236 Naruto: Endless Gravity Chapter 236

After a while, the amethyst was condensed and completed, but it was different from the previous ten battles on the scale.At this moment, it is the same size as the heart, and it is fixed on his right chest, reflecting each other's heart.

Moreover, Ye Dou could clearly feel that it was transforming his body, and every cell in the inner body gradually became stronger, making his body closer to nature.

"A magical feeling, I can feel that even if I am not in Victor's state, at this moment, I can still promote the natural energy for my use."

Ye Dou squeezed his fists and was attentive.

At this moment, he really became the immortal in Bo Feng Shuimen's mind, and he was a perfect and flawless natural immortal, and he would not appear like Chongwu..., if the natural energy is absorbed too much, he will run away because, after fusing the dragon vein core , Even Damai must respect him as the master.

"You have successfully absorbed the core. According to the agreement, our transaction has been concluded. The remaining 10%: the energy is also yours. I look forward to seeing you next time.

After the words fell, the solemn aura of the mongoose disappeared, changed, and returned to the state of inattention.

It shook its head sharply, as if it had just woke up, "Did you succeed in the night fight? Um, what is this?

What a ghost place, eighteen layers of hell, is it time for you to fight"

The environment at this moment is indeed comparable to Sun Luo Hell.

Except for that part of the dragon vein energy that is emitting a purple light, it is dark all around, and the rocks are already hot and constantly emitting heat.

"It's time to leave."

Ye Dou ignored him, sucked the remaining energy of the dragon veins into his body with a big mouth, and then rose into the sky.

the other side.

At this moment, the Bofeng Water Gate has been sealed.

He was a little lucky at the moment, but fortunately, he learned the sealing technique from Uzumaki Kushina.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have a solution.

"I'm sorry, from now on, you will sleep with the dragon veins here. For the Ninja World, your power is too dangerous!"

Hafeng Mizumen held a specially made kunai, inserted the seal of the eyes, and made a time and space ninjutsu inside, and if he wanted to be imprisoned by night fighting.

After doing all this, he turned his head to look at the unconscious Hyuga Kahuo, "The next step is to send you back, but before that, I hope to erase your amnestics first."

Although Bo Feng Shuimen can accept and understand things like time and space, after all, his skill at flying thunder god is a time and space ninjutsu.

However, he hadn't encountered this kind of thing before, and he didn't know what the consequences would be.In order to ensure the integrity of history, he decided to erase all memories of traveling through time and space.

Suddenly, just as he was about to do it, there was a sudden violent fluctuation under the seal.

It was Ye Dou, he was rushing to the ground from deep underground at high speed.

"He, he, me, he feels a sense of intimacy."

Sara seemed to be aware of it, her eyes widened unbelievably.

Today, she can clearly feel that Ye Dou has an aura that makes her feel at ease, making her want to approach him.

This feeling is very familiar to her, as if engraved in the blood, connecting them Queen Loulan's vein and dragon vein! "It means that he has already absorbed the dragon veins"

Bo Feng Shuimen's expression became more solemn, "This makes it even more impossible to let: what are you out of here?"

The words were not finished yet! Bo Feng Shuimen saw that his double seal was disappearing.

This is not because the other party is sucking his own technique into the body.This is different from Baizu's method.The other party is much more violent and direct, absorbing the energy of the seal and destroying the seal from the root.

"Don't think about it."

Hafeng Shuimen dodges her body to hold kunai, to consolidate the sealing technique.

However, Ye Dou absorbed too quickly, and when he re-solidified the seal, Ye Dou had already broken the seal.

At the same time, his appearance has also changed drastically, and his long, crystal-clear hair, which is as fluorescent, recedes like a tide, and has changed back to its original appearance.

"you you"

"The changes in Loulan over the past six years have attracted the attention of others. Soon, this place will be involved in war. Leave here and take your people with you!"

Ye Dou turned around and said to Sara.

Not only did Sara feel cordial in him, even he himself, because of the fusion of the core of the dragon vein, has inextricably linked with Loulan's queen.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

211. Chapter 207, Back to the Future]

"Flower, Neji"

At the Loulan ruins, the dragon veins have gone violently, as if an energy storm swept the world.

Seeing the figures of Hyuga Neji and Hyuga Kanazawa being swallowed, Inuzuka Toa, Tian Tian waited for Konoha to yell heartily.

Time is really an unpredictable thing, and a day has passed over there.

But here, it was just a blink of an eye! "Calm down, since Iori Yetou dared to enter, they may not be in trouble.


I Gaara drank, using sand to protect everyone back.

However, even though I said that, Gaara didn't have the confidence in my heart.

This energy storm is really too huge, it is almost like a tornado, and they dare not approach it at all.

"I Gaara is right, even if you can't do anything in the past, you will only lose your lives in vain."

Kankuro also comforted.

But in his heart, he actually wished Ye Dou where they all died.

Such men are too dangerous, even their dark parts of Shinobu cannot resist, and they are almost destroyed by the slain group.

"Damn it, listen to them, let's leave here first."

Seeing that this energy storm didn't mean to stop at all, Inuzukaya acted as the temporary captain, with the wounded Yamanaka Ino, Li Luoke, and Qiu Daoding leaving.

However, at this moment, the riot of Dragon Vessel stopped, and the terrible fluctuations no longer spread.

To be precise, this is not because the dragon veins are quiet, but this energy storm, all being sucked into the body by one person.

This person, of course, Ye Dou, after breaking through the seal left by the Bo Feng Shui Gate, he killed the unwilling Hundred Foot on the spot and returned to the original timeline.

"You are Iori Yedou!"