It turns out that

The real dragon cave is in another space

Staring at the purple haze sky and the completely new world, Yu had to marvel at the great skill of the White Snake fairy.

"Well It's really interesting that human beings at such a young age can beat shifalcon and Shiyu. "

"For many years, no one has been able to practice the magic of Longdi cave successfully. Maybe you will be an exception."

The old and floating voice came out from the White Snake fairy, "time falcon, time rain, you two take him to Hualong pool to have a try!"

"Hualong pond?"

After hearing the White Snake fairy's words, the two snake fairies, Shiying and Shiyu, who were injured nearby, suddenly looked worried, "White Snake fairy! But this human just now he... "


However, before the words of the Falcon and the rain were finished, the White Snake fairy's golden eyes were awe inspiring, and his huge white body suddenly turned over and gushed out a tremendous terror, "you two, do you want to disobey my orders?"

"Of course not! White Snake fairy! "

In the face of the terrible power of the White Snake fairy, Shiying and Shiyu were terrified. But Shiyu turned his head to the nearby feather and said, "human, come with me!"

As expected

Seeing this scene, Yu was more convinced of his conjecture. Unlike the toads in miaomushan, the snakes in Longdi cave are more inclined to the evil side.

Snakes have always been ruthless, there is no free lunch in the world, white snake fairy can so easily agree to let himself learn the magic of Longdi cave, feather will not be naive to believe that it is true, because appreciate yourself.

About ten minutes' journey, after passing countless giant stalagmites, rain and feather came to a deep pool, surrounded by many snake shaped statues.

"This is Hualong pool..."

"Ordinary chakra = spiritual energy + physical energy, while magic chakra = spiritual energy + physical energy + natural energy. Its power is several or even dozens of times that of ordinary chakra, which depends on the degree of practice."

On the edge of the huge pool, due to the order of the White Snake fairy, Shi Yu's huge body gradually coiled on the ground, and began to explain the knowledge of fairy art to Yu.

"If you want to practice alchemy, you must first have enough chakra quantity, and then you need strong will and control ability, perfect control of the three abilities to maintain a balance, in order to successfully enter the immortal mode."

"If you perfectly maintain the balance of the three kinds of energy and really exert the power of magic, then your appearance will not change; if you can't control the huge natural energy and take in a little more than one third of your own energy, your body will start to become a snake; and when the natural energy is far greater than the spiritual energy and the body energy, your body will become a part of nature Like stones. "

Shi Yu said, pointing to the many snake shaped stone statues on the edge of Hualong pool with his tail, "do you see these stone statues? They are all people who failed to practice Fairy Art in the past. If they can't control the natural energy and keep balance, they will become stones like them."

"This is the huge risk that the practice of immortal mode must take. Are you sure you want to try it?"

After lamenting his interests, Shi Yu looks at Yu as if he wants him to retreat.

After hearing what Shi Yu said, Yu pondered for a moment. In fact, he had already understood the concept of immortal mode, but after Shi Yu's explanation, he had a more intuitive feeling.

"No more nonsense, let's get started!"

After a moment of careful thinking, Yu made a decision directly. After all, with his huge chakra amount and nearly perfect chakra control ability, the risk of practicing immortal mode is much less than other ordinary ninjas.

"Well, in that case, I wish you success in advance."

"Anyway, no one in Longdi cave has been able to practice it successfully for many years. Judging from the amount of chakra, you should have reached the standard completely."

After a short battle, he could clearly feel that the huge amount of chakra on Yu was almost beyond the standard of shadow level.

It's true that although it's not as good as whirlpool Naruto for the time being, and there's a kind of open hanging between the fire shadow thousand hand pillars of the early generation, after the transformation of the line fruit ability and their own unremitting efforts, Yu's chakra amount now has exceeded the shadow ninja of the same level several times.

"From now on, you go to Hualongchi..."

"As I've taught you, sit down and feel the natural energies carefully, and then try to control them to merge with your chakra..."

When he said that, Yu asked Yu to sit down in the Hualong pool and began to explain to him the specific method of practicing alchemy chakra.

According to Shi Yu's method, Yu slowly sits cross knee beside the Hualong pool and practices with his eyes closed. At the same time, he calls all the demon puppets out of the alien space and guards them around him.If anything unusual happens, tyrant and general Dong, the demonic puppets manipulated by parasitic lines, will immediately attack the enemy and protect feather.

After sitting in silence for a long time, Yu can clearly and accurately capture the full-bodied natural energy of Longdi cave through his powerful perceptual ability of seeing and hearing color, and then gradually absorb them into his body.

Because it was the first time to practice, he was worried that the huge natural energy was too violent to control, so Yu did not dare to absorb too much, but carefully absorbed a small part of the natural energy into his body.

"This is..."

However, Yu seems to underestimate the fury of natural energy. He just tried to absorb a small part of it into his body, but he didn't expect that the huge natural energy around him would go into his body as if it were all pervasive!

"How could that be?"

The balance among body energy, mental energy and natural energy was destroyed by the huge and violent natural energy injected into the body, and Yu's body immediately began to react.

First, the skin began to turn pale, then a large number of white snake scales appeared on the body, and even the tail of the snake began to grow behind, and a pair of white dragon snake horns appeared on the head.

"Hum, the ignorant are really fearless..."

"I dare to absorb so much natural energy in the first cultivation of immortal mode..."

Seeing that Yu accidentally absorbed such a large amount of natural energy at one time, his body began to snake gradually, and the violent natural energy around him was still pouring into his body, and the next one hummed coldly.

Obviously, in his eyes, he seems to have seen the whole person turn into a snake and then gradually turn into a stone statue and die.

"It's over I didn't expect that the White Snake fairy would look away this time. Your fate will be the same as those stone statues... "


Do I want to become a stone like them

I didn't expect that the real immortal cultivation mode would be so dangerous. I felt that my body was gradually serpentinized, and the violent natural energy was continuously injected into my body. Suddenly, Yu's heart was filled with a strong reluctance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!