
Looking at the white haired young man standing under the tree staring at him, red can't help but widen her red enchanting eyes. She didn't expect that he really suddenly appeared here when she just talked about him.

"You are beautiful again..."

"She is already a great beauty..."

Ignoring that there were three light bulbs standing in the way, Yu stepped forward to Hong's face and gently stroked her face with the palm of his hand around her cheek and black curly hair.

But just as he said, red at this age is like a sunflower in full bloom under the setting sun. It's so beautiful that people can't move their eyes with a smile. Even he can't help but be deeply attracted.

"How do you How did you come back here all of a sudden? "

Feeling the real touch of Yu's palm and fingertips, Hong finally knows that it's not a dream. Surprised, she looks like a little girl, so excited that she stands on tiptoe and hugs Yu tightly in front of her.

"I miss you, so I came back to see you..."

"Deal with some things by the way..."

In the face of the tight embrace and excited eyes of the beautiful lady, he didn't spend much time talking about other nonsense. He directly reached out to hold the red willow waist and put his hand on her back. If there were not three kids watching, he would have been kissing red.

At this moment, both of them have been waiting for a long time, and there are too many heartfelt needs to talk to each other.

"Well That guy Is that the person Mr. red likes? "

Looking at Yu who suddenly appears and hugs red tightly in front of him, all the three kids in the eighth class of Muye are stunned.

After coming back to his senses, he carefully looked at the young and handsome face and impeccable figure, but he had no choice but to curl his mouth, "BAM If you look like it, you've really dumped Mr. ASMA for several blocks... "

"It looks familiar..."

"I must have seen him somewhere. Why can't I remember..."

While Younv zhinai, who is wearing black sunglasses, looks at the white haired and handsome feather in front of her, suddenly feels as if she has seen this face somewhere, but she can't remember it for a moment.

"Yu Brother Yu? "

At this time, both gouzhongya and younvzhinai didn't notice it. After seeing the appearance of Yu, nichita, who was sitting between them, was already stunned. His mouth was slightly open and murmured.

Looking at Yu, who once saved his life and helped the Japanese, who often appears in his dreams, suddenly appears here and hugs his teacher Hong tightly. Hatta can't help but open a pair of white and pure eyes. He can't tell what kind of color it is.

"Hatada, do you know him?"

Aware of the strange reaction of Daisaku around, kyu tsuzuka and Younv zhinai turn and look at her curiously.

"Hatta, you have grown up..."

The introverted hatada is about to open her mouth. At this time, Yu noticed her, released the red in her arms, and walked towards her gradually, "and became a red student..."

He has short black and blue hair, and is wearing a pair of ordinary long clothes and trousers. His white and lovely face is inlaid with a pair of typical white eyes.

Although hatada in this period is not as beautiful as she was when she was 18 or 19 years old after the end of the fourth World War in anime, she is also a very pure and lovely girl. With her introverted and shy character, she has formed a different kind of character charm.


Say feather just want to stretch out hand to touch in front of the young farmland lovely head, but at this time, a sharp break air sound hit, see a sharp chakra knife with strong wind escape, chakra directly hard nail in the ground between him and young farmland.

"Don't get close to miss hatada of the sun family!"

With a dull roar of anger, a tall and stout woodleaf Ninja has appeared beside him. His skin is dark, and he has a beard. He still has a cigarette in his mouth. His eyes are extremely vigilant, staring at Yu in front of him.

"Ah Teacher ASMA? "

Seeing the sudden appearance of the tall Ninja next to him, kyu tsuzuka and Yau Nu Chi are surprised to open their mouths.

"Oh, long time no see, ASMA..."

Seeing and hearing the color domineering clear perception suddenly appeared behind him ninja, feather didn't look back, just quietly took back his hand to the Hatfield, the corner of his mouth raised a fun arc, "it's really not very friendly way to say hello..."

"ASMA? How could you suddenly... "

See ape flying ASMA suddenly appear, at this time, red standing beside Yu also showed surprise, don't understand why he suddenly appear here

"Red, why are you still standing with this guy?"

"This guy is too dangerous. He'll hurt you!"

Holding a sharp chakra knife tightly in his hand, he took a posture of combat alert. A few years later, ape flying ASMA was not the rebellious and unruly young man at the beginning. Since the dissolution of the fire Kingdom Guardian Ren 12, prodigal son turned back, he is now a stable and reliable elite Shangren of Muye.But looking at red standing with Yu in front of him, there is still a kind of unspeakable pain in ASMA's heart. Just now, he saw the scene of red and Yu hugging each other. He didn't expect that he had worked hard for so long, and the weight in red's mind was far less than that of Yu.

"ASMA, it's none of your business!"

Seeing ASMA, who always pursues himself, showing hostility to Yu, her red and enchanting eyes are cold.

"Well, even if the relationship between you two is none of my business..."

Feel red gradually sharp eyes, ASMA heart bitterness, hand sharp chakra knife suddenly clenched, above suddenly burst out a group of blue wind escape chakra, "but Fei Cang feather such a dangerous person suddenly returned to the wood leaf, in did not know his eyes before, I will not let him easily close to any of you!"


However, as soon as ASMA finished speaking, he felt a flower in front of his eyes, and the feather standing beside red had disappeared as a gorgeous lightning.


When he reflexed again, his wrist hurt a lot, and the chakra knife, which released strong wind, was kicked away by Yu. It turned into a light beam and directly penetrated a big tree nearby!

Bad No!!

In the face of Yu who appeared in front of him, asmarton was shocked. Just when he wanted to use his Ninjutsu, a black clog had stepped on his face and kicked him out like a shell!

"What on earth are you vowing to say there?"

In the shocked eyes of the three kids in the eighth class of Honghe Muye, after launching leiinstan to blow ASMA out face to face, Yu, who stood there with an impatient expression, "it's really no progress at all, not to mention you. What I want to do, do you think someone can stop the whole Muye?"

"In the face of Mr. ape Fei, I want you to shut up!"

Seeing ASMA flying out and smashing a big tree, the feather gently starts the huge Leidun chakra in the body, and the palm directly blooms a brilliant arc.

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