

Hearing the words of red beans washed by the imperial hand, Mao Yuexi's face suddenly flushed, and Yu was almost choked by his own saliva.

It is true that Mao Yue, who is nine years old, has a pure and beautiful face, and shows a good feeling for herself.

However, as a passer-by with adult soul, he still has a sense of guilt about dating a minor girl in the second dimension.

In particular, Yu's body is only six years old now, which is an insurmountable city in his heart.

Dating or something Well, wait till I grow up. Hello!

"Cough That... "

So after two awkward dry coughs, Yu's eyes looked at Xiafei's two cheek maoyue Xiyan, "senior Xiyan You

"I don't want it from my predecessors..."

But before Yu finished, he was interrupted by maoyue Xiyan, "you'd better call me Xiyan!"

"Xi Is it the sunset... "

Well, the corner of Yu's mouth twitches slightly. It seems that it's impossible to stop the girl's idea of puppy love for a while

"But then again You are a monster

At this time, the voice of washing red beans by the Royal hand came over. She was eating the balls in her hand, and looking at Yu with a very strange look.

"I graduated from Ninja school in the first grade And beat yuzhibo. "

"Just lucky..." Yu just wants to be modest, but he is interrupted by the red bean washing by the Royal hand.

"It looks like I'm going to come on, too!"

"You can't be outdone too much by younger kids like you."

I saw the Royal hand washing red beans swallowed the last ball in my hand, dark eyes full of energy.

"You two go on dating, and I won't disturb you! Goodbye

After that, without waiting for feather and maoyue to react, I saw that yushouxihongdou had waved away from their sight.

It's really like a female version of the whirlpool Naruto

Looking at the careless hand washing red beans, he disappeared in his own sight, his eyes flashing like amber.

But She's about to meet big snake pill, isn't she?

After a year, yushouxihongdou is ten years old. This year is the time when she graduated from Ninja school.

If it's based on the plot, she should soon become one of the three forbearance's big snake pill disciples and perform the task together.

"Red bean, that's her character."

"On a date or something I hope you don't mind

After seeing that Yu didn't speak, maoyue Xiyan, who was walking on Yu's left hand, looked at him uneasily.

"Do you mind? Of course not I should be grateful for your kindness. "

After recollecting her thoughts, looking at the girl's face around her, Yu could not help but be stunned, and immediately responded with a smile to comfort her, "since I call you sunset I wish you could call me by my name, too. "

"Good! Then I'll call you Yu directly! "

Smell speech, the beautiful girl suddenly smile, seems to have regained vitality.

"Come on, you treat me to meatballs, I treat you to ramen."

Walking along the busy street of Muye, they see the store not far from the street. The word "Yile Ramen" attracts Yu's eyes. Yu has decided what to eat at noon.

"Good afternoon. What would you like to eat?"

Just walked into the shop and didn't sit down, the ordinary looking man warmly said hello to Yu and maoyue Xiyan.

"Two puffer bone barbecued noodles, please."

Sitting on the high stool in the shop with Xiyan, Yu can't help thinking, is this the appearance of Yile Ramen boss in his youth?

Looking at the shop in front of him, which could not be destroyed by even six of Penn's "Chao Shen Luo Tian Zheng" in the original book, Yu sighed secretly that it was really the legendary "big barrel of wood and one joy".

"Just a moment, please. I'll do it right away!"

Although some strange eyes of the white haired boy, the future uncle Yile still went in to make Ramen with a big laugh.

"Do you often come here for Ramen?"

Sitting beside Yu, maoyue Xiyan stares at him curiously.

"No, today is my first time here."

Feel the sunset staring at his eyes, feather smile, previous life dream is to come to this shop many times.

Five minutes later, two bowls of steaming Ramen were on the table.

Feather back to God, and began to eliminate the bowl of ramen with Xiyan.

Barbecued pork is fat but not greasy. The bottom of pig bone soup tastes delicious and strong. Hand pulled noodles are full of strength.Yu and Xiyan eat with relish. The taste is really authentic. No wonder Naruto, the protagonist in the original book, has always loved this ramen shop.

Less than ten minutes later, two bowls of ramen were wiped out by Yu and Xiyan.

After paying the bill, Yu directly pulls Xiyan away from Yile ramen.

"How full

"By the way, after becoming xiaren, do you have any plans?"

After coming out from Yile ramen, Xiyan touched her slightly bulging stomach and turned to look at Yu.

Generally speaking, just graduated from Ninja school, xiaren will be assigned to a ninja team led by Shangren to perform tasks.

Moreover, in the special period of the war of tolerance, even xiaren may be assigned to the front line to support or perform auxiliary tasks when Muye's front-line combat power is seriously insufficient.

"I don't know yet..."

"I think it might be arranged to go into the dark or something."

Hearing the words of sunset, Yu leisurely pillow his hands behind his head.

Remembering that three generations of Huoying summoned himself and Shuitou to go to Huoying office today, Yu is also thinking about how three generations will arrange their next tasks.

"The dark side?"

Hearing what Yu said, Xiyan was stunned and then relieved.

"That's fine, so Yu doesn't have to be sent to the front."

The secret department, officially known as "special unit of assassination tactics", is similar to the special Ninja department.

The members of the secret department are excellent ninjas selected from the village. They are mainly responsible for protecting the fire shadow and preventing foreign enemies from invading Muye ninja village. Sometimes they are also responsible for reconnaissance and assassination.

All members of the secret department wear white masks imitating animals when they are in action. The nature of the mission and all other information are kept secret. The secret department is directly under Huoying. There are several units under the unit, and the unit leaders convey orders and carry out tasks.

Although the secret department carries out dangerous work of combat type, Xiyan prefers Yu to stay in the secret department of guarding Muye rather than being arranged to the cruel battlefield of the front line. , the fastest update of the webnovel!