"The old man dazner is here..."

"Just in time, take all these guys in one net!"

Wearing black sunglasses, the middle-aged uncle had a cigar in his mouth, and he was arrogant and domineering as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Hum, cardo

Seeing the middle-aged uncle in black suddenly appeared in front of him, Yu recognized his identity at a glance.

Cardo, on the surface, is the president of a shipping company. He is one of the few tycoons in the world, but in fact, he is a black market businessman who does all kinds of evil in private.

Because he wanted to use his financial resources and violence to control the sea traffic of the whole kingdom of Poland, he hired two high-level ninjas, heichuleiya and lvqingkui, to assassinate dazner, the builder of the bridge, intending to continue to control the whole kingdom of Poland.

"No one except cardo."

In the face of this group of samurai ronin brought by cardo, Yu doesn't even have the interest to fight, so he orders Baihe junmalu directly.

"Yes! Master Yu! "

After hearing Yu's command, Baihe junmalu directly disappeared in the same place.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Then there was the scream of countless warriors and ronins, and blood sprayed everywhere.

Junmalu seems to be an indefatigable fighting machine, holding the bone knife in his hand, killing madly in the crowd. His exquisite and erratic body skill does not have any superfluous action.

"Shuidun, the art of great waterfall!"

But Bai, who was closely behind junmalu, was more direct, his hands turned into a virtual shadow, and the powerful chakra in his body even got 17 complicated fingerprints in one breath.

With the help of the abundant water environment around here, Bai, who is gifted in Ninjutsu, directly released the amazing A-level advanced water escape Ninjutsu. The waterfall like water emerged around Bai's body, and the fierce water directly rushed out a group of warriors and ronins on the bridge in front of him!

In less than a minute, the scream has gradually subsided, and the bodies of samurai ronin are everywhere. Baihe junmariu, whose clothes are not stained with a drop of blood, has grabbed cardo and instantly returned to Yu's side.

"Lord Yu, it's all settled."

After returning to Yu's side, Bai and junmalu press the stunned cardo in front of Yu.

"Well, well done."

Seeing Baihe junmalu, he solved all the warriors and ronins with no difficulty. Yu nodded with satisfaction. When he had a younger brother, he didn't have to do everything himself.

"Good It's amazing... "

Seeing that Bai and junmalu, two young men who look not much older than themselves, have solved more than 100 Samurai ronins face to face, Sakura is already completely silly.

"This strength How can it be... "

Seeing the strength of the two subordinates around Yu, especially Sasuke and Naruto, the two kids have been hard to accept and widened their eyes, "it seems that they are not much bigger than us But my strength is as strong as that of teacher Kakashi.... "

"At this age, I used the advanced Shuidun Ninjutsu to this extent..."

"Even the subordinates have this kind of strength It's really you, Yu... "

Looking at Naruto Sasuke Sakura and their three incredible faces, Kakashi sighed helplessly. When he saw Yu's strength on the battlefield, how could he not have such an expression?

"So What's the purpose of your sudden appearance in the kingdom of Poland? "

After recovering her complex thoughts, Kakashi can't help but ask. Meanwhile, the red writing wheel eye in her left eye locks the feather in front of her.

"Don't be so nervous, Kakashi I'm not a renegade Ninja... "

Feeling Kakashi's eyes like watching out for a big beast, Yu calmly puts his eyes on cardo, a big businessman kneeling in front of him shivering.

The hidden brain controls sand!!

Ignoring kador's pleading eyes and words, Yu uses the ability of thread fruit to create a thread that is as small as a thin needle. With a slight movement of his finger, it directly penetrates kador's brain, enters his memory center, seals it and transforms his memory.

"Go and find a big businessman named Yuwu Chengyan. You will be good friends..."

After taking full control of cardo, a big black market businessman, with the ability of thread fruit and the skill of puppet, Yu gently came to his ear and said.

It's a pity to kill kador, as one of the few tycoons in the world, because of his financial resources and the huge power controlling the black market. So Yu plans to absorb kador and Yuwu Chengyan together and become his own puppet.

"Yes, boss."

After hearing what Yu said, cardo nodded his head stupidly. There was a trace of chaos in his eyes, as if all the things just happened had been forgotten. He turned and left the bridge where everyone was.This is

Seeing that Kado, the evil businessman who controls the dark forces, has been turned into a puppet by Yu and left the bridge in a daze, Kakashi's heavy eyes suddenly become more alert.

"Although you are not a renegade ninja, the village has not given you a wanted order..."

"But from the behavior that you destroyed yunyin village, the land of thunder, and captured the land of snow four years ago..."

Some hard to swallow saliva, Kakashi took out a bitter no frame in front of him, "I don't think the whole tolerance world can find a more dangerous person than you So I won't be careless until I know your purpose clearly! "

"The most dangerous person in the world of tolerance..."

"Is that what forbearance circles say about me now..."

Hearing Kakashi's evaluation of himself, Yu's young and handsome face showed a slight smile, while Amber's clear eyes flashed an imperceptible light.

Water escape · instant water!!

With the help of the water environment created by Bai's skill of water escape and great waterfall, Yu can easily launch water escape, and he has already appeared at Kakashi's side in less than a blink of an eye.

One arm seems to hook up with his shoulder at random, and the other hand lightly holds down Kakashi's bitterness. A smile appears at the corner of his mouth. They look like a pair of good friends who have been friends for many years.

"Don't be so nervous After all, there are some things you can't change when you are nervous... "

So fast!!

I didn't expect that feather's instant body skill could be as fast as this. When I stare at the feather that appears beside me and covers my shoulder, Kakashi only feels that her whole body is full of sweat.

Even the eye of the writing wheel didn't see his moving track

His strength Has it reached this level

The shoulder is covered by Yu, and the bitter hand is held by Yu. Kakashi's forehead is covered with a cold sweat. He has no doubt that Yu can kill himself in an instant.

"Well, don't stand still..."

"Clean up, I'll go back to Muye with you..."

Enjoying Kakashi and Naruto Sasuke Sakura with great interest, Yu is telling them with his own actions that no matter how you fight against the absolute power, no matter how hard you struggle, you will be driven by a mantis.

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