"Go on!"

"Kill! Kill all these Yanren! "

"Don't let go of any ninja of Muye!"

In the land of fire, in a canyon not far from Muye ninja village.

After being successfully intercepted by Yu, a part of Yanren, who was chased by four generations of fire shadow wave, wind and water gate and led by Ninja troops, broke into parts and raided into the territory of the fire kingdom. However, a group of Muye ninjas blocked the Muye ninja village.

In such a big canyon, the battle sounds of shaking sky come and go one after another, and the eye is full of swords mixed with detonators, and all kinds of Ninjutsu are colliding.

"This is..."

"Fight in the world of tolerance..."

On the cliff, a young man of yuzhibo family is watching the battle between Muye and Yanren in the canyon under his feet. His eyes are shocked and confused.

"Why do people want war?"

"If I can, I will change the world completely..."

Although he was only five years old, he was able to think like a wise man when he witnessed the cruel war.

"Where there are people, there will be war."

"If you want to change the world, there is no overwhelming force that can't do it."

"And compared with the real war of tolerance These are just leftovers... "

At this time, suddenly a strange and clear voice rang out. Yuzhibo, who was watching the Ninja fight, was shocked.

How can

I didn't find someone approaching me

Yu Zhibo looked back in disbelief, but found that there was a person standing beside him, a person no one could ignore.

A black ninja sweater, a pale and sharp broken hair, handsome flawless face, dotted with a pair of amber eyes.

Although his age is not a few years older than himself, the momentum of this young man is far beyond his ability. His temperament is like a black sun, deep and shining.

"Who are you?"

Yuzhibo boy looked at the man who appeared out of thin air, and there was a sharp pain in his hand.

"Don't be so nervous..."

"I'm a friend of Shuitou. You should be a Weasel, right?"

Looking at the wary young yuzhibo in front of him, Yu Yu feels a sense of inexplicable emotion. Finally he sees you, muster God

"My friend? Are you... "

Hearing Yu's words, young yuzhibo weasel was stunned. Suddenly, his heart flashed across a name that now resounds like thunder in ninja world.

"It seems that Shuitou has mentioned me to you..."

See in front of me is too version of the God seems to have heard his name, feather noncommittal smile, but eyes fell on the next cliff in the valley of the battle above.

"My name is pharmacist Yu. They all call me..."

When Yu spoke softly, the young yuzhibo weasel only saw a black figure in front of him, which flashed like a strong wind.

Millennium ice prison!!

Under the control of the parasitic line, general Dong, who was wearing a black cloak, had blasted out.

Flying to the high altitude outside the cliff, the freezing force of extreme cold on the body suddenly erupted, and huge icicles suddenly condensed in the air.

"Boom, boom!"

Yanren, who was fighting in the canyon below, had not yet understood what had happened, but had been killed by the falling huge icicles.

Then countless huge icicles suddenly gathered together! Suddenly, the whole canyon was filled with a huge white ice sheet, and all the Yanren were frozen in it.

"Fei Cang's feather."

As Yu's self introduction falls, Yu's finger moves slightly. A blue chuck pull line has pulled general Dong back from the cliff, turning into a cloud of smoke and putting it into the space of psychic art.

"This What is this

Seeing the white haired boy in front of him, he killed all the Yanren fighting below.

Looking at the huge Canyon under his feet, he suddenly turned into a hopeless white ice sheet, and the young yuzhibo weasel's black eyes widened, finally showing the color of shock he had never seen before.

Fei Cang's feather

This guy is the one that Shuitou said

But his power

Weasel, who has joined Ninja school this year and shocked people with his amazing talent, will inevitably feel lonely and lonely because of the mediocrity of his peers.

But in addition to the talent and even more than the same, weasel never thought that there was anyone in the world who could do such a thing at this age.

Staring at the feather in front of him, the young and steady weasel wrote all the shock so far on his face.Feeling as if the weasel wanted to see through his eyes, Yu chuckled and looked at Yu Zhibo, a young man with black hair, black pupil and beautiful face.

During this period, weasel's dream, which has always been the goal, should be to become the first fire shadow of yuzhibo clan, and then hope to live in a future full of peace with his cherished people, right?

As the king of popularity who surpasses Kakashi in the original work, Yuzhi bonsai, like Bofeng Watergate, is almost portrayed as a perfect image, with strength, appearance and mind reaching the extreme that others can't reach.

At the age of 7, he graduated from Ninja school first. At the age of 8, he woke up to write lunyan. At the age of 10, he became Zhongren. At the age of 13, he became the captain of the dark part.

Weasel, should have been running on the road of glory.

However, in front of the road, no one can predict the cruel spread of darkness.

The war in the world of tolerance has basically subsided, and Yu didn't expect that he would meet Yu Zhibo here today, who is as sad as Shuitou.

"Master Yu!"

"Lord Huoying and senior officials, please come over..."

At this time, the voice suddenly rang out to pull back Yu's thoughts. Two ninjas with cat face masks appeared behind Yu and weasel.

"Well, I see."

Hearing this, Yu nodded blandly, and he didn't feel the appearance of the two ninjas.

After returning to the village on the battlefield and calming down for a few days, Yuji thought that the fourth generation of huoyingbo fengshuimen and the senior management of Muye could not help summoning himself.

"Nice to meet you The weasel

"But it seems that I have to leave first..."

Looking back at the stoat, Yu gave him a meaningful look, and then disappeared into the wilderness under the guidance of two ninjas.

Fei Cang's feather

I can't believe there are such guys in the world

Watching Yu and the two ninjas leave, the weasel stands in silence and clenches his fists unconsciously.

Obviously, today's appearance of Yu has brought unprecedented shock and impact to him, a gifted ninja who can rise to fame even in peacetime.

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