"Good It's terrible... "

Looking at a group of mantra imprinted experimental bodies surrounded by killing and tyrannical atmosphere, sasamur could not help hiding behind Yu.

Some of them have sharp horns on their heads, some have a long tail on their bodies, and some even have sarcomatous wings on their backs. In a word, in terms of appearance, these guys are not human at all.

"Is this the inferior product copied from the immortality What a pity. "

"Just for the sake of a little growth of strength, I made myself so that people don't look like ghosts, and even lost my sense."

Stopped by more than 100 hideous and ferocious experimental objects in front of him, the plain expression on Yu's face did not change. Instead, his eyes sighed with pity. These guys reminded him of Yu Zhibo Sasuke in the animation.

In order to find weasel revenge, Sasuke accepted the power of the big snake pill curse at all costs, eroding his body, sacrificing his appearance and even affecting his mind. At the same time, Sasuke improved his poor power.

Compared with the plug-in of another protagonist, whirlpool Naruto, which has no pain, no side effects, and even strengthens the body, Sasuke's poor plug-in has been thrown into the dust.

"Who are you? The helper of the big snake pill... "

Staring at the pitiful Yu in front of him, one of them seemed to have a trace of reason and asked with his ferocious teeth.

"You don't need to know who I am..."

"Because I don't have the habit of introducing myself to the dead..."

With Yu's insipid voice falling, his fingers moved gently, and a transparent invisible sharp white line had been shot out, which instantly cut the incantation seal ninja in front of him. The corpse separated, and the dark blood splashed all over the ground.

"What?! This guy... "

"Kill! Tear both of them to pieces! "

It seems that he was stimulated by the blood splashing in front of his eyes. When he saw Yu with a six or seven year old girl moving her finger, he killed one of them. Suddenly, all the more than 100 experimental animals just released went crazy.

"Kill him!"

"I'm going to tear them up and eat them both!"

For a moment, the roar of the sky came one after another, and countless ferocious and terrifying Yinhua ninjas set out one after another, burst out with amazing speed and rushed towards Yu and sasamur, the wind demon in front of them.

"Out of measure..."

Looking at the innumerable incantationally imprinted ninjas in front of him, the wind demon sasamura behind him is still a little scared, but Yu disdains to turn his mouth lightly.

Through the perception of lust and domineering, he can see that the strength of these mantra imprinted ninjas is above the level of ordinary tolerance at best, and some of them have reached the level of upper tolerance, which can not pose any threat to him at all.

Ice absolute God clothes!!

As the voice fell, Yu's fingers moved slightly, and general Dong, who had become the demon of ice behind him, suddenly became frozen. All the terrible forces erupted. All the Ninjas on the scene obviously felt that the temperature of the air around them had suddenly dropped.

In the twinkling of an eye, the whole ground is covered with ice. The ice that can condense all forms a powerful and huge Ice Armor directly on general Dong. All the objects it touches will be instantly condensed and smashed.

"This What is this? "

With the improvement of the frozen fruit ability, general Dong's body size becomes bigger and bigger. At this stage, the body size of the frozen God giant in front of everyone is almost the same as that of the third form of suzaneng, and all the swaying ninjas are shocked.


But before they could react from the shock, the terrible sound of ice breaking sounded. In front of them, general Dong, who was incarnated in the armor God of ice, had suddenly punched down!

More than a dozen ninjas had no chance to scream. All of them were turned into crushed ice dregs by general Dong in an instant, and the ground under their feet was crushed by it!

"Why How is that possible? "

"Such a monster Who the hell is this guy? "

Seeing the huge icebound armor God killing them like killing chickens and dogs, he watched all his companions around him turn into ice cubes, and the remaining dozens of incantational ninjas finally showed their expressions of fear.

"Good It's amazing... "

Seeing so many hideous and ferocious ninjas in front of the huge ice covered armored God manipulated by Yu, they were crushed like local chickens and wagons, and the shocked look on sasamur's face could not be described in words.

"But Where's my brother? "

"I'm going to find my brother!"

But after recovering from the shock, sasamur, the wind demon, remembers his purpose of following Yu to yinninja village, and immediately wants to rush into the collapsed Research Institute to find his cousin, wind demon LAN."Keep the change..."

"Your cousin should be among these guys."

However, as soon as the wind demon sasamura wants to rush out, Yu catches her and tells a cruel truth.

Originally, he remembered that before Sasuke's body, big snake pill's hands had reached the limit of injury and needed a body to reincarnate immediately. Dou then let the Ninjas carefully selected at that time kill each other. The last one who survived could be big snake pill's next body, and the one who survived was wind demon LAN.

However, according to the current situation, dasheban has chosen a woman's body as a new container, so it's very likely that winddemon LAN, the cousin of winddemon Sasaki, has also become one of these experimental bodies.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Go to hell!"

When Yu was talking to sasamur, a ninja with incantation seal around him rushed to them. His dark purple hands turned into a weapon by using the power of incantation seal, and they split face to face with brutal and crazy shouting!


However, a glaring thunder and laser burst out in the air, and the crazy and brutal clamor suddenly stopped. The Landun qianniao sharp gun formed on Yu's hand immediately penetrated his body.

"Brother Brother? "

However, after the Ninja was killed by Yu and the dark purple incantation pattern gradually faded, sasamura, the wind demon, couldn't believe it, but his eyes widened. His light purple hair revealed silver gray. He was just a handsome face. He was the cousin, wind demon LAN, whom sasamura had been looking for!

"For Why... "

Looking at the dead cousin wind demon LAN in front of him, thinking of the picture that wind demon Lan was desperate to kill himself and Yu just now, wind demon sasamur couldn't help flowing water in his eyes, "why does brother want to kill us..."

"Don't be sad..."

Although it's just a chance meeting, Yu can't help comforting sasamura, a lovely girl, when she looks so sad. "He's completely controlled by the power of the mantra seal. He has no reason at all."

"Ha ha! I guessed right! "

"Both men and women! I can kill one. I'll have a good time! "

Just when Yu comforted the wind demon Sasaki, almost all the incantational ninjas around him had been crushed and killed by general Dong, but a sharp and crazy cry suddenly came to their ears.

Axe chopping and smashing!!

A figure quickly flashed over his head. A young Ninja with orange hair came down from the sky. The power of the two hands' incantation directly formed a dark purple axe. He raised it over his head and attacked the two men, Yu and sasamur, who were under his feet!

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