Chapter 76: 74: Akatsuki

Name:Naruto: Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 76: 74: Akatsuki

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Konoha, Year 40, April.

Mount Myōboku

This place was characterized by towering trees, unbelievably large stone statues, and colossal mushrooms. The air was filled with the continuous sounds of frogs and insects, giving it an invigorating sense of vitality.

"Minato, I'm going to share some insights about sage mode with you," declared Fukasaku, one of the two great sages of Mount Myōboku, to the blond young man seated before him.

This young man was Namikaze Minato, a Konoha ninja and a disciple of Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin. As part of his contract with Mount Myōboku, he had the option to practice sage moe, which were more powerful than regular ninjutsu.

Minato had long desired the secrets of sage mode, so when he heard Fukasaku speak, he took it with the utmost seriousness.


"Sage mode, in essence, involve blending your chakra with the natural energy absorbed from the environment. This forms a distinct chakra system for sage mode. Once mastered, these arts can enhance your genjutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu several-fold, even tenfold or more. You're familiar with natural energy, right?"

"Yes, my sensei, Jiraiya, has already educated me on natural energy," replied Minato.

"That's good. To practice sage mode, you'll need to learn to sense natural energy. However, don't underestimate this ability. Some individuals struggle to reach the first stage of natural energy perception even after a decade or more. For humans, sensing natural energy is an difficult task."

Fukasaku acknowledged Minato's exceptional talent, but he was aware that over 95% of humans who sought Sage moe at Mount Myōboku throughout history had failed.

"So, this is to say Fukasaku-sama, mastering Sage mode is both challenging and demanding?" Minato inquired.

"Exactly. That's why humans who come to Mount Myōboku to practice sage mode often receive some aid. This, for instance, is toad oil. Applying it to your body will heighten your ability to sense natural energy," Fukasaku explained, gesturing towards a nearby pool of oil.

"I understand."

Minato eagerly anticipated beginning his journey into the practice of sage art.

"By the way, Fukasaku-sama, where is Jiraiya-sensei? I haven't seen anyone else since I arrived," Minato inquired, recollecting his mentor's whereabouts.

"Jiraiya? He went to see the Toad Sage."

Fukasaku responded to Minato's question.

Jiraiya, despite having trained in sage mode for many years, was still in the initial stages, capable of only sensing natural energy. Even at this stage, his perception of natural energy was inconsistent.

To be frank, Fukasaku was considering giving up on Jiraiya, as he viewed him as a less capable disciple due to his lackluster progress and limited talent. Fortunately, he had taken on a more gifted pupil in Minato. Fukasaku believed that with Minato's aptitude, the odds of successfully mastering sage mode would be significantly higher than with Master Jiraiya.

Moreover, Minato was a dedicated individual, unlikely to lose focus on crucial training.

"Is it the Great Toad Sage?" Minato looked at the imposing structure in the distance.

His mentor, Jiraiya, was also there, conversing with the Great Toad Sage, the ruler of Mount Myōboku

"A few years ago, the Toad Sage made a prophecy about the future of the ninja world. Although Jiraiya appeared confident at the time, he has grown quite impatient recently," Fukasaku divulged.

The prophecy concerned a significant event involving the entire ninja world, and Konoha could not escape its repercussions. For Jiraiya, Konoha was a village more valuable than his own life and was in need of protection. He was resolute in preventing that bleak future from becoming a reality.

Fukasaku, who had lived for nearly a thousand years, remained well-informed about global matters.

Wisely, Minato refrained from inquiring about the prophecy. It was too early for him to be privy to such information. Even if he asked, Fukasaku might not necessarily divulge it.

For the moment, Minato's purpose in coming to Mount Myōboku was to make contact with the first stage of Sage mode, in preparation for mastering perfect Sage mode in the future.


The Land of Rain.

Rain poured like a river, masking the world's turmoil.

A group of individuals trudged through the curtain of rain, their ears filled only with the ceaseless downpour and the icy chill it brought.

They passed by a long-abandoned village, where lifeless forms lay strewn along the road. Men, women, elderly, and children, all abandoned, either starving or frozen.

Thin, emaciated wild dogs had gathered around, nibbling at the corpses, only to whine softly and slump over.

Who had destroyed this village and why?

The truth had long faded into obscurity, as in the Land of Rain, such cruelties unfolded with tragic regularity.

It could have been passing shinobi from a major nation, wandering mercenaries, or common bandits. The possibilities were numerous.

Investigations into the truth often yielded nothing more than these frustratingly vague answers.

"No matter how you look at it, this place seems like a living hell," one among them commented.

As they journeyed through various locales within the country, the prevailing impression was that of a beleaguered economy, internal strife, rampant lawlessness, and a populace displaced and disheartened.

Desperation. Cries. Pain. Sorrow.

Like an unstoppable virus, these afflictions ravaged the land, ruthlessly harvesting lives.

"There's no way. Even after six or seven years of war, a small country like this can't seem to recover... In fact, the chaos has has not diminished at all" another person observed.

"The 'little guy' oppressed beneath the might of larger nations, laid bare and defenseless," a third person added with a wistful smile.

Many years ago, they, too, had been natives of this country.

Truth be told, even as former inhabitants of this land, they loathed it and its systemic flaws.

Here, conflict, strife, theft, and death played out daily.

"By the way, what are the objectives that brought us here?" one of them inquired.

"Akatsuki," another answered.

"Ah, the budding organization that's been making waves lately in the Land of Rain. I hear they seek to liberate this land and bring genuine peace," one of them remarked with admiration.

"They may be naive newcomers, but they're young people with lofty dreams. They underestimate the brutality of the ninja world, but regardless, their determination is commendable, and their dreams are noble. The leader has instructed us to integrate Akatsuki into our organization," their leader stated.

The leader, though not bearing a forehead protector, possessed piercing eyes that could see beyond the rain's veil, and he had spotted their whoever they were looking for not far ahead.

They continued onward, traversing the forsaken village, which resembled a purgatory on Earth, and ascended towards the barren mountaintop using a path hewn into the mountainside.

Hooded figures, their heads cloaked in straw-hats to shield against the rain and wind, marched forward, their eyes the only exposed features.

"I've located them," their leader confirmed.

"Let's hurry and complete the mission. The organization is in dire need of fresh recruits. After Akatsuki, there are others to recruit," he declared.

Upon reaching the mountainside, they discovered a cave where several figures had gathered, taking refuge from the relentless rain.

As determined as their resolve was, Yahiko and the others were resolute in their rejection. "As appealing as your offer sounds, we must decline. We will not abandon our homeland."

"It's not a matter of abandoning the Land of Rain. It's about joining our organization to acquire advanced knowledge and critical perspectives. Later, you can return to this impoverished country and effect change with the skills you've learned," Bug Man explained.

"It amounts to the same thing—abandonment. Our country needs us now more than ever, and we won't leave," Yahiko asserted firmly, keeping his gaze locked on Bug Man.

After a minute of tense silence, Bug Man sighed and gave a wry smile. "Very well, everyone has their own aspirations, and we won't force you. Consider these as a token of goodwill."

With that, he produced a scroll and placed it on the ground.

"What's this?" Yahiko inquired.

"It contains provisions and winter supplies. I understand you might be reluctant to accept charity from others, but remember, this isn't charity. It's not drawn from our organization's funds; it's my personal contribution to your cause."

Yahiko looked at Bug Man in astonishment.

Bug Man peered at the rainstorm outside and sighed. "I was once a citizen of this country, but I also belong to the organization. I can't afford to be sentimental. This isn't charity; it's simply a gift to my homeland, a small token of appreciation."

The expressions of Yahiko and his companions shifted slightly.

Yahiko stepped forward, suggesting, "If that's the case, Akira, join us, and let's change this country together."

His words prompted the four other figures, including Bug Man, to look at Yahiko with eyes that conveyed rejection.

After a moment of contemplation, Bug Man stated, "Your ideals are admirable, but I'm skeptical of your ability to change this country. You haven't grasped the heart of the matter yet... Let's leave it here. We have other tasks to attend to."

With that, Bug Man turned to depart.

"Hold on!" Yahiko stopped him.

"What else do you need?" Bug Man inquired.

"Who is your leader?" Yahiko inquired earnestly.

Bug Man paused, offering a smile as he replied, "I can't reveal the real name. If you ever meet our leader, just address him as 'Doctor.'"

Having said this, he left with his four companions, leaving behind a group of bewildered Akatsuki members.

Doctor? Who could that be? In the ninja world, there was no record of such a figure.

"A code name, perhaps?" Yahiko mused, stroking his chin.

Evidently, this wasn't a personal name; it was likely an alias within their organization.

Yahiko reached for the scroll that Insect Man had left behind, and the rest of Akatsuki looked on with curiosity.

Yahiko unrolled the scroll and examined its contents for any traps before deciphering the technique inscribed upon it.

Within, they discovered several heavy wooden crates securely sealed.

Upon opening one, they were stunned by the abundance of provisions inside, and they couldn't help but salivate.

The crates contained not only food but also an array of medicines and advanced ninja tools.

For the members of Akatsuki, this is undoubtedly a timely help.

"Yahiko-san, how should we distribute these?" one asked.

"We'll take a portion for ourselves and distribute the rest to those who can't afford food," Yahiko decided.

While they coveted the provisions, there were many others in dire need of these supplies to survive the year.

The others readily agreed. They were accustomed to hardship and had considered leaving their country to seek more stable employment elsewhere, but their love for their homeland and their desire for change kept them rooted here.

After parting ways with Akatsuki, the five descended the mountainside along the ring road.

They maintained a silence, silently ruminating on their failed recruitment efforts. Although they had expected that Akatsuki would likely decline, a sense of regret still lingered.

They, too, harbored dreams of transforming the country, but they understood that idealism alone couldn't achieve such a monumental task. Moreover, their cause required more than just peace; it necessitated development. Akatsuki's power, as it stood, was insufficient.

They could only hope that reality would impart this lesson to Akatsuki.

"We've provided most of the supplies to the people of the Land of Rain," one of them remarked.

"Yes, temporary charity won't bring about any lasting change. After this year, what will they do next year? They haven't yet grasped the true nature of the challenge... But let's leave it at that. We have other duties to attend to," Bug Man said with a sigh.

The group continued along the road, their conversation flowing in tandem with their steps.

Suddenly, one of them halted, extended a fist, and struck the rock wall with impressive speed. From the wall, a peculiar humanoid creature seemingly coated in white paint was forcibly pulled. It emerged with a pained groan as it struggled against the vice-like grip of the ninja.

" found me..." the white humanoid began, its voice cut off as the ninja clenched its throat, swiftly ending its life.

"What's this?"

"Who knows? They've been surveilling us... or rather, they're enemies of Akatsuki?" The ninja who had extracted the strange humanoid from the rock wall wasn't entirely sure of its identity.

"It doesn't resemble a typical human. Could it be a modified human? It bears some resemblance to the doctor's modified creatures, but its life force seems significantly stronger than that of ordinary humans, and it lingers even after death..." Bug Man squatted down, eyeing the peculiar creature thoughtfully.

"Take it with us. The doctor may find this unusual creature that appears to have undergone human transformation quite intriguing," Bug Man suggested.

The other four concurred with his suggestion.

At that moment, the ground ahead of them began to bulge. From the soil emerged what seemed to be a human head, with eyes resembling black holes. Within those hollow eyes shimmered a pale golden light, not overly bright.

The creature's mouth appeared sticky and was composed of mud, emitting a deep, resonant voice.

As the five observed this even more bizarre clay-like entity, they knelt down on one knee and saluted it, displaying no fear.

The creature's exposed head was but a fraction of its entirety.

Bug Man greeted the clay figure with a smile and inquired, "It's been a while, General Tu. Has the doctor issued any new orders?"


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