"You're really an immortal snake..."

"I didn't expect to have the courage to appear in front of me..."

Thinking of this, Yu's uneasy premonition became stronger and stronger, so he directly opened his mouth to the big snake pill in front of him and said, "well, you're lucky today. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense here. Get out of my way quickly!"


After that, Yu stepped on the transparent invisible thin line under his feet, and showed his thunder flash. He burst out with amazing speed. The whole person directly turned into a ray of thunder and shot toward the front.

"So fast..."

"It's worthy of being Yu Jun. it's an amazing instant skill."

Feel a gorgeous flash of thunder in front of you, and see that Yu seems to have burst out of speed and brush past him. At this time, big snake pill's face suddenly shows a smile of evil spirit, "but look at Yu Jun, you are in a hurry..."

"It seems that there is something important waiting for you to deal with."

Forbidden skill · filthy soil seal out!!

Voice down, I saw the big snake pill hands into a virtual shadow, in a very short period of time, instantly formed a dozen complex fingerprints.

The ground at the foot of the whole rock forest seemed to vibrate violently. He even summoned a huge coffin on the ground under the feather.

Thousands of mysterious black hands appeared to pull Yu into the coffin, and then sink into the abyss with the huge coffin.

This is

It seems that the big snake pill has completed the technique of reincarnation

Yu, who is moving forward rapidly, suddenly faces the huge coffin and countless Black Ghost hands that are summoned by the instant channeling, and can't help but be surprised.

Open the air!!

Ice explosion · pheasant beak!!

But the conditioned reflex was general. In a moment, the air under him was turned into a round transparent door by the king.

The power of freezing burst out, and the winter general blew out a huge and bright ice bird directly from the fruit space of the gate. He exploded the coffin at his feet, and frozen countless Black Ghost hands in an instant.

"What a powerful power..."

"The reaction is really quick. It seems that you have become stronger again..."

Seeing that the demon puppet of Yu's forbidden skill · filthy soil seal destroyed instantly, dasheban obviously felt that this young man was stronger and more difficult to deal with than two years ago.

But with this opportunity and gap, dasheban turned into a snake and glided fast to the ground. At last, he caught up with Yu's steps. "It's just a matter of being entrusted by others to be loyal to others..."

"I'm sorry, Yujun. You'd better stay here today and talk about the past with me."

Patience · evil snake wrist burst!!

With a deep hiss in his mouth, he saw the big snake pill's hands seal again. On the ground under Yu's feet, he was summoned out of thin air by psychics. He opened his smelly mouthpiece to swallow him, and then detonated with chakra!

"You're looking for death!"

Facing the huge boa constrictor, hearing the words of the big snake pill, Yu's sharp eyes seemed to freeze the air, "give you a chance to live, you don't want to. Since you are so eager to reincarnate, I will give you a ride as soon as possible!"

Huodun · haohuohai!!

As he spoke, Yu's intention to kill broke out. The door opened by the king of the world suddenly flashed out of the strange space, and the huge figure of the tyrant flashed out.

The moisture in the air seemed to be drained at one go. The tyrant launched the burning escape chakra in his body and directly spewed out a hot wave of fire. The explosion beyond the power of ordinary fire escape instantly evaporated several Python into a snake stem.

"You constantly reincarnate your soul and forcibly seize other people's body. If you do not reincarnate your corpse, you will have a three-year period of weakness..."

After manipulating the tyrant to kill several Python in an instant, Yu's seeing and hearing color and domineering spirit directly locked the snake pill coming up behind him. His indifferent eyes were like staring at a dead man. "I don't believe that you can use the curse of heaven to resurrect and regenerate without cost!"

Although the big snake pill can resurrect and regenerate even if it dies by using the curse seal it planted on other ninjas, I don't believe this taboo ability will come at no cost at all.

God kill gun, no step even blade!!

Accompanied by the cold tone in the mouth of the feather, there are countless light beams in the air that are fast to the extreme and impact all objects.

I know that the purpose of big snake pill appearing here at this time is to delay myself. Yu doesn't have any superfluous nonsense, and the power of thread and fruit in his body will burst out completely.

As soon as he raised his hand, he directly blasted out countless columns of destruction in the air. Before he could react, the snake pill quickly caught up with him was directly stabbed into a sieve by his continuous killing gun.

"This is..."

In the face of Yu's all-out shot, which has exceeded 500 times the speed of sound, his body is almost turned into the dust of the snake pill. There is an imperceptible color of panic in his eyes, "you are really stronger, Yujun."Indeed, as Yu said, there is no absolute perfect ninja in this world.

With the power of the seal of heaven, he can be resurrected after death, but before that, his soul has to sleep for a long time.

In addition, there are very few ninjas who can successfully accept his seal of heaven's curse and survive. In addition to his beloved disciple yushouxihongdou, there are almost one less ninjas who have the seal of heaven's curse on his hand.

So this time, if tuanzang didn't specially send someone to Yinren village to find him and offer him a condition that he can't refuse, he would never want to face this terrible opponent again.

He swore that he didn't want to experience it again in his life.

White scale snake!!

There was almost no hesitation. Before the body was completely smashed into pieces and decomposed into dust by the continuous explosion of the God killing gun, I saw the big snake pill with its mouth wide open and its own white scale snake came out of it.

In front of an opponent like Yu two years later, dasheban knows that if he doesn't burst out with real strength, he may not even have the chance to hold down his opponent.


It's just that the big snake pill has just burst out of its own white scale snake. Before it has time to lock its target again and bite, it feels like a flower in front of its eyes. Yu Junxiu's indifferent face has almost been pasted on his face!

How fast what is it?

In the face of Yu's incredible speed, big snake pill was surprised, but after seeing the appearance of Yu clearly, the cold snake pupil suddenly shrank!

It turns out that at the moment when the big snake pill erupted into the white scale snake, Yu had already launched the armed force.

The black domineering spirit covered the whole body from the bottom to the top, only revealing a handsome and evil face. The tyrannical atmosphere of destroying everything between the air and temperament made big snake feel a thrill.

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