
"Come on! You are the best

"Let those guys have a good look! You are the greatest genius in our orphanage! "

At this time, Yu, who had just entered the drill ground, suddenly heard a familiar sound coming from the crowd nearby.


"Is that really the case? Peach fragrance? And... "

Looking around, Yu saw that it was Urumqi and Zhenyou, their little friends from Muye orphanage, who squeezed out from the crowd nearby and raised their arms to cheer for themselves.

"Dean? Are you all here? "

Not only that, from the crowd nearby, Yu also saw the pharmacist ye naiyu.

Today, she is wearing the black frame glasses she gave her yesterday, standing beside them in Urumqi, quietly cheering herself up with her eyes.

"Come on, Yu."

"Let the whole wood leaf, let everyone see your talent and talent..."

Standing in the crowd, his eyes closely watched the plume standing in front of him.

The hands in the sleeve of pharmacist ye naiyu clenched tightly, which showed that she was not calm at the moment.

"Do well."

After invigilator Xi RI Zhenhong's side, Yu hears the uncle who is usually calm and taciturn, and gently instructs himself.

After all, as the Ninja instructor and head teacher of Yu's class, I have high expectations for Yu, a student who usually shows amazing strength and talent.

"I can't help it. I didn't expect that they all came..."

"It seems that I have to be a little more serious..."

At this moment, I felt that the eyes of all the people present were all focused on myself.

Yu's eyes began to radiate sharp light.

"Just now that kid of yuzhibo clan performed amazing, but I don't know what your performance will be like?"

Standing in front of Yu in the middle is a mature xiaren, with the fierce breath of the battlefield.

"Hey, kid, I suggest you go back to school for a few more years!"

"Don't be carried away by the achievements of yuzhibo just now."

"He is a rare genius ninja of yuzhibo family!"

On the side, a xiaren with scar on his face opened his mouth to Yu, with obvious disdain on his face.

"We're all ninjas who've been on the battlefield. It's different from you who haven't been out of school."

"Children who haven't killed anyone, don't cry when they pee their pants. They'd better go home and have milk."

The other one, with a cold face, stood beside him and began to sneer.

"What a headache Do you know? "

Facing the taunt and disdain of the three players in front of him, Yu, standing on the drill ground, suddenly said.


Hearing Yu's abrupt words in front of him, the expression on his face was obviously stunned.

"In the second dimension world, those who can't live more than one episode are always your soft hands and hard mouths."

Staring at the three people in front of him who didn't even want to remember their faces, I saw a trace of sarcastic radian gradually appeared in the corner of Yu's mouth.

"The rule of the actual combat assessment is to survive for five minutes, but I don't think it's necessary..."

"Because It only takes five seconds and I'll end this fight. "

What is he talking about?

Five seconds?

As the voice in the plume mouth was not big, the whole huge exercise field was silent.

Not only is in front of the three bear, at this moment, even around the audience began to feel that the white haired kid is crazy!

Who does he think he is?

End the troubled times and calm the Warring States? Or the world of tolerance Shura yuzhiboban?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's a kid living in a dream!"

Sure enough, feather seemingly plain words said, in front of the three bear directly to gas smile.

"I guess I was stimulated by the boy of yuzhibo family just now..."

"This kind of innocent kid is usually the first to die on the battlefield!"

After saying that, I saw scar face under bear directly took out a sharp bitterness, a cruel smile on his face.

"Whatever! Maybe this kid is scared and stupid! "

"Come on, let this ignorant kid know what a real ninja is!"

Voice down, I saw standing in front of the feather of the three bear hand together, directly took out their arms, toward the feather quickly straight past.

Although the mouth disdain, but the three bear heart is not too careless.

Just now, the three xiaren, who were defeated by the genius of yuzhibo, have become jokes. They don't want to repeat the same mistakes on the white haired kid."Has it begun?"

"You still have four seconds, Chou Mao Shen..."

Looking at Xia Ren, who was sprinting towards himself in three directions, I saw that Yu's amber eyes were fixed, and his hands had made three seals in an instant.

"Call! Thousand birds! "

In the eyes of everyone, a dazzling blue and white lightning burst out suddenly in front of the huge exercise field.


As if there were thousands of birds singing at the same time, accompanied by bursts of extremely harsh sounds, I saw a group of violent lightning light had appeared in Yu's left hand.

The tremendous momentum attracted the eyes of all the people present in an instant.

"What is this?"

"What kind of Ninja is this?"

Seeing the Ninjutsu suddenly performed by Zhongyu in the exercise field, everyone on the scene was shocked, because none of them knew the Ninjutsu.

"The naked eye chakra?"

"You're kidding! That level of Ninja! "

"How could it be on a kid who hasn't graduated from Ninja school?"

In the crowd nearby, a senior Ninja screamed out.

After all, in this period, no one has ever seen such Ninja as qianniao.

Qimukakasi is only 11 years old and has not yet developed this A-level Leidun ninja.

"Forbidden technique!"

"It's forbidden!"

"That kid, can you use this level of forbidden skill?"

Not only that, heard from the distance on the Ninja school drill ground faintly came a thousand birds.

At this time, even the three generations of Huoying, Zhicun tuanzang and the other two Muye high-rise buildings, who were far away in the Huoying office and watched through the crystal ball with the technique of remote glasses, were shocked.

"I've never seen that kind of Ninjutsu Is this the kid himself? "

Three generations of Huoying, known as "Dr. Ninjutsu", are proficient in five kinds of Ninjutsu, but now he finds that he has never seen such a Ninjutsu.

I've never been more surprised than I am now.

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