"Quick Look! "

"It's the army! That bastard has mobilized all the troops of the snow kingdom! "

Just as everyone was shocked by Yu's strength, Mitsuo Asama suddenly exclaimed.

Following his eyes, I saw that after all the countless Xueren were swept down by Yu's God killing gun, countless dense soldiers and troops appeared from the collapsed iceberg plain, and countless hardships and swords in their hands were flying towards them like a rainstorm.

"Kill me!"

"Give it to me!"

Although it was not ninja, countless soldiers came all the way down from the collapsed iceberg plain and rushed towards them like tides on the endless ice covered sea. The ice under their feet was constantly shaking. This huge momentum still shocked everyone present.

"This So many people? "

"How can a person like us fight against a country?"

Looking at tens of thousands of soldiers rushing into the icy sea, the director sat down on the ground and even forgot to shoot the scene.

"Lord Fei Cang Zhi Yu In this case, is it really possible for me to take back the country from the hands of the wind and waves? "

The overwhelming sufferings and swords mixed with shells constantly fell on Michael's arc-shaped barrier. Feeling the desperate situation of war at this moment, Fenghua Xiaoxue and Asama santaifu could not help but look at Yu in front of them, because they knew that their only hope now could only be placed on this legendary ninja.

"It's been a long time, I haven't felt this kind of war..."

"In that case, I'll take this country from the front!"

Looking at tens of thousands of soldiers coming from the frozen sea, Yu felt as if he had returned to the battlefield where he had fought. A red light flashed in Amber's clear eyes, and the blood in his body was completely ignited in an instant!


Voice down, standing on the deck of the ship's feather instantly disappeared in place.

In addition to Michael still staying in place to protect them, when all the people reacted, they only saw that Yu's figure had appeared on the ice covered sea in front of them, and rushed to tens of thousands of soldiers of the snow kingdom alone. The elemental general Dong followed him like a shadow.

"That guy..."

"Is it really OK for him to be alone..."

Looking at the feather that has already rushed out like an arrow away from the string, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who is standing on the bow deck, can't help but grasp her hands subconsciously. At this moment, she secretly prays for that annoying guy.

"It's worthy of the legend that Ninja is one to ten thousand Amazing spirit... "

His eyes fell on the icy battlefield under his feet, and three mysterious Xueren appeared on the collapsed iceberg plain. He looked at the figure of Yu rushing towards tens of thousands of soldiers of xuezhiguo alone, and his voice was a little surprised and sighed.

A skinny and capable middle-aged ninja, a tall and thick bear like giant, and a slim pink haired female Ninja are all wearing uniform white chakra armor, which is also engraved with a Tai Chi pattern.

It is the strongest trio of all the snow tolerance under the command of Fenghua Furao - Langya avalanche, winter bear hail and Crane Wing blowing snow.

"But one person has to face the army of the whole country at the same time..."

"I think even Fei Cang's feather is hard to deal with..."

See the foot of the icy battlefield of feather to a person against the whole snow country army soldiers, standing at the height of the wolf teeth avalanche, cold eyes revealed a fluke.


However, before the words of Langya avalanche were finished, the whole frozen battlefield at the foot suddenly collapsed. A huge and incomparable bear's paw shaped shock wave spread infinitely and covered all people's eyes, and the endless white light flooded the sight.

Bear's impact · empty bomb!!

The figure in the coat turned into a thunder on the frozen battlefield, and all the pain and the sword in his hand passed by.

At the same time, facing tens of thousands of soldiers in the snow Kingdom, Yu plans to capture the country with the fastest speed, directly pull the tyrant out of the world king's alien space, and compress it to the extreme of bear impact and empty bomb explosion. The terrible power is just like a nuclear bomb in the battlefield, and the huge shock wave completely engulfs countless soldiers in the snow kingdom in an instant.

Ice absolute God clothes!!

At the same time, Yu's fingers moved slightly, and general Dong, who was transformed into the devil of ice behind him, was frozen. All the terrible forces erupted.

All the soldiers on the battlefield suddenly felt that the temperature of the air around them had suddenly dropped, as if they had come to the hell of ice in the cold winter. With the whole piercing cold air spreading under their feet, they saw a huge figure rising in the battlefield.The ice of the demon world that can condense everything is armed on the body to form a powerful and huge ice armor. After using the ice Jue God clothes, the general Dong, who is about the size of the fourth form, has become a nightmare for all the enemies on the battlefield. All the objects it touches will be instantly condensed and smashed!

"Well What's that? "

Looking at the huge ice clad armored God appearing in the battlefield, one by one of his companions was crushed by the terrible monster. All the soldiers in the snow Kingdom around him were completely suppressed, and even their bodies began to shake unconsciously.

Different from the ten thousand well-trained Yanyin ninjas that Yu encountered during the war of tolerance world, these are just ordinary soldiers of the snow kingdom. In front of this kind of power that has surpassed human power, their tiny and roadside mole ants are no different.

"Quick Run

"That guy is not human at all! If we go on like this, we'll all die! "

As the soldiers were crushed by general Dong and tyrant, the rest of the soldiers in the snow kingdom were scared to death. They dropped their weapons and began to run around.

So much so that a ridiculous picture appeared on the ice covered battlefield in front of the public. The spotless feathers all over the body walked forward like a leisurely walk, while the countless soldiers of the snow Kingdom on the opposite side rushed back like beasts of prey.

However, in just one minute, tens of thousands of soldiers in the snow country have been completely defeated by Yu.

"This This... "

Looking at the shocking pictures on the ice covered battlefield at their feet and the Langya avalanche standing at a high place, the Xueren trio were numb, apparently speechless by the sight.

"Boring It's boring! "

Looking at the countless retreating soldiers of xuezhiguo army in front of us, the whole national military system began to disintegrate with a few breaths of effort, and we began to get impatient. In our fierce eyes, there was a light that people could not look directly at, "where are the raging waves? Don't waste my time, tell him to roll out quickly!"

Domineering color domineering!!

With Yu's indifferent words on the frozen battlefield, everyone's heart rings, and his majestic momentum is instantly promoted to the peak. In the twinkling of an eye, an invisible hurricane erupts around him!

Dong Dong

Xueren and Fenghua Xiaoxue, who were watching in the distance, were shocked to see that all the soldiers of the snow Kingdom on the ice covered battlefield had fallen to the ground like wheat.

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