"Why is that so?"

"My body What's going on? "

Looking at the dead companion in front of him, he saw that Taki could not bear to open his eyes in horror. However, the sharp pain in his hand was out of control again, and he rowed to another companion beside him.

"Purple rain!"

"What are you doing?"

The same bizarre picture is also performed on other ninjas.

Suddenly, he was shot by more than ten thousand books. Xiaren from Yuyin village was surprised and angry.

"I I don't know what's going on! "

"I can't control my body! Be careful! "

However, this ninja, who is called Ziyu, has a more frightened face than his companion.

The body is manipulated like a string puppet, and the thousand books in his hand are constantly shot at his companions and other ninjas around him.

"Damn, what the hell happened!"

"My body! What kind of magic is this

"Get out of the way! There's a detonator on my misery

"Ah! All of you get out of my way! "

The scene once fell into chaos, with ninjas killing each other everywhere in the open space in front of the key tower.

All ninjas, like crazy, keep fighting with their weapons and tools.

"Cluck, cluck Ha ha ha ha ha

At this time, only one person was still laughing, his middle finger thumbs and pinkies kept moving. Looking at the death drama directed by himself, Yu finally couldn't help laughing like a devil.

"It's him! It's the kid

"He must have done it! What kind of magic is this? "

See beside crazy laugh feather, finally a few Ninja reaction.

"The damned kid! I'm going to kill him! "

Looking around, one after another Ninja fell down. Yu Yanya, who was stabbed by his companion but not hit by the parasitic line, took up his umbrella like tool and rushed to Yu.

"Go to hell, kid!"

"Forbearance · thousands of books like rain and dew!"

It seems to be deeply stimulated by the death drama. Yu Ren roars and throws his umbrella at Yu. Like rain from the umbrella, he shoots thousands of sharp books.

"Are there so many people left..."

In the face of countless thousands of copies of Yuren, Yu has no expression. It seems that he can't lift his eyelids because of the attack.

Say, see feather lightly a hook finger.

Next to suddenly rushed out a ninja in front of the feather, for him to resist the rain in front of him, endure all the thousands of flying over!

"Purple rain!"

After seeing clearly the figure in front of me, I saw the release of thousand copies of the rain, and I roared like crazy.

It turned out that it was his companion who was manipulated by Yu to block all his attacks.

"Since you sent me so many thousand copies..."

"I don't want to give you some back, which seems to be too hard to say..."

Looking at the rain in front of him, he turned into a corpse and fell down. Yu's calm eyes didn't fluctuate, but the sleeve of his right kimono suddenly waved.

Leidun, a thousand birds and a thousand books!!

A piece of blue and white lightning light shining, hundreds of extremely fine thunder burst out in the air!

In all people's shocked eyes, Yu Ren didn't even have a chance to scream in front of Yu Yu's eyes. His body was tied into a hedgehog by countless Lei Zhiqian.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The rest of Lei Zhiqian fell into the crowd next to him. A scream rang out and a large area of Ninja fell down in an instant.

"Look how many of you are left Let me help you

Looking at about 20 or 30 ninjas left in front of us, the corners of their beaks cocked up like demons.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, there was a Shenyin spiral Pill on his right hand.

Water escape · hard vortex water blade!!

There was no time to reflect what had happened. The crowd in the open space only heard the roar of waterfall like water, and saw that the Shenyin spiral Pill on Yu's hand had become a high-pressure water gun with continuous spiral washing.

"What kind of Ninja is that?"

"How can xiaren perform this level of water escape?"

Seeing the huge movement of the high-pressure spiral water gun on Yu's hand, a ninja's face suddenly changed.

"I don't know. I've never seen such a water escape..."

"But that degree of change in nature As long as it's hit, we're all finished! "

Another Ninja also hard to swallow saliva, eyes full of fear.

As known as the strongest S-level extreme water escape ninja, with their tolerance level, they naturally can not understand how extreme the morphological change and nature change is."Boom!"

A terrible sound burst out, afraid to destroy their scroll, Yu still chose to show mercy.

So the hard vortex blade on the hand was directly thrown into the open space in front of us, but the huge water tornado burst out in an instant still threw all the Ninjas around them out!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The ninjas, who were affected by the current of hurricane, flew out one by one like shells and smashed into the forest and the ground around the open space. Either they were seriously injured and fell to the ground, or they directly broke the tree trunk and lost their lives.

"What's Shuidun Ninjutsu?"

After witnessing the disastrous scene caused by Yu's hard vortex water blade, I watched the ground transformed into a lake, and the wailing ninjas lying on the ground around. Only a few of the Ninjas on the scene could stand on the edge.

Looking at the white haired teenagers who looked like demons in front of them, a few of them were even paralyzed on the ground and looked at Yu with wide eyes and panic.

"You guys are lucky..."

"For the sake of Ninja from the same village I'll be gentle with you. "

Looking at a few wood leaves that have completely lost their fighting spirit in front of them, I can see that the demonic smile on Yu's face is more and more brilliant, and gradually walk towards them.

"Ah! Don't come here! "

"Devil! This guy's a devil! "

See feather toward oneself come over, next to a wood leaf of endure finally collapse, mouth issued crazy roar.

But soon, the roar of collapse stopped.

Yu, who came in front of him, directly knocked him out with a kick.

Then he displayed his exquisite body skill and easily put down the remaining ninjas on the field.

Under the complete crushing attack of Yu's body skill, the stormy attack directly brought down all the remaining ninjas.

"It's finally done..."

"But to do so Is it going too far? "

After solving all the ninjas, Yu Nan, standing alone in the open space, talks to himself.

Then he picked up the Ninjas one by one like picking up garbage, took out their scrolls and threw them into the open space nearby, and then threw them all together.

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