"It's really you There was no flaw at all. "

On the stream, the two strongest ninjas of Muye's generation stand opposite each other. The demonic eyes of sangouyu's writing wheel firmly lock the feather in front of him, and he can't help but praise.

Although after awakening the kaleidoscope wheel eye, the strength of waterstop has completely stepped into the threshold of shadow level, but the momentum of the body can not be compared with the feather coming out of the bloody sea of corpses on the battlefield for the time being.

"You're not bad either..."

"At least in the yuzhibo clan of Muye in this era, there is no stronger Ninja than you."

Feel the strong pressure from the eyes of shuishuisangouyu's writing wheel all the time, but Yu's fierce eyes are not weak.

Although I don't know what waterstop has experienced in the past few years and how it awakened to the kaleidoscope wheel eye.

However, it is undeniable that, excluding the yuzhibo belt soil trained by yuzhibo, Shuitou has become one of the strongest ninjas of yuzhibo family in this era.

"You are so good At least compared with you, I think there is still a gap. "

Hearing Yu's praise, Shuitou said modestly, while his hands had already made six seals in front of him, "are you ready? I'm going up! Huodun · the skill of haohuoqiu! "

The battle is imminent.

With the sound of water stop, he gathered his powerful fire escape chakra in his throat and suddenly spewed out. In a twinkling of an eye, a huge glowing ball like a house had illuminated the whole stream in front of everyone.

Although the Ninjas of yuzhibo family learn the basic ninja of Huodun, the attack range of haohuoqiu will be changed according to the amount of chakra. Even the ground can be burned by this skill released from Shuiping!

It's quick to seal

Seeing such a fast seal and such a powerful fire escape in front of him, Yu couldn't help exclaiming, but his hand didn't stop.

"Shuidun, the skill of water dragon bullet!"

With the help of the water environment at the foot, the power of water escape released by Yu is even more incredible.

In the air, a large number of water flows emerged out of thin air. In the twinkling of an eye, they converged into a huge and raging water dragon, which directly hit the huge fireball released by the water stop, and produced a large amount of water vapor together.

"Huodun and Shuidun are powerful..."

"Sure enough, both of them are monsters. Is it such a fierce battle when they come up..."

See in front of the feather and waterstop two people a face to face is such a fast violent Ninjutsu collision, the red bean can't help but open his eyes.

"No, no! It's not an ordinary water escape... "

But at this time, the weasel standing next to Hongdou suddenly widened his eyes, and the dark double gouyu whirled wildly in it. "That guy is still in Shuidun, and he has got into Leidun!"

Combined Ninja · thunder water dragon bullet!!

Sure enough, as soon as the weasel's voice fell, a dragon's roar suddenly rang out in the mist before his eyes.

The huge water dragon released by Yu was accompanied by a layer of violent thunder and lightning. In the twinkling of an eye, it swallowed up the whole person!

"It's amazing!"

Next to watch the weasel has been completely pinned down by Yu, a dizzying super combination of ninja.

Indeed, after all, Huoying, the third generation of Dr. Ninjutsu who studied in the world of famous earthquake tolerance, has never stopped practicing Ninjutsu in recent years, except for the skills of thread, fruit and puppet.

In particular, Yu himself has a strong talent for Ninjutsu, coupled with diligent cultivation, it can be said that his accomplishments in Ninjutsu even three generations have to nod and praise.

"Quack quack..."

But with a shrill cry, countless black feathers fell to the ground.

In front of my eyes, the waterstop which was swallowed by the thunder water dragon bullet released by Yu turned into countless crows flying around.


See this scene of feather, eyes can not help but gently squint.

He knows that Shuitou usually raises a lot of crows and develops all kinds of Ninjutsu. These crows are very loyal to their owners and are important partners of Shuitou. In animation, this kind of Ninjutsu is also taught to weasel (after Shuitou dies, these crows are all raised by weasel).

"Since it's you Of course I won't be so careless! "

Then Yu felt a gust of wind blowing by his side, and saw the seal of water start the skill of instant body approach very quickly. In the blink of an eye, he had already turned into countless shadows in the air.

"It's a powerful technique of instant body, worthy of the name of instant body water stop."

As soon as he wanted to resist the attack of a waterstop in front of him, another waterstop nearby had already attacked him from behind, and even dozens of Waterstops around him had launched an attack on him.

For a moment, even Yu's seeing, hearing, color and domineering spirit couldn't tell which one of the many Waterstops around him was the noumenon. Just now, the two root organizations were defeated by the skill of waterstop."I see There is no entity, but at the same time it can be said that all are entities. "

Feeling the attack of dozens of Waterstops around his body at the same time, even Yu can't help feeling a strong pressure at this moment. The inexplicable starlight flickers in the amber pupil.

"Fengdun instant body with extreme speed creates an effect similar to multiple shadow splits. As long as the opponent attacks or resists any of the shadow splits, he will instantly show his flaws and be attacked by other shadow splits around him."

Leidun · thousand birds flow!!

The brain instantly analyzed the Ninja used by Shuitou. In the face of the attack launched by dozens of Shuitou around, Yu did not hesitate to release a thousand birds.

The violent and gorgeous electric current broke out on the body, but it penetrated all the waterstop shadow around without any hindrance. It didn't cause any effect!

"So quickly I analyzed the nature of my instant body skill..."

At the sight of Yu, he saw the essence of his art of wind escaping and instant body. The voice of water stopping sighed again on the water surface, "no mistake, every remnant here is an illusion caused by my rapid movement!"


Just at the moment when the violent current of qianniao stream stopped, a striking and bright light of the sword had bloomed in front of Yu.

Too fast!!

Even the consciousness of reaction has not been produced, the knife has been waved in front of the body, the body skin feels the cold from the blade, and Yu sighs in his heart.

Sure enough, it's worthy of the name of instant body waterstop. It's the fastest Ninja he's ever played with so far.

I don't know whose instant body skill will be faster than the yellow flash wave Fengshui gate?

The light of the sword is approaching, but Yu's mind is wandering.


At the critical moment, a flash of dazzling thunder and lightning suddenly broke out on Yu's body, and the whole person instantly disappeared in the same place.

Actually, with the help of the powerful Leidun chakra produced by Leidun · thousand birds flow just now, it stimulates the body cells, stimulates the body activity, and displays the powerful Leidun instant body skill!

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