Chapter 1390

Name:Naruto Mall System Author:zongheng
what. ! ! When I left Konan and them, I left all the money to them. Now I have nothing…it’s too bad. If I cannot get the money, I will be charged as Third-Kage Huo Ying.

Uh…Lord Ye Han, one of the three forbearances in “Konoha Open”, just returned to Huo Ying’s office under this situation. This is shameful…Tsunade, you killed me !

“I will pay compensation here…Ye Han CC!”

Boss, I will compensate this handsome gentleman for his loss!

The hotel owner looked up and down the young man, then settled the losses and settled the accounts with the young man.

Ye Han thought, I am afraid that only one young man can call himself Teacher, and he can say so well!

“Minato incident! Aha, hahaha…I’m really sorry, let you pay for me! Long time no see, your kid is getting handsome!”

Minato smiled and said, “Long time no see, Ye Hanxixi, you are still so handsome…”

“Oh? Aha, hahaha, your son can speak…By the way, why are you Here?”

The Minato incident said that he had just completed the support mission, and on the way back, he met Lord Tsunade coming out of the bar. After greeting each other again, he learned that Ye Han had returned to the village, so the Minato incident came here again to meet with Ye Han.

“Cici, although you and I have just met again, I still have to report to Huo Ying’s office first. After the work is over, I will catch up with you again!”

“En! That’s not necessary, because I just returned to Kono, why don’t we find the old man…”

“Hay! That’s the best!…”

Soon, Ye Han and the Minato incident (Watergate) came to the door of Huo Ying’s office and heard from the “Guardian” member of the secret department that the organization hides some old and undead people talking to the Third-Kage. Things, so Ye Han and his disciples had to wait outside.

After half an hour, the office door was finally opened. Shimura Danzo is the same as before. He left the office gnashing one’s teeth with an unconvincing expression.

Ye Han thought, this scene seems very familiar. I remember the last time I saw Zang Jun, I took Nagato and Xiao Nan back to the rainy country. This time this old thing, I guess there is nothing good about it!

“Report Third-Hokage, Ye Han Lord is back, waiting outside…”

“Oh? Ye Han? Let him come in quickly!”


After the briefing, Ye Han and other members of the Secret Service entered the Hokage room with the Minato incident.

“Old man, I’m back!”

“Oh! Ye Han…ah. The Minato incident is also there. I’m unbelievable your Teacher and Student will be in mine Meet again in the office. Hehehehe……”

After talking with the third-Kage customer, Ye Han asked why the third-Kage recalled himself.

Third Hokage knew that the Minato incident was not an outsider. He also attached great importance to the Minato incident when he was young, so he did not avoid it and told them about the recent war near Kono.

In the past two years, although Land of Fire has not formally participated in the war, it has fought many large and small defensive battles. The biggest one was when Hatake Sakumo failed. People think there will be significant losses. Later, due to the heroic performance of the Minato incident, people returned safely to Konoha.

Unfortunately, Hatake Sakumo chose to commit suicide under tremendous pressure from the outside world, which made the Third-Kage people very sad.

Just now the group came to Tibet. He has always advocated that the Kono ninja should have iron rules, so the mission should always be above the rescue, but Third Hokage always insists that “the war should be used flexibly and should not be too rigid! “

This third-Kage statement made Duan Qizhang very uncomfortable. In addition, his steel and blood regulation plan was not successfully implemented, so when he first went out, the old fellow showed that kind of The expression of gnashing one’s teeth. ..