"Pop up my chakra?"

After listening to Yu's answer, Shuitou's lax eyes became more at a loss. What kind of concept is that?

Has your strength reached this level now? Staring at Yu in front of him, he realized that he had never seen through the young man in front of him, but he knew that he had been completely defeated.

"I won't kill you or go back to Muye with you."

"Don't show up in front of me any more. This is the last time I'll see you as my friend."

In the quiet countryside at night, Yu passed him indifferently without paying attention to the stagnant water. He said, "from the moment you used magic to me, our friendship has been cut off."

After that, the dark purple immortal's facial pattern on Yu's face gradually faded, and the black armed color on his body also dissipated. After checking his physical strength and chakra, he walked away without looking back.

"Yu, it's Tuan Zang."

Leaving a person standing alone for a long time in silence, he finally clenched his fist, as if he had made up his mind to turn around and say a word.

Group collection?

Hearing the name spit out from Shuitou's mouth, yudun stops. Didn't Tuan Zang, the old man who was killed by him before, even lose his shape? How could

Wait Do you?

It seems to suddenly think of something, feather turned around and looked at the water.

"Yes, you guessed right. The primary wood Dun cells of Huoying saved his life..."

Seeing that Yu seemed to have guessed the answer, a helpless smile appeared on Shuitou's face, "but he was ruined by the trouble you made before you left Muye. The three generations of Huoying directly put him in prison, and the ninja of Muye interrogation Department tortured him day and night..."

"But later, two senior elders came forward to negotiate with Huoying and put pressure on him to release him from Muye prison temporarily."

Watergate inflammation? Sleep in spring?

Those two old ghosts who don't know what to do?

After listening to the explanation of Shuitou, Yu's cold eyes can't help squinting. If it wasn't for the face of the three generations, he planned to kill the two old guys when he left Muye.

"After that, Tuan Zang came to me. On the one hand, he told me that Muye needed your protection. On the other hand, he promised me that as long as I took you back to Muye, he and the other two high-level officials would stand on the same position with the three generations of Huoying adults in the matter of the village and yuzhibo clan..."

"The most important thing is that on the other hand The yuzhibo clan's idea of launching a coup to seize power, which was suppressed by you before, began to stir up again after you left Muye. "

"That's why I thought of using other gods to change your mind and let you come back to the village with me to guard Muye. In this way, you can continue to guard the children in the orphanage, and I can also continue to guard my companions and people. No tragedy will happen."

After speaking all the words buried in his heart for a long time, Shuitou finally took a breath. In recent years, the contradiction between the family and the village has become increasingly fierce, and he has done more and more things to make him feel guilty for breaking his heart.

Now, after being defeated by Yutang Zhengzheng, he is secretly relieved. At least he has done his best. Now that he is defeated by Yutang with absolute strength, he will never see anything against his will happen again.

"No tragedy will happen? Do you really think so? "

After listening to Shuitou express his naive wish, Yu silently shakes his head and looks at him, "you are too naive, Shuitou, I think you are really like a person - Muye's first generation of Huoying qianshouzhu, you also like to use your own simple ideas to guess other people and the world..."

"Only the only difference between you two is that qianshouzhu has the power to end the troubled times and pacify the Warring States, so he turned his naive idea into reality..."

"You are just a wretch sandwiched between the family and Muye. You want to save both sides, but the end result is that you can't catch either side..."

After that, Yu finally gave a deep look at the water stop standing in front of him, turned around and never looked back at him, "goodbye, yuzhibo water stop Maybe after this time, we will never have a chance to meet again... "


Is my idea really too naive

Looking at Yu's back as he turned and left, he was as stunned as if he had been electrified. He seemed to have lost all his strength and said to himself blankly

"I didn't expect that when I left Muye at the beginning, my words became a prophecy..."

"Tuan Zang really survived by relying on the wooden Dun cells in his body, and he even tried to control me by using water stop..."

"There are also two old guys, shuihumenyan and zhuanshuixiaochun. It seems that next time I return to Muye with a stronger posture, there will be two more garbage to be disposed of..."After saying goodbye to the waterstop, wearing the bright and cold moonlight in the night sky above, the departing feather presses down the strong intention of killing in his heart, takes back all his thoughts, steps out, and goes to the road that no one can see clearly


"The assassination failed?"

"What a bunch of useless bulls!"

In the early morning of the next day, the genius was bright, and a dull roar sounded in Lei Ying's office in yunyin ninja village, the land of thunder.

After receiving the news of the death of all the elite troops dispatched by his subordinates, the tyrannical four generation Lei Ying AI smashed the desk in front of him with one blow.

"Yes Sorry, Mr. Lei Ying... "

"The Ninja we sent out is not Fei Cang Zhiyu's opponent at all..."

In the face of the angry Lei Ying, Yun, kneeling on one knee, trembles and tells the truth that he almost dares not breathe.

"Ai, why don't you discuss with us about sending Ninja to assassinate Fei Cang Yu in advance?"

His Yunren dare not speak, but several yunyin senior officials next to him begin to have trouble with the fourth generation of Lei Ying AI. "Now, not long after the five powers in the tolerance world have just signed the peace agreement, although Fei Cang's feather has been separated from Muye, Muye has not announced that he is wanted as a traitor. Your rash action will only leave a voice to others."

"And with the strength of Fei Cang's feather, even if you send more ninjas, you will lose your life in vain. Coupled with that guy's character, if you make him angry and aim at us yunyin, the consequences will be unimaginable..."

The culprit who killed his father three generations of Lei Ying and destroyed yunyin's white eyed plan to steal muyeri is now free from Muye. Yunyin's high-level officials know that the hot tempered four generations of Lei Ying AI can't swallow this, so they have to express the pros and cons to him.

"Enough! Give me enough of you old fellows! "

However, the furious AI directly interrupts the persuasion of several yunyin executives. His dark and rough face reveals a gloomy and ferocious hatred. "If Fei Cang's feather dares to take yunyin's idea, it's just what I want. I've been thinking about meeting that guy for a long time..."

"At that time, I will crush the bones of his whole body one by one, and then pay homage to my father, the third generation of Lei Ying Ha ha ha ha

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