358 Naruto: Endless Gravity Chapter 358

The spring water is very clean, and you can clearly see everything around you when you open your eyes.

However, this is only the first level, and Ye Dou knows that all this is just the surface.If it goes further, the appearance of the surroundings will change greatly, and there will be danger waiting for them.

In fact, when they followed all the way downstream, it didn't take long for them to cross a layer of membrane and enter another new world.

There is no water here, and the magnetic field is different from that of the earth's surface, surrounded by bubbles and round rocks, just like a model of a planet.

These bubbles are weird, there is a substance that makes people hallucinate, and can draw people into the world of illusion.

"If tomorrow is the end of the world, who do you want to be with the most"

In a daze, Yatou returned to Konoha's Ninja School.

In front of him was Umino Iluka.He stood on the podium chatting with the students, and said a topic that the students in the audience would dare to be interested in.

"For example, the moon fell or something."

"If the world is at the end of the day, I hope it is not the moon that will fall, but roast meat!


There was a burst of laughter in the classroom, and many students were amused by Qiu Dao Dingci's remarks.

Ye Dou stood at the end of the classroom, watching all this silently.

This illusion, unlike the one he had encountered before, can drag him into the vortex of memory and wander forever.

In other words, this scene has happened before.

"Yedou, if tomorrow is the end of the world, what do you want to do."

Suddenly, a girl in front of him started a errand. It was a childhood Hyuga Flower Fire. She seemed to think of romantic things and asked expectantly.

"I will kill you first."

The boy being questioned gave her a cold look, which made Hyuga Kahuo almost cry.

"You guy has always been so difficult to get along with since childhood."

The mongoose grinned straight at it.

Not to mention it, even if Ye Dou himself saw the past scene again, it was a moment of dumbness.

However, at the time, he really only regarded Hyuga Hanako as a troublesome follower, and the scene changed again, and the scenes that happened in the past were recurring.

Outside the illusion world, Hyuga Neji had already woken up.

"Wake up, every day"

"What's wrong with me"

Open your eyes every day, it happens that everyone is around you, looking at yourself.

"We are all in illusion."

Yuzina replied.

"Where's the illusion fireworks with that guy"

Tiantian froze for a moment, turned his head and looked, but found that the two of them did not seem to have awakened.

"Who knows."

Nara Shikamaru's tone was inexplicable, and he also had an illusion, so he knew what kind of illusion it was, "Let's go and wake them up."

No need! When they approached, Ye Dou opened his eyes at the right time and broke away from the illusion world.

"Let's go, since you have encountered a trap, you are not far from your destination."

To read the novel without underline, please download Fei Lu Xiao

324. Chapter Three Hundred and Sixteenth, Hamura Destiny]

At the same time, he was dining with Hinata Hinata on the moon in the palace where the Otsuki Sheren lived, served by a group of puppet servants.

At this time, Datongmushe was in a good mood.After the resistance at the beginning, his wife, Hyuga Hinata, finally stopped resisting and agreed to marry him and want to become his wife.

For Datongmushe people, this may be the happiest few days since he was born.

However, Hyuga Hinata didn't think so.At first, she just wanted to regain her sister's eyes, and then she was thinking of a way to leave.

But what she didn't expect was that she found a very shocking news in a period of time.

Her current location is actually on the moon, and the Datongmushe people are preparing to use the huge reincarnation eye of the Hyuga clan to push the moon into the earth.

Hyuga Hinata couldn't imagine what a terrible disaster the moon would collide with the earth, because the term "human beings" can no longer describe.

This is a calamity that even all things will be extinct! Today, she just wants to find the huge reincarnation eye of the...Hyuga clan's secret treasure, and then destroy it to resolve the crisis of the planet's extinction.

"Someone dines together, and it feels really good."

At the dining table, the corners of the mouths of the people from Datongmushe raised slightly, smiling from the heart.

The ancestor's will is about to be completed by him, and the wedding of his dream is about to be held.At this moment, he feels that his life is complete and he can't covet more.

"Huge reincarnation eye, what is it?"

Hyuga Hinata couldn't make a laugh, hesitated for a moment, she didn't hold back, and asked the doubt in her heart.

"Don't worry about Hinata, when we get married, I will take you there, uh"

Before he finished speaking, the Datong Mushe people suddenly covered his eyes in pain.

This is the fetal movement of the eyeballs when the white eyes evolve into reincarnated eyes.Each burst will make him extremely painful, and the more the pain goes back, the more intense the pain.

"what happened"

Hyuga Hinata asked with concern.

"I'm fine, it's just the fetal movement that came out of the evolution when I rolled my eyes"

There was cold sweat on the forehead of the Datongmushe people, which seemed extremely painful.

However, such fetal movement is not fatal, it will only make people feel painful.He has experienced it several times before, and it will subside after a while.

Looking at his eyes, Hyuga Hinata hesitated for a while, wanting to snatch his sister's eyes back immediately, but was worried about failure, and there was no chance afterwards.

Datongmusheren noticed her strangeness, thought he was caring, smiled hard, and said, "I'm sorry, Hinata, I know that your relationship with your sister is very good, but this is all to fulfill the destiny of the ancestor Yumura."