"How did you come back now?"

For the frivolous behavior that Yu suddenly appears in Huoying's office, the third generation's tone is severe, but his eyes don't seem angry.

"Well Anyway, the task of water country has been completed... "

"It's too boring to stay in the village for a long time, so I asked them to come back first and report the task to you. I have nothing to do but walk around."

Sitting on the windowsill of Huoying office, Yu curled his mouth and said casually.

"What kind of system is it?"

However, the three generations have not spoken yet. Yu's casual attitude has angered the two Muye elders present. He sees shuihumen's anger and says: "ape flies! Look at this kid's frivolous behavior in Huoying office! There's a little bit of being a Ninja

"Pharmacist Yu! You didn't come back in time to report this mission to us

And another wood leaf consultant turned to bed, Xiaochun also said in a rude voice: "and even killed the four generations of water shadow of Wuyin! Do you know how much pressure the fog has put on us

Obviously, after the failed coup to assassinate Huoying three years ago, Tuan Zang was temporarily isolated from the Muye high-level meeting by the three generations.

In addition, in the case of Yunren stealing muyeri's white eyes, Yu successfully persuaded the three generations to refuse to compromise with yunyin, and severely slapped their two muyeri leaders in the face.

All in all, today's Muye family is dominated by three generations of Master Yu and his disciples. The two senior Muye leaders, shuihumenyan and zhuanguixiaochun, finally feel that their status is threatened and they can't sit still.

"Well, menyan, Xiaochun, you two should not make a mountain out of a molehill."

See two wood leaf high-level in unison to feather, saw three generations to open a circle quickly, "although this killed four generations of water shadow event influence is very big, feather in this matter is also under consideration."

"However, in the current foggy situation, they are not even busy with their own affairs, and can not pose any threat to us for the time being."

"Ape flies, you..." Hear three generation this time unexpectedly completely stand on the position of feather, two wood leaf high-level obviously one Leng.

"And in any case, they have completed the task successfully."

As for Yu, who didn't come back in time to report his task to me Although this is not in line with the regulations, I think yu should have his own consideration. "

The old man is very kind

Feeling the kind eyes of the three generations and seeing that they are totally on their own side this time, Yu can't help feeling warm at the bottom of his heart.

"The ape flies! All along You are too conniving and shielding this boy! "

"That's why I developed the character that this boy doesn't pay attention to anything now!"

See three generation this time unexpectedly completely stand in the feather side, two wood leaf high-rise more urgent, see water door inflammation immediately jumped up from the sofa, loudly shout.

See the Watergate inflammation this move, a cold, the three generations on the side of a look immediately dark road bad.

Sure enough, Yu eyebrows pick, the body of the huge shadow level chakra flow, start Lei instant body, the whole person into a lightning disappeared on the windowsill.


The next second, Yu appeared in front of the sofa, grabbed shuihumen's neck and lifted him up, leaving his feet off the ground.

"Don't say I don't respect old people..."

"You have to try to say one more word in this attitude I can crush you now... "

With one hand, Shuihu menyan was raised in mid air. Yu's voice was cold enough to freeze to death.

These two old people who only hide in Muye and play tricks on politics, if they really want to kill them, Yu estimates that he won't even frown.

"Stop it! Yu, calm down! "

The next three generations saw that Yu really wanted to kill shuihumen Yan, and immediately cried anxiously.

Although they are dissatisfied with today's attitude towards shuihumenyan and zhuanshuixiaochun, as companions in their youth, the three generations can't really allow Yu to kill them both.

"Today, I'm giving Mr. ape a face You two old guys have written it down for me... "

Sensing the reaction of the next three generations, Yu chuckled and threw shuihumenyan back on the sofa like garbage. "Now if I want to kill you two It's like killing two ants. "

"You You... "

Feeling the murderous spirit of Yu coming out from the sea of corpses, shuihumen Yan, who was paralyzed on the sofa like a dead dog, could not speak in horror.

It was not until this moment that he finally realized clearly how terrible it was for a ninja to be able to fight ten thousand on the battlefield.


Looking at the two silent Muye high-rise buildings, a disdainful smile appeared on Yu's face. He directly let the king of the world open an air gate beside him, and his figure disappeared.In the whole Huoying office, there are only three generations left. The three of them are staring at each other in silence.

"Ape fly, you see it all!"

"This son of a bitch is absolutely lawless!"

Sitting on the edge of Shuihu's door, Xiaochun's lips tremble. I don't know whether it's anger or fear. Her old face is twisted to a piece.

Does Lei instan add time space ninja

Yu, how many abilities I don't know are hidden in you?

Ignoring the two wood leaf high-rise people who were shocked and angry on the sofa, the eyes of the three generations stared thoughtfully at the position where the feather had just disappeared, and occasionally flashed a fierce fine awn in their eyes.

Just now, the speed of Yu's instant hand burst out, which made him a famous Ninja doctor in the world of tolerance. Coupled with Yu's mysterious time and space ability, three generations found that they could not see through the 12-year-old boy.

"Maybe I'm old?"

Looking at the withering snowflakes outside the window, the three generations began to seriously consider whether they should consider retirement and entrust their rights and responsibilities to the next generation of young people


It's really two old guys

The next second, feather's figure appears again, has come to the busy street outside Muye.

Think of just in the fire shadow office was his direct lesson to scare the wood leaf high-rise Watergate inflammation, feather mouth a sneer.

Although Tuan Zang is insidious and ruthless, he does everything in order to achieve his goal, but at least in order to pursue his so-called ideals and beliefs, he can use all kinds of conspiracies to fight and rob. From the beginning to the end, Tuan Zang has carried out his own dark tolerance.

However, apart from hiding behind other people when they encounter something and coming out to tell them how to divide up their interests when they have nothing to do, Yu seems to have never seen them do a meaningful thing, and has never shown any spirit and responsibility as ninjas.

In a way, these two rotten old guys in the center of Muye power are more abominable than Tuan Zang.

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