"Master Shuiying!"

Seeing that the fourth generation of water shadow Yancang was thrown into the sea by Yu's puppet, the fog around the scene was terrified.

Although I have heard of the terrible legend of Fei Cang's feather on the battlefield, now I see it with my own eyes, and I know that the strength of this teenager can be so terrible.

Others may not know, but Yu is very aware of the tyrant's strength. He is close to the pressure gun bombarded by a Naval General, and even he does not dare to face it.

Under the control of Yu Zhibo's magic technique of writing wheel eyes, the fourth generation of water shadow Yancang tried to resist with his body skill, and was blasted into the water by the tyrant on the spot.


After floating out of the water, he stood on the water again. He saw that the hands of the fourth generation of Shuiying Yancang had begun to twist unnaturally, and the hook Scepter he was holding had been blown into a curved shape by the bear's paw of the tyrant.

"It's the legendary Fei Cang feather..."

"No wonder you can kill the three generations of Lei Ying of Yun Yin..."

Yancang stares at Yu in disbelief. It seems that he is only in his teens, and his strength can reach such an incredible level.

"There are so many things in the world you can't understand!"

Feeling the deep eyes of the four generations of water shadow in front of him, I saw that Yu's body began to accelerate gradually.

Chakra line manipulates three demonic puppets to launch shuiinstan to swim around Yancang in a crazy and rapid way, arousing circle after circle of splashing water.

What a quick move!

Yancang tried hard to lock the position of the feather, trying to see the shape of the feather, only to find that it was in vain.

Under Yu's consummate water escape Ninjutsu, he can only reluctantly see a virtual shadow passing quickly in front of his eyes.

"Coral stick four combos!"

As the fourth generation of water shadow, Yancang obviously didn't want to wait to die. He raised his hook scepter, that is, the coral stick, and made several stick shadows around his body.

"Such an obvious flaw!"

Yu's cold voice came from his ear. Yakura was surprised. Just as he wanted to resist with the coral stick, he saw that Yu suddenly came out of him like a ghost.

Tooth of the dragon!!

In the air, the roaring sound of the dragon was rampant. Seeing and hearing the fierce color, he grasped the flaw of Yancang's hand, and Yu raised his foot to blow out a strong dragon like wind, kicking Yancang out of the water.


Subconsciously, he blocked Yu's violent kicking with the coral stick in his hand, but yakura's body was kicked in the air by this huge force.

Ice explosion · pheasant beak!!

Without waiting for shikura to take a breath, a sharp chill came from the top of his head.

In yakura's suddenly contracted pupil, general Dong, who was manipulated by Yu using chuck's cable, has turned into ice devil and blasted out a huge and bright ice bird towards him!

"Bang Boom

First there was a terrible freeze, and then there was a frenzy of explosion in chakra.

Among the numerous splashes of ice debris, everyone only saw four generations of water shadow granary, and the whole person flew out like a shell.


When general Dong mixed into the front of the mouth of the pheasant, Yancang spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out like a broken kite, making a long ripple on the water.

If it wasn't for the abnormal constitution of human column force and the huge three tailed chakra in the body, shikura would have been in a coma and sunk into the sea.

"Master Shuiying!"

On the other side of the freezing wave, Wu Ren, who surrounded and suppressed the four members of the water stop team, suddenly lost his voice and exclaimed.

"You'd better worry about yourself first!"

"Yu Zhi Bo Liu · Jian Yue Yan!"

In front of Wu Ren, he was distracted by the battle between Yu and the four generations of water shadow Yancang. He saw that Yu's great power hit the water shadow, and water stop was not to be outdone. In an instant, he vomited a scorching flame and wound it around the sword in his hand.

"Yu Zhi Bo Liu · Sun Halo dance!"

Holding the flame sabre in his hand, he saw an extremely fast technique of instant body. In a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of a group of Wu Ren. With a fierce sword, a huge flame Sabre suddenly split away a ninja in front of him. The scene was really spectacular.

If the short-lived ghost, moonlight gale, can see the sword skill and instant body skill of instant body waterstop here at this time, Yu estimates that the guy will probably cry and faint in the toilet - the power is not comparable.

"Damn it! Qing, pay attention to his magic

"Let's go with me!"

See instant body water stop in front of them crazy rampage to kill the enemy, watermelon mountain river dolphin ghost with anger, with a group of fog bear rushed up again.

Mackerel muscle · eating Qi chop!!

In his hand, the white bandage wrapped dagger · shark muscle suddenly burst out numerous sharp spines, like a living object, pierced the bandage to expose the body, opened the sharp fangs that devoured chakra, and tore at the waterstop.As the strongest scalpel and shark muscle holder before the "Wuyin weirdo" dry persimmon ghost shark, watermelon mountain river dolphin ghost, one of the seven Nintendo people, is definitely not an ordinary Shangren.

"I have to say that your strength surprised me..."

"But that's the end of it!"

On the other side, the fourth generation of water shadow granary, which was shot out by general Dong under the control of Yu, finally stood up on the water.

With a cracked and crazy smile on his face, a large number of chakras burst out on his body, which quickly formed a chakra coat with three chakra tails standing behind him.

"Tailed animals..."

Seeing the second stage of tailing in yakura, Yu didn't panic at all, instead, he gave a smile.

Before that, on the battlefield of the Third World War of tolerance, the "steam Ninja" Han, who was the pillar force of Yanyin's five tailed man, was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Was he still beaten to make a puppet?

Moreover, the strength of the four generations of water shadow Yancang is not a particularly powerful role in shadow ninjas. In addition, it is controlled by Yu Zhibo's magic technique of writing wheel eyes with his native soil. The most strength that can be exerted is 70% or 80%.

However, according to the information given in the animation, in addition to the first generation of Huoying qianshouzhujian, yuzhiboban, eight tailed zhuliqirabi and Nine Tailed zhuliwhirlpool Naruto, the fourth generation of shuiyingyacang is the fifth Ninja with the ability to control tailed animals.

Moreover, there is a special situation in yakura, that is, the general human column force will not be affected by the magic, because once the human column force is in the magic, the tail beast in the body will release chakra to wake up the human column force and make the human column force get rid of the magic.

However, after yakura was defeated and stunned by yuzhibo, he and Sanwei Ji in his body were controlled by the magic of the earth writing wheel eye, so Sanwei controlled by the earth writing wheel eye could not wake up yakura's controlled noumenon.

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