
He was hit by the "dragon's claw" in front of him.

The root organization Ninja's feet were off the ground, his body was bent in mid air, and his clothes on his back exploded a hole.

All the internal organs were crushed into powder by concussion, turned into a mouthful of blood mist and spewed out. After flying more than ten meters, they fell to the ground and had no breath.

Dragon's claw - yes, it's the dragon's claw boxing practiced by Yu referring to Mengqi D. longzhuo, leader of the revolutionary army in the pirate king.

It's the "sharp claw" created by Yu specially to crush the strongest enemy in the world. Whenever you are hit by Yu's dragon claw, whether it's body or weapon, it will be crushed to pieces.

Although this special body skill is only a rudiment now, as long as Yu continues to practice and study, it may not be able to compete with the power of Xixiang or even yekai in the future.

"Come out all of them I have seen you

After killing the root organization ninja in front of him with one blow, Yu stood in the same place and spoke calmly. He had already noticed that there were other ninjas hidden around him.

To a large extent, the awakening of seeing, hearing and lust, which is similar to the ability of advanced perception, has completely freed Yu from the bondage of relying on his eyes to fight.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Sure enough, as soon as the words were finished, several figures in the air flashed quickly.

Three ninjas with decorative masks surrounded him directly.

What's the meaning of tuanzang?

Just after finishing the task and returning to the village, he was assassinated by the root organization Ninja under Tuan Zang's command. Yu could not help frowning, thinking about Tuan Zang's intention.

"There is an order from above..."

"You must not live to see Huoying. I've offended you."

Three people surrounded Yutuan in the middle, and one of them took out his weapon.

The mask worn by the root members should be more colorful, not only to imitate the animal's face, but also to have other special patterns.

"Well, I don't know what tuanzang is thinking..."

"But it's good to test my latest masterpiece with the three of you."

The art of channeling!!

After that, Yu pressed his palm directly on the bandage of his wristband, and the dense black technique was extended, which directly launched the channeling technique.

"Bang! Bang

Two clouds of white smoke accompanied by a slight explosion, tyrant and Michael, two puppets in black cloaks, appeared directly on the left and right sides of the feather.

"What is this?"

Seeing the two mysterious black figures suddenly summoned by Yu in front of his eyes, the three root organization ninjas around him were shocked and subconsciously stepped back.

"If you want to travel, where do you want to go?"

Staring at a root organization ninja who is closest to him, Yu suddenly says something that makes him confused.

"Don't talk to him, kill him quickly!"

Although the two mysterious figures summoned by Yu made them feel a little uneasy, thinking of the cruel orders and regulations in the root organization, the Ninja did not hesitate to directly raise his weapon.

Space transfer!!

Just as he finished his words, the root organization Ninja felt like a flower in front of him. A tall and burly black figure had appeared in front of him out of thin air, and his palm was raised like a fan.

What's the speed When did it appear?!

The tyrant flicked the air around his body to show the instant movement, which made the root Ninja unable to react.

Just now I had such a similar idea in my mind. I saw that the huge bear paw of the tyrant had fallen down!


A slight collision rang out, and the tyrant directly slapped the root organization ninja in front of him.

The whole body was surrounded by a layer of bear palm shaped shock wave, and the root organization Ninja disappeared in the same place in an instant.

When the other two root organization ninjas on the scene reacted, their companions had become stars and disappeared on the other side of the sky.

"Xiao Disappeared... "

"What happened just now?"

I watched my companion fly into the sky and disappear as a meteor.

The remaining two root ninjas looked at each other and felt as if they were dreaming.

"The tyrant has photographed him to the other end of the world..."

"In theory Just now that person has completely disappeared from our lives

Looking at the two shocked and sluggish root organization ninjas, Yu leisurely stands in the same place, holding his hands in front of his chest, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.Sure enough, the power of the tyrant didn't disappoint him - he was patted by the ability of the meatball fruit. He could fly high in the sky for three days and three nights, and the guy who fell to the other side of the world would surely die without any suspense.

"Feng Dun, the art of wind cutting!"

"Huodun · huolongyantan!"

The two root organization ninjas who came from the shock didn't hesitate. They forged their hands at the same time, and in a twinkling of an eye, they released a powerful fireball and extremely sharp wind blade towards Yu.

The strict training of the root organization makes the two ninjas cooperate with each other. Fengdun of level C matches Huodun of level B, and its power has almost reached the level of A-level ninja.

"It's no use..."

However, the fireball and wind blade in front of him were still standing in the same place with his arms around his chest, even though he didn't mean to move a step.

Protective barrier!!

Under the control of the parasitic line, Michael, standing behind the feather, overlaps his middle finger and index finger with his hands crossed in front of him.

The ability of the barrier fruit to launch, a 10 meters long and 5 meters wide, like a huge transparent glass barrier, instantly appeared in front of the feather.

"The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death."

"But I'm standing in front of you and you can't hit me at all."

With the words in yukou, the two root organization ninjas opened their eyes.

The two of them, Feng Dun and Huo Dun, together released their Super Ninja, bombarded the huge transparent barrier like glass in front of Yu, and even disappeared without any trace of damage.

"How could..."

"What kind of Ninja is that?"

Facing the desperate absolute defense of the protective barrier, the two root organization ninjas could not believe it.


At the moment when the two root ninjas were shocked and absent, the tall and burly figure of the tyrant moved in front of them again.

"No Don't! "

Struggling words just came out. A root organization Ninja was photographed by the tyrant and flew out. Like his former companions, he directly turned into a meteor and disappeared from the world.

"Damn it..."

I didn't expect that Yu's strength was so terrible. At last, the remaining Ninja gritted his teeth and made a seal with his hands. No matter what, he had to finish the task assigned by Tuan Zang.

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