Chapter 82: 80: Hunting the Byakugan

Name:Naruto: Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 82: 80: Hunting the Byakugan

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Ninja Academy.

Tsunade, who was organizing lesson plans in her office, recognized the approaching footsteps and the person without needing to guess.

"Boy, you're a bit late today... What's wrong with your face? You look terrible," Tsunade remarked as she turned to see Shiraishi's pale face and his almost weak-like body. She couldn't help being startled, and quickly asked him what happened.

"I had a upset stomach after dinner yesterday" Shiraishi fabricated without hesitation.

"Upset stomach doesn't usually look this bad," Tsunade sighed. She walked over, patted Shiraishi on the shoulder, and continued

"I understand that young men and women living under the same roof might have their moments, especially since you're all teenagers. But you're a medical ninja, and you should know that a ninja's body has limits, so please exercise some restraint."

"...," Shiraishi remained silent.

"By the way, have you taken precautions? Don't make the girl end up pregnant before you get married," Tsunade leaned close to Shiraishi's ear, and whispered to him, as if he was afraid that someone around would eavesdrop.

However, Shiraishi could see the mischievous glint in Tsunade's eyes.

"Don't worry, Tsunade-sensei, I'm perfectly healthy."

"Does that mean you still did it?"

"... If you spread rumors, I'll report you to Lord Hokage."

"You really have no sense of humor, kid."

"My sense of humor isn't the issue here."

Seeing Shiraishi's exhausted expression, Tsunade grew bored.

"Anyway, are you sure you're okay like this? Would you like to rest here for a while?"

Shiraishi's current condition did worry her; he might suddenly collapse while working.

"Thank you for your concern, but it's not a big problem. I'll head to the classroom later."

After some thought, Shiraishi believed Tsunade's concern was warranted. The Sharingan he encountered yesterday after using the spiritual transformation technique still haunted him. The aftereffects of the illusion made him feel weak this morning.

"In that case, at least rest here and don't overexert yourself."

Tsunade refrained from asking what Shiraishi had done to end up in this condition. She understood that everyone had secrets they preferred not to share, including herself.

Watching Tsunade leave, Shiraishi was alone in the office. Due to his physical exhaustion, he reclined on the chair, closed his eyes, and allowed his mind to wander.

After about half an hour, he felt considerably better than when he had first arrived. Slowly, he got up from the chair and headed towards the experimental class for training medical ninjas.

After the experimental class concluded, Shiraishi and Tsunade exchanged greetings before heading outside the academy. At the school gates, Shiraishi spotted Ruri waiting.

Wearing her form-fitting black ninja attire that showcased her figure, she looked pleasant standing there. Shiraishi recognized her at once.

"Ruri, why are you here?" Shiraishi approached, a little puzzled.

"Just passing by," Ruri replied with a glance at Shiraishi's pale face, her tone remaining steady.

"It's quite a way to pass by. Did you leave work early today?" Shiraishi inquired.

"I arranged for someone else to cover for me," Ruri replied, then retrieved a thermos cup from her bag and handed it to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi caught the thermos cup, unscrewed the lid, and found it filled with clean, hot water. New novel chapters are published on

"Thanks, I was feeling thirsty," Shiraishi said.

"Don't think too much of it; I just happened to have it on me," Ruri replied, explaining her gesture.

Hearing her explanation, Shiraishi just smiled understandingly.

After taking a sip of hot water, Shiraishi asked Ruri, "Do you want to walk back together now?"

He knew that Ruri was waiting for him at the academy gate because she was concerned about his safety. It warmed his heart, even if she might find it difficult to openly express her concern.

However, Shiraishi might have guessed right; Ruri was not always forthcoming with her emotions. Ayane, for instance, she would probably be serious, pretending to be innocent and saying some unexpected provocative words.

"Yeah," Ruri agreed.

She was genuinely concerned for Shiraishi's well-being. He didn't look well at all, and safety was not guaranteed even within the village.

She had been waiting there for him for nearly two hours, ever since Shiraishi had arrived at the academy for work.

As they walked together, Ruri recalled something and spoke softly, "By the way, I spent the day at the police checking through the information on each clan member, but no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find anyone with a stronger Sharingan pupil power than mine, as you mentioned."

This statement wasn't a matter of boasting for Ruri. She genuinely possessed superior knowledge of Sharingan compared to most Uchiha members.

Leaving Sharingan aside, her taijutsu, ninjutsu, and genjutsu skills were top-notch. Her taijutsu and ninjutsu, in particular, were exceptional, with genjutsu being the only area where she slightly lagged behind.

The idea of identifying a Sharingan wielder significantly more potent than herself left Ruri stumped, even after thoroughly examining the personnel records of the security force.

"If you couldn't find them, don't push it. I don't think the mastermind is necessarily hiding within the village," Shiraishi commented.

"Not within the village?"

Ruri found Shiraishi's words somewhat confusing.

"What's your opinion of Sakumo-sensei's strength?" she asked.

Shiraishi didn't respond directly.

"He is stronger than me"

"What about the specific difference in strength?" Shiraishi inquired.

"If I fought to the death, there's a high chance I'd lose, and Sakumo-sensei would be severely injured," Ruri admitted. Ruri wasn't overestimating herself; her abilities had genuinely reached a high level.

With their hands tightly clasped, they exchanged warmth through their skin. Shiraishi could feel the heat radiating from Ruri's body.

Holding her hand, he led her towards the village's lively center, where the night was beginning to come alive.

Shiraishi clearly saw the obvious happy smile on Ruri's face.

At that moment, a sense of guilt welled up within him. In his mind, there might be another woman, another "partner." But for today, he belonged to Ruri. The guilt faded as he comforted himself with this thought.


The next day.

Shiraishi came down with a cold. He realized he had caught it after returning home late the previous night.

He slept on the floor, covered with a quilt, feeling groggy and cold. Ruri, dressed casually at home and not in her black ninja attire, knelt beside him, scolding him with an almost disgusted tone.

"You kept saying you were fine yesterday, and now look what's happened. Your physical condition has really deteriorated," Ruri scolded.

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this. This is my first cold..." Shiraishi admitted with a touch of embarrassment.

He realized that forcing himself so much the night before had been a mistake. But in that situation, if he had returned without doing anything, he would have regretted it even more.

Seeing Ruri taking such good care of him, he felt both embarrassed and grateful. Even if he had caught a cold today, it didn't seem like such a bad thing.

"I've already sent someone to inform Tsunade, and she said you can rest at home today. I'll take care of you," Ruri said as she stood up to fetch something from the cabinet.

"Sorry to trouble you. But I don't think it's that serious. I still have work in the afternoon..." Shiraishi began.

"Stay home and rest today. Do I need to say it a third time?" Ruri's voice was stern.

Shiraishi, trembling slightly, didn't dare to argue further. Ruri retrieved a medicine bottle from the cabinet, took out a few pills, and prepared a cup of hot water.

"This is a cold medicine that hasn't officially hit the pharmaceutical market. I didn't expect you to become its first user after developing it. How does it feel to take your own medicine?" she asked.

"I'd rather not pass judgment if I can help it," Shiraishi replied with a chuckle as he accepted the cold medicine.

The Land of Waves stretched out towards the Sea of the Land of Fire. A small boat cut through the waves, drawing closer to the coastal port of the Land of Fire.

On this boat were four individuals, all ninja from Konoha Village. The team was under the leadership of a Konoha ninja in a Jōnin uniform, while the other three members wore Chunin uniforms.

This team, led by a Jōnin and comprised of three Chunin, was considered an elite unit, even by the standards of Konoha Village.

In many teams, it was common to have one top-level ninja paired with three lower-level ones or a mix of high, middle, and low-ranking ninja.

Their mission had taken them to the neighboring country to dismantle an illegal rogue ninja organization. This was a familiar scenario for Konoha, as even after the Ninja World War, smaller countries lacking ninja power were often targeted by wandering ninja groups.

These rogue ninja fell into two categories: those who had stumbled into the life of a ninja by chance, and those who rebelled against the system and engaged in illegal, profit-driven activities.

Larger nations like Konoha didn't pay much attention to these groups, but smaller, weaker nations struggled to deal with them. Konoha had dispatched an elite team consisting of one Jōnin and three Chunin to deal with this wandering ninja organization.

After a fierce battle, they successfully eradicated the threat, and now they were on their way back to the Land of Fire by boat.

At the bow of the boat, the team leader, sat with long black hair that cascaded down to his waist. He wore a forehead protector on his forehead, and his eyes were pure white. He was a Jonin from the Hyuga clan, named Hyuga Shingo. Even within the Hyuga branch family, he was known for his exceptional strength.

The waters of Land of Waves were perpetually shrouded in thick fog. Thus, Hyuga Shingo periodically opened his eyes to survey the surrounding sea, a precaution against any potential emergencies.

With his Byakugan vision, he could see five individuals approaching their boat from about two kilometers away. These individuals had very little Chakra, almost at the level of ordinary civilians, and they carried no weapons, only a small amount of money. Clearly, they were regular civilians traveling to the Land of Waves.

After a while, the boat carrying the five civilians drew near. Hyuga Shingo and the three Chunin merely gave them a cursory glance and then ignored them. However, as the civilian boat passed by, the five people suddenly accelerated towards them.

In a blur of motion, the three Konoha Chunin let out cries of pain as they were sent tumbling into the sea. They had lost track of the attackers.

Hyuga Shingo's expression changed dramatically. The scene before him shattered his perception of the world. Despite the attackers' low Chakra levels, their incredible speed and power were incomprehensible.

He jumped away from the boat, standing atop the undulating sea by channeling Chakra through the soles of his feet, readying himself with a gentle fist stance.

He could no longer concern himself with the fate of his three comrades. Among the five individuals surrounding him, none appeared to be ordinary.

Given their speed and strength, he couldn't confidently claim an advantage. He attempted to initiate a conversation to ascertain their identities and motivations.

"Who are you? Why did you attack ninjas of Konohagakure?"

However, the five individuals remained silent. Their bodies exuded strong hostility directed towards him. Their orders were simple: "Attack."

Hyuga Shingo found himself trapped within the enemy's formation. He didn't panic; his wealth of combat experience, Byakugan, and gentle fist techniques formed the basis of his confidence.

Yet, as the battle unfolded, he discovered that these five opponents possessed extraordinary strength. His acupuncture techniques were ineffective unless he could target their chest points.

These attackers didn't rely on Chakra for their incredible abilities; instead, they exhibited tremendous physical prowess. This type of enemy was a first in Hyuga Shingo's years of missions.

Frustration and concern gripped him. His gentle fist, which primarily targeted acupuncture points, had little impact on these enemies. Most of the Hyuga clan's techniques relied on gentle fists and acupuncture points, making them ill-suited to this type of foe.

He watched helplessly as his attacks failed to land, his enemy's strikes landing true. In a daring maneuver, one of the assailants punched him in the face, sending him flying. Two others moved in, attacking him as he fell.

Hyuga Shingo rolled on the sea's surface, swallowing the bitter taste of seawater mixed with blood. His rather el

egant image was destroyed, and despair arose in his heart.

"Who are you people...?"

He asked again unwillingly, wanting to know the identities of these five people and their reasons for attacking Konoha Ninja.

The five of them didn't say a word, and what lingered on the sea was absolute silence.


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