Chapter 584

Name:Naruto Mall System Author:zongheng
(Chapter 150 Ye Han was arrested)

(Next volume, Advance City, the real leveling field is here)

A boat is gradually moving away from the Chambord Islands. The members on the boat are those of the Ye Han Xuetong Pirate Group. They are more or less colored with a lot of color on their bodies. They also fought with the navy before. Now, many crew members have received the news of Ye Han from Obama, and they are worried about Ye Han’s current safety.

“What should we do if the captain and the deputy captain are gone?”

“We are all too weak…”

“Captain Didn’t you say it? Let us wait. The captain will come back and take us into the new world at most a year later. The captain always talks and counts.”

“But this time the navy seems to be dispatched. Very powerful troops…”

“The big demon Ye Han Lord will definitely be fine!” Duolun, Ye Han’s first subordinate, although he loves money as his life, is against Ye Han’s loyalty is quite high.

Obama stepped up to start to talk and said: “The captain has given the order, so we will wait with peace of mind. Don’t be caught by the navy again. The captain will come a day and will definitely come back.”


looked at the wound on Sakaski’s left eye. All the navy were shocked when they saw this scene. Among the navy’s lieutenants, Saka was also known as a monster. Sky was actually injured. I don’t know how many big pirates from the New World had been caught. He was injured by a youngster here. Is this true?

Almost after seeing Sakaski’s injured split second, Huang Yuan turned into a golden light and appeared in front of Ye Han, kicking it against Ye Han’s chest.


“Crack!” Ye Han’s Ice-Style was kicked to pieces by Huang Ape Polusalino, and Ye Han couldn’t avoid being caught Huang Yuan kicked on his right arm, “Shoo!” Ye Han’s body flew out.

“Woo!” Ye Han couldn’t help letting out a scream, coughing up some blood in his mouth.

“Kacha!” I could clearly hear the fracture of his right arm, Ye Han’s forehead was sweating cold, and he clenched the teeth without saying a word, begging for mercy, begging for mercy in the ninja world is meaningless Ye Han had already prepared for the worst situation, but unfortunately his strength was still too poor. Even though he was obviously able to find Sakaski’s main body accurately, his attack was broken. Can’t do it.

As for winning, Ye Han didn’t have this extravagant desire. Compared with Sakarski, his current strength is not a hundred times different or almost the same. There are Huang Yuan and Karp here, so to speak. The most luxurious lineup in the Navy.

Ye Han just now dropped those cold ice on Sarkarski’s body. When the ice met the high-temperature magma, it immediately turned into steam. The steam can take away a lot of heat, and then add his own Domineering, barely able to cause damage to Sakarski’s defense, of course, the main credit is the Sharingan, if there is no Sharingan, attacking Sakarski’s other places will not cause much damage.

“Blind one of your eyes, it’s not a loss anymore.” Ye Han said with a smile on his face despite the pain and cold sweat. The Ice-Style just squeezed his last With a trace of strength, he doesn’t even have the strength to stand up now.

“Shoo!” Huang Yuan Polusalino once again turned into a golden light and appeared in front of Ye Han.

“Kacha!” Huang Yuan stepped on Ye Han’s leg with one foot, “Kacha——!” That crisp fracture sound made the surrounding navy tremble with fear, Ye Han’s current appearance It’s just a child. Lieutenant General Polusalino did not hesitate to kill and torture him. Even the enemy is too cold.

“damned little demon, I’m going to kill you.” Sakarski shouted at Ye Han with a grim face, that he had been seriously injured by a little pirate. This shame, this This kind of evil must make this little demon pay ten times a hundred times the price.

Sakaski’s left hand turned into fiery magma, even the steel could melt instantly, and quickly rushed to Ye Han’s head, buckling Ye Han’s head, Ye Han couldn’t Moving, the navy almost had a foreboding that Ye Han would be evaporating in the next second, and couldn’t help but turn their eyes to one side and couldn’t bear to look on.

“Ice hockey!”


When Sakarski was about to kill Ye Han, a voice rang, Ye Han’s The whole body was frozen into a huge ice cube, and Sakarski’s hand touched the ice cube and evaporated the ice cube into a hole.

Sakaski raised his head and looked forward, his eyes narrowed and said: “Kuzan, what do you want to do? You want to prevent me from killing this damned little demon.” The man is Lieutenant Admiral Kuzan of the navy headquarters, and the youth of the three navy generals in the future.

Kuzan said faintly: “I am carrying out the mission to capture Uchiha Ye Han. I want to ask what you are doing. Since the other side can no longer resist, our navy mission is to send him Caught and brought to justice, sent to Propulsion City.”

“I will kill him!” Sarkarski shouted at Kuzan.

“Our navy’s mission is to capture pirates. There is no need to kill the pirates that have already been caught, but to send them to Advance City. You are lynching.” Kuzanlen Sheng said that the navy is like a modern policeman. The police can kill terrorists that are destroying danger, but they cannot shoot the captured criminals wantonly.

Sakakis’ remaining right eye and Kuzan looked at each other, the atmosphere was very solemn, as if split second was about to burst out, and after a while, Sakakis calmed down.

“Then let him stay in the city for a lifetime.” Sakarski turned and left after saying that he wanted to understand that killing this little demon by himself here instead made this little Demon enjoyed the blessing, blinded his own eyes, it was too cheap to be killed directly.

He knows more about the place where Pushing City is. It is simply hell. All the pirates who enter there live better than death. This little demon is still so young and will suffer longer. Moreover, Uchiha Ye Han’s limbs were severed, so it is a good choice to let this little demon enter there.

Kapu started to talk at this time and said: “Well, this time the mission to capture the supernova has been completed, and the Dracos have also been rescued successfully, sending all these pirates to the advance city.”. .