Chapter 89: 85: The Death of White Fang (1)

Name:Naruto: Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 89: 85: The Death of White Fang (1)

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As the afternoon approached, the unfavourable rumors about Sakumo had spread nearly every corner of the village, undergoing a morning's fermentation. They were now just a step away from becoming common knowledge.

Despite the Uchiha on the police force's efforts to quell these rumors, their limited numbers were no match for Konohagajure's vast population. It was now too late to apprehend people or stop the rumor.

Sakumo's residence was located in a relatively prosperous section of Konohagakure, not too close to the center of the village. It consisted of a small independent courtyard, bearing the inscription "Flag Wood" on the doorplate.

As Shiraishi and Ruri arrived, they found Kakashi standing at the door, appearing more silent than usual.

"Kakashi, is Sakumo-sensei at home?" Shiraishi inquired.

Kakashi, upon hearing his name, raised his head and, upon spotting Shiraishi and Ruri, nodded slightly to indicate that Sakumo was indeed at home.

Shiraishi and Ruri breathed a sigh of relief. Things would be more straightforward if Sakumo was home.

However, Kakashi seemed uncertain as he began to speak, "But, Father, he..."

Before Kakashi could complete his thought, Shiraishi interjected, "Take us to see him."

Shiraishi sighed, understanding that Kakashi was likely in a foul mood due to the circulating rumors.

Rumors had spread so widely that it was impossible for Kakashi not to be aware of them.

Kakashi led the way, guiding Shiraishi and Ruri into Hatake House.

The Banner House was a traditional Japanese-style structure, and the architecture bore a somewhat old-fashioned charm. Within moments, the trio reached the door of the room where Sakumo was residing.

Before they could even knock, a voice from inside declared, "Come in." It was evident that Sakumo, within, was already aware of their presence.

Shiraishi slid open the door and began, "Sakumo-sensei, we've come..."

However, as the door opened and they set eyes on Sakumo, both Shiraishi and Ruri fell silent, their expressions in daze.

"Sakumo-sensei, this is..."

Sakumo, sitting before them, wasn't as depressed as they had anticipated due to the rumors. Instead, he sat at the table, heartily consuming a large bowl of ramen, displaying a good appetite.

Upon seeing Shiraishi and Ruri's arrival, he calmly picked up a napkin, wiped his greasy mouth, and inquired of the two visitors, "Why are you two here?"



Shiraishi and Ruri exchanged bewildered glances, unsure how to respond to Sakumo's words.

They had arrived with the expectation of finding Sakumo disheartened by the rumors, but the reality was quite different.

"Sakumo-sensei, regarding the rumors outside..." Ruri finally stood and began.

"Have you come to inquire about such matters?" Sakumo interjected, seemingly not disturbed by the rumors. "This falls under the job of our security team's duties. I would appreciate it if Jonin Sakumo could provide some answers."

Ruri approached Sakumo, addressing him with utmost seriousness.

It was not a former team member inquiring; instead, she was speaking as the captain of the security team, tasked with a thorough investigation into the events.

Sakumo contemplated for a moment; since this was the work of the guard, there is no problem.

Thus, he readily described the events at that time briefly.

"This time, we were on a classified mission, but we encountered issues on the way. Considering my comrades were no longer fit to continue, I decided to abandon the mission and evacuate my team. Consequently, the mission was a failure."

Two days later, the rumors had intensified.

Increasing numbers of people were causing disturbances at the police force headquarters, and the cells were no longer sufficient.

These individuals hadn't committed crimes severe enough to warrant imprisonment in Konoha Prison, which was reserved for serious offenders. While they were spreading rumors, their actions didn't rise to the level of "severe punishment."

Sending them to Konoha Prison would undoubtedly provoke Anbu's intervention and unnecessary conflicts.

Ruri arrived at the police force's lobby early in the morning and was met with a scene of overcrowding. The noise resembled that of a bustling market, making the place almost unbearable.

"What's going on? Are there still so many people causing trouble?" Ruri asked, taking in the chaotic scene.

Two members of her police force saluted her as she entered. One of them reported, "Yes, Captain, there have been new rumors this morning, and the police force is now severely understaffed."

The police member wore a helpless smile as he spoke. He found it astonishing that a rumor could generate such chaos. In his eyes, it was the villagers who were overreacting and gossiping without understanding the situation, some even uttering offensive remarks that members of the police force found difficult to stomach. This was a clear divergence from the central issue.

Beating these people wasn't in line with protocol, and bringing them to the security team for discipline was hampered by a lack of space. Thus, the police force were facing a dilemma.

If these people were released, the rumors would only intensify. Retaining them would overcrowd the facilities, impacting the security team's operational efficiency.

As they spoke, the member smiled wryly. He couldn't believe that the situation had escalated to this point. In the end, this was a failed mission, but Sakumo Hatake was a renowned ninja, and over the years, he had become synonymous with intimidating the enemy on behalf of Konoha.

However, even someone like Sakumo was human, not a deity. The occasional mission failure was par for the course. After all, there was no indication from above that the mission's failure had resulted in significant consequences.

In this sense, even the so-called Sannin were no different. After all, the title referred to a group of defeated leaders.

However, how many dared to underestimate the Sannin?

In the eyes of the Uchiha in the police force, it was the villagers who were causing a ruckus, gossiping without understanding the situation, and even uttering offensive words that the police force found hard to tolerate. These actions deviated from the core issue.

While the police force possessed greater strength than the Anbu, they lacked the latter's authority and reputation within Konoha. When Anbu was deployed, it represented the will of the Hokage himself.

"Find some individuals who can utilize Earth Release and create additional temporary cells outside," Ruri instructed, her face cold.

"Yes," replied one of the police, who promptly went to secure those capable of using Earth Release and expanded the makeshift prison outside.

"Will this affect their well-being?" the remaining police inquired with concern.

Ruri let out a cold snort. "So what if it does? We are simply following the rules. Even if the Hokage were to intervene, I have a legitimate argument."

She had no sympathy for these individuals. They wouldn't die of starvation after missing a meal or two.

"Understood," the police concurred, aware that he merely needed to execute the squad leader's orders.

As Ruri had stated, these people wouldn't starve after a couple of meals.

"By the way, you mentioned there are new rumors?" Ruri inquired.

"Yes," the guard replied. "It's related to Sakumo. He supposedly abandoned his mission to save someone. The person he rescued is now accusing him of lacking foresight, being unfit to be a ninja, and subjecting Sakumo to criticism and humiliation."

Ruri's expression soured as she listened, realizing the implications of these new developments.

"Where is this person now?" she inquired.

"We couldn't locate them. By the time we arrived, they had 'disappeared,'" He explained.

Ruri was certain that this individual had been deliberately concealed.

"I see. You can return to your duties," Ruri instructed.

The police departed, leaving Ruri to contemplate the situation. She knew that the person in question was hiding deliberately.

"I wonder if Sakumo has brushed off these accusations?" she said thoughtfully.

When she had visited him two days ago, he had been enjoying ramen in a good mood, seemingly unaffected by the rumors circulating outside. It was reassuring, but the situation remained far from resolved.