Keng! Bang! Bang!

But just as red bean and weasel were talking, Shuitou and Yu had been fighting all the way to the cliff of the canyon.

One uses the wind instant body and the short sword technique to cooperate with the fierce flame blade, and the other uses the ability of the thunder instant body to cooperate with the armed color domineering spirit and the thread fruit. It is like walking on the flat ground on the cliff of the canyon, like two wild dragons.

In the twinkling of an eye, both of them are extremely fast. They have been fighting for innumerable rounds in an instant. During the fighting, both of them are secretly marveling at each other's strength.

Yu found that every Sabre chop of Shuitou was made by using his swift and instant body skill. If it wasn't for his own body skill and reaction ability, he would have been chopped many times.

I can use instant body skill continuously in battle

Even the average Ninja can't do this

In the fierce battle, Yu was awe inspiring when he saw that Shuitou could fight with himself continuously.

Moreover, in the process of fighting, if yu didn't pay attention to the operation of chakra on Shuitou all the time, ordinary people would have been killed by the magic of Shuitou in the war.

His body art is not like the action that human beings can make

I can't find any weakness at all. It's almost impeccable to cooperate with his blood

I don't know that I'm trying to resist the ability of avoiding feather super body skill and thread fruit at the moment, but I'm complaining in my heart.

After fighting with Yu, he found that Yu's body skill is not only extremely fast and unpredictable, but also has great power in every move.

In particular, Yu, a pair of dragon claws blackened by armed color, knows that if an ordinary person is hit once by this kind of body skill, he will be killed immediately.

In addition, all kinds of powerful lines burst out on the feather at any time and any place, which makes the water stop feel more defenseless. Every step seems to be dangerous.

"No way, Yu..."

"It seems that I can only rely on the power of Yu Zhibo's writing wheel eyes!"

In the face of the fierce wind and waves in front of him, it seems that he can't help being gradually suppressed in the downwind. An invisible pupil comes out of the red sangouyu's eyes.

Magic · the art of flail!!

The water stop eyes suddenly open, which is one of the hypnotic eye abilities possessed by sangouyu's writing wheel eye. It is the supreme magic that binds the opponent's action. It doesn't need to make a seal. It can be launched by looking at the opponent directly.

In the mental world constructed by the surgeon, the limbs of the opponent will feel like being wedged, and the freedom of the body will be completely lost, accompanied by the illusion of physical pain! It has a powerful effect like torture.

With this move, yuzhibo weasel, a 13-year-old middle-aged anime artist, instantly defeated the great snake pill with extraordinary magic attainments, forcing the big snake pill to leave the organization with hatred.

"The magic of writing wheel eyes It's no use. Stop water. "

However, as soon as he released the magic of writing round eyes, Shuitou opened his eyes in surprise - the feather in front of him had already closed his eyes!

"Unlike other ninjas, I can fight without relying on my eyes at all."

"Unless you use other gods who directly invade your opponent's brain and forcibly modify your will, any vision magic will not work for me."

Seeing and hearing color domineering clear perception, and even foresee the water in front of every move, only close your eyes of the feather sharp body movement has not been affected, and even become more rapid.

In order to deal with Yu Zhibo weasel and Yu Zhibo Sasuke's writing eye magic, the pharmacist Dou, who successfully practiced the immortal mode in the animation, deliberately cut off his own retina and used the natural energy to perceive the surrounding chakra or life.

Similarly, from the time he came across the world, Yu began to think about how to deal with Yu Zhibo's writing wheel eyes. Fortunately, his later awakening of seeing, hearing, lust and domineering spirit helped him solve this problem to a large extent.

As Yu said, he can fight without relying on his eyes, so all the illusions of the visual system will not have any effect on him.

Only the magic flute sound lock of Yinren village, which is one of the five people in Yinren village, and the Fairy Magic and Toad singing of miaomushan shenzuo and Zhima, or the most powerful magic of water stop directly invading the opponent's brain to manipulate other gods, can it have an effect on him.

Of course, if the opponent adopts such magic, Yu will naturally adopt other tactics and methods to deal with it.

"How can "Magic is invalid?"

"Fighting without eyes How on earth did he do it? "

The super magic of writing wheel eye can't produce any effect on Yu. In the face of the fierce attack, Yu finally shows an unacceptable expression on his face."Fight without eyes..."

"This kind of thing Can anyone really do it? "

At the same time, looking at the feather on the cliff of the gorge, who closed his eyes but took the hand to completely suppress the water in the downwind, I saw that the weasel's childish face was also full of deep shock and touch.

"Accept the truth, stop water..."

"Although you have made great progress, I haven't stayed at the same place."

Feel the strong vibration in front of Shuitou. At this moment, although Yu can't see the expression on his face, Yu can imagine that it must be very wonderful. He grabs the gap of Shuitou's instant body skill between his words, and bursts out a thick and incomparable string in his palm.

Over the whip!!

The sharp string, which is more than 100 meters long and is extremely difficult to control, seems to become a smart Python in Yu's hands.

In the air crazy wave out of a sharp track, the canyon cliff and all the objects along the way all cut to pieces.

What to do

Do you really want to use other gods

In the area where Yu's hand is constantly wielding the whip to attack, he can only see the waterstop who continuously uses the instant body skill. He is a bit embarrassed to dodge from left to right. Occasionally, the flame saber in his hand strikes back with fierce flame sword Qi, but it can't change the fact that he has been suppressed by death.

No, that skill can't be used as a last resort

Moreover, he has not yet begun to use his puppets

But soon Shuitou gave up the idea. Since Yu didn't use the most powerful puppet technique, he absolutely didn't expose the reason of writing wheel eye in kaleidoscope in advance.

Although he is usually cheerful and gentle, even to the enemy is also a point to stop, but as a child known as the peerless genius of Shuitou, there will inevitably be a far more than ordinary pride and persistence in the bottom of his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!