"It's really powerful..."

Seeing the destructive power caused by his magic stroke, Yu could not help nodding with satisfaction.

Not only that, after entering the immortal mode, he can obviously feel that all the attributes of his whole body, even his perception ability, are greatly enhanced. With the help of seeing, hearing, lust and domineering, all things around him can not escape his insight.

Moreover, Yu also believes that he is now performing his body skill in immortal mode. Although the increase of his power may not be ten times as much as the combat power brought by instant, his speed, strength and even recovery ability are far beyond the normal state.

Thinking of this, Yu Zheng wants to take advantage of the immortal mode to try his body skill's increasing effect, but suddenly he feels a wave in his body. Chakra, the immortal skill that has just merged, suddenly repels each other, and then disperses again, returning to ordinary chakra and natural energy.

with the removal of chakra in the body, the dark purple faces and shadow shadows on the feather face fade away until they disappear.

"It seems that your immortal mode is not very skilled. The effect can only last for one minute."

Aware of feather body immortal pattern characteristics disappear, next to the rain said.

"Well, I didn't expect to quit the immortal mode so soon. It seems that I still need a long time to practice."

After retreating from the immortal mode, Yu Ruo said thoughtfully.

In animation, the protagonist whirlpool Naruto has just begun to cultivate into immortal mode, which can only last for a few minutes, and it takes a long time to absorb natural energy.

Later, he absorbed the natural energy through the shadow body to refine the magic chakra and supply it to the noumenon in the battle. Until the final stage of the war of tolerance, he could rely on the nine tails to absorb the natural energy and keep the immortal mode.

And the first generation of fire shadow thousand hands column is a seal can quickly enter the immortal mode, and from the animation he and yuzhiboban war, his immortal mode seems to be able to continue for a long time, obviously than the whirlpool Naruto and Zilai also to a higher level.

So my immortal mode is just at the beginning, and I can successfully cultivate the immortal mode so quickly, which shows that the starting point is higher than them, and there are still many things to dig slowly.

Moreover, as the leading golden finger in the fire shadow world, the role of immortal mode is beyond doubt. Even the later ten tailed human pillar force with earth, liudao yuzhiboban and dayuanmuhuiye, which are six levels controlling the Yin and Yang of the five elements, can't absorb or invalidate the immortal art. This is one of the most important points of Yu's immortal mode.


"I'd like to thank Shiyu immortal for taking me to Hualong pool to practice magic this time. I'm very sorry for the damage."

After quitting the immortal mode and sorting out his thoughts, Yu opens his mouth to thank Shiyu beside him. Anyway, it is an indisputable fact that the immortal mode has been taught to him by Longdi cave.

"Forget it, anyway, those stalagmite forests will grow again sooner or later..."

"But you can cultivate the immortal mode so quickly, which also shows that the White Snake immortal's vision is not wrong."

Hearing Yu's thanks, Shiyu still feels a little uncomfortable, but he still shakes his tail and says.

"It is estimated that the time of ninja world has passed for a long time..."

"I think it's time for me to go back. Shiyu fairy, please remember to say thank you to white snake fairy for me."

After that, Yu remembers that it has been almost four days since he came to Longdi cave. He doesn't know how long it has been in the ninja world outside. Bai and junmalu are still left in the hotel of tianzhiguo town.

"Well, if you have something to do, you can go first..."

"I just went back to report the news that you have successfully completed the immortal mode to white snake immortal."

Seeing that Yu has successfully completed the immortal mode, Shi Yu nods and says.

"But I'm going to leave a few shadows here to continue to practice the magic, isn't it a problem?"

said as like as two peas, he thought of the way of the swirling Naruto in the cartoon, and then he put a seal on his hands. There was a series of smoke around him, and suddenly several of them appeared to be exactly like himself.

"Do you use so many shadows to practice here..."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. When the time comes, can your body bear the huge magic chakra?"

See feather intend to leave these shadows, separate body in the Dragon Cave to continue to cultivate immortal mode, rain seems to be out of good intentions to remind said.

"Don't worry. It's not the first time I've practiced like this."

Hearing the words of Shi Yu's warning, Yu smiles calmly. He manipulates the king of the world to open the door of the different space, and takes all the demonic puppets to step into it. All of them disappear.

"What a convenient space-time Ninjutsu..."

"I can come and go freely between ninja world and Dragon Cave..."

Seeing that the different space where Yu enters the gate and the fruit disappears, Yu murmurs to himself when he looks at the shadow of Yu who is still practicing immortal mode on the edge of Hualong pool.Generally speaking, if ninjas want to enter into the three holy places or psychic beast spaces, they must sign a psychic contract with them before they can summon to the three holy places or psychic beast spaces through psychic skills. However, Yu, who has the fruit ability of jiewangmen, can now freely enter and leave Longdi cave.

"Those toads in miaomushan have cultivated so many ninjas who can use fairy art. Shigulin once helped the Ninjas who ended the troubled times in qianshouzhu to cultivate the immortal mode..."

"It seems that this time we will go to Longdi Cave There's going to be an unimaginable character... "


Tian Zhiguo is the same town as before.

In a hotel at the end of the street, the door of different space opens, and Yu's figure appears quietly.

"Master Yu!"

"Master Yu!"

Seeing that Yu, who has been missing for four days since going to Yinren village with sasamur, the wind demon, suddenly appears, Bai and junmalu can't help but exclaim with joy.

"I've kept you two waiting..."

"Pack up and let's get out of here."

See two kid happy appearance, feather mouth corner slightly up.

But at this time, he suddenly felt that on the street a few hundred meters away from here, there were three extremely powerful chakras approaching, and the speed was amazing. One of them was chakra's owner, whom he had seen before.


The speed of the visitors is incredible. It's just a few breaths. The door outside the hotel room has been cut into several sections with a bang. It collapses abruptly and raises the dust.

Seeing the more and more clear outline of the three uninvited guests in the fog, and their black bottomed red clouds emitting ominous atmosphere of the cloak, feather's mouth gradually raised a subtle arc.

"I don't need to clean up..."

"Bai, junmalu, we have guests coming."

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