"No matter how many ninjas there are with wooden leaves..."

"There are nearly ten thousand ninjas in the family, including the shadow department, the root, and the Ninjas of RI, qiudao, Nara, Yamanaka and younu."

Ignoring the shocked eyes of all yuzhibo ninjas present, Yu slowly steps out of the strange space of jiewangmen fruit.

"You know, a few years ago, the most powerful Huiye people in the country of water launched a coup in an attempt to overthrow Wuyin. In the end, they didn't end up exterminating the family..."

"It's not that I belittle you yuzhibo clan and Fuyue clan leader. Do you think that relying on the strength of your clan, you can really launch a coup to seize power?"

In the face of hundreds of pairs of eyes in front of him, he said calmly.

"Is it Fei Cang's feather?"

"Three generations of Huoying's disciples, the running dog of Muye's high level, damn How on earth did this guy get in? "

And at this time, see in front of the feather so dignified appear out of thin air, all the Ninjas of yuzhibo's family on the scene are scared and scared.

It's amazing that Yu can completely ignore the jiejie skill of yuzhibo clan. What he is afraid of is that Yu's reputation of killing three generations of Lei Ying and four generations of Shui Ying with one million enemies in the rumor.

"I see. When I used space, ninja entered here..."

Looking at Yu, who appeared out of thin air in front of him, and hearing the weight of the young man's words, Yu Zhibo Fuyue's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, "that is to say, Lord Huoying and senior management of Muye already know our plan to launch a coup. It seems that we have no way back at all..."

"Don't be silly, patriarch Fuyue. I advise you to stop."

Feeling the idea that yuzhibo Fuyue and all the yuzhibo ninjas on the scene were going to burn their boats, Yu just shook his head in silence, with a plain tone of regret. "There's no need to gamble on the fate of the whole clan for the sake of unfair treatment for a while, besides..."

"Waterstop and weasel may not be on your side as you wish."

According to the fact that Yu Yu said, according to the plot in the animation, weasel and waterstop, who are beyond the narrow nationalism and inherit the so-called will of fire, actually chose the village between the village and the family.

"What nonsense! Shuitou is the mainstay of our yuzhibo clan, and weasel is the eldest son of Lord Fuyue! "

However, as soon as Yu's words were finished, Yu Zhibo was the first one to jump out of the room. "How could they not be on our side! I think your purpose this time is to destroy our plan! Help Huoying and Muye to suppress our yuzhibo family! "

"Lord Fuyue! Don't hesitate any more! "

"Since pharmacist Yu broke in at this time, it's just a good chance for us!"

With that, yuzhibo's eyes turned to the nearby yuzhibo Fuyue, and the red writing wheel's eyes were full of murders. "As long as you kill this guy, and then control Muye's high-rise building, the whole Muye will be dominated by our yuzhibo clan in the future!"


Hearing Yu Zhibo's words in the wind, Yu Zhibo's ninjas showed their eager eyes one by one under his encouragement. Yu's heart sighed helplessly.

In order to change Shuitou's fate at the tragic end of animation, he tried to persuade yuzhibo family to put an end to their idea of launching a coup, but now it seems that no one will take him.

"Pharmacist Yu, as we discussed in the previous meeting..."

"As a disciple of the three generations of Huoying, you are the biggest obstacle to our successful coup."

Amid the support and shouts of hundreds of people around, the long silent yuzhibo Fuyue finally said, "since you've all broken into this place, it's better to let us yuzhibo start first than to wait for the fire shadow and Muye high-level officials to settle their accounts in autumn. I'm sorry."

As the voice fell, yuzhibo suddenly burst out a powerful momentum on Fuyue. His black eyes suddenly turned into blood red. Around the dart shaped black sanguoyu, three mysterious black dots appeared.

"The legendary kaleidoscope writing wheel eye..."

"Is this the famous" fierce eye Fu Yue "in the war of tolerance..."

Seeing Yu Zhibo in front of him, Fu Yue has made up his mind to launch a coup, and released his kaleidoscope eyes, which were awakened when he saw his friends' sacrifice in the Third World War. Yu's calm eyes gradually turned into sharp eyes.

"In that case Then don't blame me for using my strength to make you understand the gap! "

Feeling the killing intention of yuzhibo Fuyue and hundreds of yuzhibo ninjas present at the same time, Yu also made up his mind and decided to use his strength to suppress the rebellion.

Open the air!!

When the king of the world opens the door, the shadow of tyrant, Michael and general Dong appears behind the feather.

"Come on! Don't give him a chance to manipulate the puppetYuzhibo Fuyue was shocked when he saw that Yu's space ability instantly summoned three demonic puppets when he used them. After a war in the world of tolerance, he naturally understood how terrible the puppets manipulated by Fei Cang Zhiyu were.

Writing wheel eyes - the art of gold binding!!

Just as several yuzhibo ninjas around rushed up, they saw yuzhibo's red kaleidoscope eyes suddenly open, and his powerful pupil force gushed out.

"This is The magic of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye

In front of him, Yu Zhibo and Fu Yue's fierce eyes, Yu's body shocked, and he seemed to fall into a state of ghost pressure and could not move.


At the moment when he was controlled by yuzhibo Fuyue's golden magic of writing wheel eyes in a kaleidoscope, the sharp sabres on the hands of several yuzhibo ninjas who rushed up with the magic of instant body had penetrated his body instantly.


"What a piece of crap Fei Cang's feather, with one against ten thousand ninja, it's just like that."

A few sharp sabres pierced the body of Yu Yu from all angles. There was a deep disdain on the faces of several yuzhibo ninjas. "I was just talking, but I didn't expect that we would kill them so easily..."

"Fool! That's not him! Get out of the way! "

Just a few yuzhibo Ninja words have not finished, next to the yuzhibo wind suddenly face crazy change, loud mouth to remind them.


Hearing the reminder from yuzhibo, several yuzhibo ninjas take a close look. There is a cold and piercing air. Only the feathers pierced by them before meeting have turned into a crystal clear demon of ice!

Ice time!!

The terrible freezing air broke out in the dark underground meeting room of Nanhe shrine. Several yuzhibo ninjas didn't have time to struggle, so they were frozen into lifelike ice sculptures by the super ice power of general Dong.

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