"Tuan Zang! Isn't the problem of yuzhibo family well solved now? "

"But how can we say that Yu Zhibo is our former comrades in arms? How can we easily fight each other unless we have to?"

Hearing Tuan Zang's words, San Dai's brows were deeply wrinkled. "Have you forgotten how Yuzhi Bojing helped you in the battlefield?"

Yuzhibo mirror

Hearing that the name was suddenly mentioned by the third generation, Tuan Zang was suddenly speechless, and the right eye hidden under the white bandage seemed to have a dull pain.

"Of course I won't forget..."

Seeing that the three generations mentioned their once young teammates, Tuan Zang, who was about to have an argument, had no choice but to compromise. "Yu Zhibo mirror used his pupil technique to rescue me more than once..."

What an ungrateful fellow

Looking at Tuan Zang's shriveled face, Yu, who was silent, despised him.

Yuzhibojing, one of the six disciples of the second generation of Huoying qianshouyijian, was once a teammate of three generations and tuanzang in their youth. Like Shuitou, he was also a gifted ninja who went beyond narrow nationalism and inherited the will of fire.

According to Tuan Zang, yuzhibo mirror once saved his life more than once in the battlefield. But Tuan Zang later attacked the descendants of mirror and planned to kill the whole yuzhibo clan in order to write about lunyan.

Like this kind of monsters in human skin, no matter how many bright slogans he shouts on his mouth, he will always be the worst scum in other people's eyes.

"Master ape, can you hear me?"

"Starting tomorrow, I'm going to go to the land of earth."

Ignoring Tuan Zang's ugly face and the other two senior elders beside him, Yu made use of the second stage of spiritual speech ability of seeing, hearing, and bullying, and directly spread what he wanted to say to the hearts of the three generations.

What is this?!

He was about to continue to argue with Tuan Zang when he heard the voice coming into his heart. He was shocked and looked at Yu, who was silent in front of him.

In the face of the shock and strange eyes of the three generations, Yu probably explained to him the ability of seeing and hearing about erotic and domineering spiritual speech. By the way, he told him that he was going to go to Yanyin tomorrow to pick up yenaiyu.

"Well, I see..."

"Yu, if it's OK, you can go back first."

A moment later, San Dai regained his shocked mood, nodded to Yu in front of him and agreed to his request.

The master and the apprentice What are you playing?!

Looking at the silent communication between Yu and the three generations, Tuan Zang and Shuihu menyan are at a loss.

Naturally, the three outsiders couldn't find out what Yu's ability to deliver to the three generations by using the power of seeing, hearing and domineering spirit speech. They could only watch Yu leave the fire shadow office in surprise.

"Cough, our meeting continues."

Seeing Tuan Zang's surprised reaction on their face, three generations of light coughing drew their attention back.

But in his heart, he has already set off a storm. He can transmit his voice and information to other people's hearts. This is the unique secret skill of Muye mountain people. He doesn't know how Yu mastered this ability.

However, since Shouyu became a close disciple, the young man's ability to show has numbed him.


After this battle, yuzhibo's plot to launch a coup to seize power was suppressed by Yu using force and strangled in the cradle.

Although this event caused quite a stir in Muye, and even many ordinary villagers knew about it, most people still chose not to mention what happened on this day.

However, after this incident, the yuzhibo clan, which is on the edge of Muye, has become more independent and closed, and the conflicts and estrangement between them and other ninjas have been increasingly accumulated and deepened.

But these have nothing to do with Yu. The next morning, he and Xiyan said hello and then left for the land in a hurry.

Of course, Yu didn't choose the way to travel this time. Instead, he let the tyrant use the fruit of the meatball and beat himself to fly. In order to avoid extra trouble, he wanted to find yenaiyu in the land of earth and bring her back as soon as possible.

At the same time, the dark underground roots.

"Are you sure he left Muye?"

Staring at the ninja who reported in front of him, Tuan Zang was leaning on crutches with his left eye shaking.

"Yes, Mr. tuanzang!"

"I saw Fei Cang's feather come out of the office of three generations of Huoying, and then go to the direction of the country of earth!"

Hearing Tuan Zang's question, the root organization ninja in front of him quickly bowed his head and said.

"The land of earth It seems that the kid finally took the bait. You immediately send someone to Yinren village of Tian Zhiguo to inform dashuewan. This guy has not heard from you recently, and I don't know whether he is dead or not. "After confirming the news that his ninja had brought back, Tuan Zang's eyes narrowed and immediately ordered him to go on, "and Find a way to let the news out to those guys in Yanyin. It's better to let the guy in liangtiangua know about it. "

"Since Fei Cang's feather can't be used by me..."

"Instead of letting him stand on the other side of ape flying and watch them, master and apprentice are in full control of Muye, so that I will never have a chance to stand out..."

Looking at his ninja left, Tuan Zang's face was gloomy and twisted, which was enough to make people have a nightmare for a lifetime.

Huoying's position has always been his coveted target, but now the power of Muye is firmly in the hands of the three generations, and the relationship between Yu and him has been thoroughly hostile. If he can't find a way to eliminate this eyesore, then he will never have a chance to be in Muye.

"It's better for me to use some extraordinary means, this time I'm going to let that kid die


Three days later, the land of earth.

As one of the five largest countries in the world of tolerance, most of the territory of this country is desolate, and the domestic rocks seem to exist along the border, thus blocking the traffic between tuzhiguo and other countries.

In addition, the wind from the north will cross the mountains and blow small rocks to other countries. The natural phenomenon called "rock rain" is very famous here.

Yanyin ninja village in the land of earth has the largest number of ninjas among the five major Ninja villages. Yu, who has been to the land of wind and the land of water, is the first time to come to this completely strange country.

"You Who the hell are you? "

"How dare you attack the people of Yanyin ninja village in our country! Are you tired of living? "

In a seemingly prosperous town, in such a large hotel, several ninjas wearing the forehead of Yanyin ninja village are killing each other, and there are screaming people all around.

Feeling that his body was completely out of his control, he shot his partner again and again. All Yan Ren looked at the white haired boy sitting on the sofa with a frightened and twisted face.

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