youth..."

Passers-by, businessmen, ninjas, and even cats and dogs stood by and watched.

Obviously, such a pair is quite eye-catching, and many people start to whisper to each other when they see it.

Even though he had already practiced the kung fu of ignoring passers-by, at this moment, with such a freak behind him, the corners of Ye Dou's mouth could not help but twitch, unable to look at others directly.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and continued to run forward, all as if the guy behind didn't know him.

After finishing the run, returning to the daily practice area, Ye Dou began to exercise his physique under the guidance of Metkay.

The more he listened and the more practiced, the more Ye Dou could discover that he still considered the practice too simple.

His previous exercise methods are too rough and inefficient as what Metkay is now talking about. The reason for such rapid progress in just two months is largely due to the fruits of gravity.

Different from the hands and feet of the weight-bearing props, the gravity suppression covers the entire body, and even the bones and internal organs will be strengthened.

Of course, although Metkay's exercise method is smart, it is also more cruel and difficult, which can make him feel tired and painful.

However, throughout the morning, although there was no expression on Ye Dou's face, his heart was extremely excited, and he strictly followed the physical exercise arranged by Metkay.

At noon, Metkay plunged into the forest, grabbed a lot of prey, and started to set up a fire to roast meat.

After the meal is over, the practice continues.

Metkay saw all this in his eyes, not only admired in his eyes, but also a little slapped tongue.

Thinking back to myself, even though I had worked very hard, it seemed to be a bit worse than Ye Dou.