The trick is Monthly reading

After entering the mysterious magic space, Yu looks at the surrounding environment and countless yuzhibo weasels.

Yuedu is a pupil technique that lives in the left eye of yuzhibo weasel. It is one of the techniques that can make the best use of the ability of "hypnotic eye" of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Vision is a kind of magic, which can only be activated by looking at each other.

This spell will move the other's spirit to the world of "monthly reading" created by the caster. In the world of "monthly reading", whether it's time or quality, everything is completely controlled by the caster, and the person who has won the magic will be bound and unable to resist. It can be used to torture opponents or make them see anything. Although it can't cause physical damage, it can cause serious mental damage. It can also be used to remove other people's illusions.

In the world of monthly reading, no matter how long it takes, there is only a moment for the real world, so it cannot be solved theoretically. The drawback is that the attack range is very short, no more than five meters, and it will cause great mental load to the user. At the same time, because of the relationship of visual illusion, it must be used after viewing.

In the animation, yuzhibo weasel used this move to kill mukakashi, the first technician of Muye, for the first time, and let him lie in the Ninja hospital until gangshou came back.

"This is the space for monthly reading..."

"In this world, all factors, including time, place, senses and so on, are at my disposal."

Seeing that Yu was successfully moved to the magic space of Yuedu by himself, at the same time, the deep voice of countless yuzhibo weasels rang out.

"Well, don't talk nonsense. I know this is magic space."

"I've seen the ultimate magic of water stop, the other gods, the light."

But at this time, Yu impatiently interrupts Yu Zhibo's nonsense and turns his passivity into initiative. Amber's deep eyes don't give up and directly look at his red and monstrous kaleidoscope eyes, "so Is the purpose of your coming back to Muye this time for Jiuwei? "

"How do you know?"

After Yu interrupts what he wants to say, Yu Zhibo's face changes when he hears what Yu says next.

"As for your other purpose It should be to come back and see if Sasuke is safe, right? "

Ignoring the shocked expression on yuzhibo weasel's face, Yu, standing alone among countless yuzhibo weasels, continued.

"Why do you..."

Yu Zhibo weasel finally can't hide the surprise on his face when Yu Yu tells all about Xiao's secret and his secret.

"And you sneak into Xiao to act as a spy and get information for Muye Should it be the task entrusted to you by the ape flying teacher? "

Ignoring the shocked expression on yuzhibo weasel's face, Yu continued to speak without surprise.

"These Did he tell you all about the three generations of Huoying? "

After taking a deep breath, yuzhibo weasel finally calms down and looks at Yu and asks.

"I have a way to know what I want to know."

Looking at the expressionless yuzhibo weasel in front of him, Yu's eyes became a little complicated. He knew that weasel's heart was not calm, "but I always wanted to ask you, weasel, is it really worth it?"

In animation, yuzhibo weasel has always been a very contradictory character. He can kill his whole family in cold blood, but he can bear such a heavy burden for Muye and Sasuke.

"To tell you the truth, I can't understand what you and Shuiping think..."

"The wood leaf is the object you guard, isn't the family the object you guard?"

Gazing at the silent weasel in front of him, Yu can't help thinking back to his former peace. He can't help asking: "Sasuke, Sasuke is your relative, so your parents and so many yuzhibo people are not your relatives?"

The voice fell down and there was no sound everywhere. What Yu said was undoubtedly like a sharp sword in his hand, which deeply penetrated into the weasel's heart.


How could he forget?

Listening to Yu's words, weasel's hands could not help but clench deeply. He would never forget that bloody night in his whole life. Since that day, the curse and wail of the people have never stopped in his mind.

"Is Sasuke that special to you?"

Looking at the silent weasel in front of him, Yu's eyes became more puzzled. "I really don't understand what you younger brother control thinks..."

Yuzhibo weasel is like this to yuzhibo Sasuke, yuzhiboban is like this to yuzhiboquannai, and so is qianshouzhu to qianshouyijian. Yu finds that he can't understand their brother's idea of controlling crazy demons.


Hearing Yu mention Sasuke's name, the weasel's silent eyes trembled, and finally said in an astringent voice, "if Muye is a ship, then I would like Sasuke to be a board on this ship...""Even if one day Muye's boat sank, Sasuke's plank could still wander around..."

Listening to the weasel in silence, Yu couldn't help but move in his heart. Although he still couldn't agree with the weasel's practice, he could fully feel the weasel's heavy love for his brother between the lines.

"So Yu, although I don't know how you know so many secrets..."

"But there is a power behind Xiao that even you can't stop For the sake of peace, I hope you will not hinder our mission this time... "

After that, the pupil force in the weasel's eyes urges, the magic space of Yuedu changes again, and the feather is directly fixed on a cross by him.

"A force that I can't stop?"

Seeing yuzhibo weasel fix himself on the cross, and silently take out the sharp blade of his hand, trying to torture and collapse himself like Kakashi in the animation, Yu's face shows a sneering smile, "do you mean six Paynes? Or the masked man who claimed to be "Yu Zhi Bo ban" when I cut off one arm last time

Domineering color domineering!!

Ignoring yuzhibo weasel's shocked eyes, while his voice fell, Yu Yu, who was fixed on the cross, burst out with indescribable spiritual strength. His will and spirit interweaved into a black and red momentum similar to lightning, and spread wildly around. The whole world of monthly reading suddenly began to collapse


Ten minutes passed in the world of monthly reading, but less than a second passed in the outside world.

"Hoo Ha Hoo... "

Yu Zhibo weasel, standing in front of Yu Yu, suddenly kneels on one knee, gasps in his mouth, covers his left eye with one hand, and his face is full of unbelievable expression, "how can it be My monthly reading has been ignored by you! "

"Weasel? Are you ok? "

See weasel at this moment of state, next to the ghost shark quickly struggling to get up from the ground.

"Let's call it a day..."

"Well, I won't interfere with your two tasks..."

Facing the unbelievable eyes of yuzhibo weasel and dried persimmon ghost shark, Yu opened the door of different space, stepped into it and disappeared directly in front of them.

Just as Didala, xiaozhiqinglong, after losing to yuzhibo weasel, can specially practice his left eye to enhance his resistance to magic, Yu's overbearing color and overbearing spirit is the king's qualification of "the chosen one" among millions of people.

In addition, he has personally experienced the power of the magic magic of the sound system and the light of the vision system, which has brought him strong magic resistance, so now his rock solid spiritual strength is enough to be immune to the vast majority of magic.

Xiao Now you still have the value of using

Whether it's yuzhibo with earth, yuzhibo ban or heijue, ten tails are not just your targets

After watching Yu leave, the weasel finally can't hold up and sits beside the ghost shark. A pair of blood red monster's Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes have degenerated into black eyes. The interpretation of Yuedu by Yu has obviously caused him great mental load.

"He's a guy who can never guess..."

"Yu, how do you know all those secrets..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!