95 Naruto: Endless Gravity Chapter 95

No matter how Taodi doesn't cut it, it's not.

After all, the other party didn’t write the Heaven-Defying Blood Succession Boundary like Lunyan! "Die by your sword hahahahaha"

No longer said with a big smile, "A kid like you, when I was attending graduation, I was tired of killing!"

"Alright, I'll use you to operate, the technique of water escape and mist concealment!"

With a roar, Taodi quickly sealed the seal without cutting it.In a short time, the surrounding environment changed drastically, and the thick fog was all around.It was like a layer of tulle, and his figure quickly disappeared in front of a few people.

"Come back to the night fight!"

Kakashi shouted again.

Although the technique of mist concealment is ninjutsu, it is very practical and can change the weather for a short time.Even in the hot summer, it can blow up heavy fog and obstruct the vision.

What's more, this is the country of waves, which is different from Konoha which is surrounded by mountains. There are seas everywhere here, and the water element is extremely abundant, which is conducive to the performance of the water escape ninja.

"Eight Places"

"Throat, spine, lungs"

"Liver, Artery, Subclavian Artery"

"Kidney, heart, where do you want me to start"

In the thick fog, the people in Class 7 could not see their fingers, they could only protect Darzna firmly, and did not dare to act rashly.

Hidden in the dense fog, Peach Land will not cut this very well.The faint voice is constantly ringing, torturing the enemy's nerves, creating pressure on them, looking for loopholes, and killing with one blow.

The technique of mist hiding is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that Taodi will not cut this person again.

This person is extremely murderous.He has slaughtered all his classmates in the stool of his teenage years.After entering the Anbu, he also performs assassination missions.

He is extremely proficient in killing, and is extremely good at hiding, creating fear, and killing his opponent with one blow.

Ye Dou didn't act rashly, and firmly grasped the handle of the knife with both hands, and his attention was raised to the extreme, always paying attention to the surrounding environment.

"Good vigilance."

"But, it's over!"

The sound of no more slashing, illusory, he is always moving, but he does not show a trace, making it impossible to determine his location.

Finally, he stopped waiting, and his voice went from far to near, and appeared behind Ye Dou in the blink of an eye.

The mongoose hurriedly shouted, "Ye Dou, Hou Ye Dou didn't hesitate, immediately turned around and slashed Clang with a backhand! Blocked! The air waves caused by the collision of the two knives, even the surrounding fog blows away, and it will not be cut again. Figure.


He was very surprised, his own slaying sword, he failed to kill the little demon in front of him.

Moreover, a horrible force came from the hilt of the decapitating sword. In terms of physical strength, he was not the opponent of the imp in front of him. How could it be possible that even if he only waved the knife with one hand, the other hand needed to maintain the fog hiding technique, but , The opponent's knife was also cut out with one hand.

Who is he called "ghost man"

Never again

Zhan is the second and second master of the beheading sword, ranking among the seven of the seven ninja swords, and has assassinated three generations of water shadows.Although he failed, he managed to escape.

The other party is just a student who just graduated from Ninja School.What is going on in this world? Is Konoha's Xiajin so terrible? The terrifying power is still being transmitted through the beheading sword, even if he has exhausted all his strength, arm The blue veins have already appeared, but they still can't stop him from being forced to back down.

While thinking about it, the little devil in front of him suddenly regained his strength, and dodged the beheading knife, and slapped himself with a palm.

Boom! If you don't cut or resist, he will use his strength to retreat, keep a distance from the enemy, and look for opportunities to start again.

Who knows, Konoha's little devil seemed to know his position, and once again picked up the knife and slashed over.

If you don't cut it any more, you can only raise the knife to resist, once again retreat, and again distance the two people from each other.

However, the other party seemed to be able to see him, catching up with him time after time, and slashing at him with one knife without mercy.

Clang! Clang! Clang! The sound of intertwined steel is endless.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, who had been guarding Dazna, also wanted to participate in the battle.

However, the fog here is too thick, and it will continue to be no longer cut: the technique of maintaining the fog has not been cancelled, and they dare not move.

"Well what is that"

The big sword that didn't cut it again collided with Ye Dou's Shinobi, and Naruto Uzumaki followed the sound and saw a trace of abnormality through the thick fog.

Both Uchiha Sasuke and Kakashi looked over at the same time, and they saw a bright emerald green.

Moreover, the emerald green color is like alive, constantly moving, and after each movement, the sound of sword collision and sparks will soon be heard.

"Could it be"

"Damn, you can see where I am!"

Being chased and chopped by a little devil, he can't rest without being angry, and I don't understand why the other party can accurately identify his position.

Is it the ability to perceive or has the blood line limit similar to white eyes "it is phosphor!"

Ye Dou's backhand slashed out again, calmly saying, "You can't escape!"

Kakashi secretly said as expected.

I saw the maturity of this student in my class by a higher percentage.

The country of Nami lives by the sea, and the land area only accounts for 30% of the country.Therefore, the territory of Nami country is perennially filled with fog.Only when the sun is strongest, the fog will be dispersed.

This is too unfavorable for Konoha ninjas who are unfamiliar with fighting in the fog, have weak perception ability, and do not have the blood heir of the eye.

Phosphor powder, although he can't let it: he clearly sees the enemy's position, but as long as he chased the bright green and chopped it, it must be right.

"Damn it, you know the wicked kid playing clever."

Without screaming, he looked down and found that the abdomen that had just been slapped had a bright green.

Seeing that the eyes of Kakashi and others had been locked on this side, he immediately fended off Ye Dou's knife and dived directly into the water to wash off the phosphor on his body.

Puff! He dived into the water without cutting it, and stayed underwater: it took a while before he regained his head.

"The technique of water escape and mist hiding!"

Soon, he once again formed the seal of the technique of mist hiding, thinking that there must be no problem this time.

With this thought in mind, he once again mixed into the fog, preparing to assassinate the seventh class.