"Secret skill · magic mirror ice kill!"

In the palace, Baihe junmalu and hatada, the three of them are still fighting with countless puppet Ninja troops.

Among the numerous puppet Ninja army, dozens of huge crystal clear ice mirrors suddenly formed, just like the white explosion sent out its own blood to escape from the ice.

See Bai lightly jump, the whole person directly into the ice mirror that he made with ice Dun chakra, for a moment, his figure appeared in each ice mirror.

Whoosh, whoosh

Under the control of Bai, dozens of huge ice mirrors surrounded countless puppet ninjas.

Then the white in ten ice mirrors started instantly, and there seemed to be countless light and shadow shuttling through the whole palace. When white showed his figure again, countless puppet ninjas fell down on the spot.

Secret skill · magic mirror ice kill - this is one of the secret skills that Bai uses through ice escape's blood to follow the boundary. He creates an ice mirror ten times larger than the ordinary magic mirror ice crystal to surround and envelop his opponent. Then, between the huge ice mirrors that reflect the white figure on each side, Bai can freely shuttle at the speed of light, and form a super speed kill to the trapped opponent.

"Skeleton vein · dance of early fern!"

Seeing that the white emissary was bleeding after the ice escape, junmariu on the other side was not willing to be outdone. He took time to press his hands hard on the ground. Suddenly, countless huge white spines rose from the ground in the whole palace, forming a bone forest full of white bones and piercing countless puppet ninjas in an instant.

Then junmalu's figure, like a ghost, sprang out from countless white spines. The bones on his hand broke out, forming a spiral and twisted spear. With his strong body skill, he quickly killed the rest of the puppet Ninja army.

"Soft step double lion boxing!"

Although not as powerful as Baihe junmalu, Chutian Jiao, who was in the corner of the wall, started the soft fist technique of the day clan, and gathered chakra in both hands to form a fierce blue chakra lion to attack, but also broke a lot of aggressive puppet ninjas.

"It seems that the reincarnation eye in the temple is still being manipulated..."

Back in the palace, Yu saw that countless puppet ninjas were still fighting. He immediately realized the problem and stopped Bai, junmalu and Hatta, "Bai, junmalu, Hatta, these puppets can't be killed Come with me

After that, Yu, who fell into the army of countless puppet ninjas, reached out and grabbed the three of them. With the ability to launch the dimensional door, he immediately disappeared into the palace surrounded by countless puppet ninjas.


As soon as the picture turns, the four of them have come to an ancient and splendid temple through the space transfer of dimensional gate.

In the center of the temple, there is a huge luminous sphere, dazzling golden light, which faintly transmits a hexagonal petal like shadow, in which endless light flows.

Yu knows that the legendary reincarnation eye can be divided into two types. The first is the fusion of countless white eyes, which will not die out even after a long time. The "perpetual motion machine" which can improve the huge energy can be generally called "Golden Wheel reincarnation eye" or "eternal reincarnation eye".

And the second one is evolved from the blood fusion of the otangmu clan and the white eyes of the clan. In Naruto's theater version of the last, the eyes of the otangmushe people who captured the white eyes of the HuaHuo clan will disappear if they are used frequently without complete fusion.

The eternal reincarnation eye, which is now worshipped in this ancient and splendid temple, is formed by the fusion of the white eyes of the members of the family division of the whole family in ancient times. At that time, the family division of the family of the whole family destroyed all the members of the family by using its power.

"And my father? What have you done to him? "

Just stepping into the temple, a voice came to me. I only saw a handsome young man with silver hair standing in front of huge reincarnated eyes in a light robe. His eyes without eyes were dark and empty.

A man in a big wooden house?

Seeing the eyeless boy in front of him, the corner of Yu's mouth outlined a subtle angle and waved to Baihe junmalu and Chuda Tian behind him. "Don't go there. Except Chuda, once the people of non RI clan and datongmu clan get close to the huge reincarnation eye, all chakras in the whole body will be sucked away..."

After that, ignoring the astonishment of the three little ghosts, Yu walked directly to the huge reincarnation eye in the temple in front of him, staring at the eternal reincarnation eye emitting infinite power and magnificent light. Yu's face faintly reflected a look of expectation.

"Your father wanted to kill me But it's a pity... "

"You can see the end He is the one who died... "

Without even looking at the man in front of him, Yu went straight to the eternal reincarnation eye, but he kept a relatively safe distance in order to avoid taking away all the chakras in his body."How can You're bullshit! "

"My father, how could he have been killed by a guy like you!"

Sure enough, hearing Yu's reply, the people in the big wooden house couldn't accept this fact at all.

As the patriarch of the otangmu clan, how could his father, who has the highest level of strength in the world of tolerance, be killed by a ninja on the earth? The angry otangmu people in their hearts roared and turned into a strong wind and rushed towards Yu.

"The strength is not bad..."

"At least it's better than Sasuke and Naruto in this period..."

Looking at the man who rushed in front of him, facing his powerful blow on his face, Yu's seeing, hearing, color and domineering spirit immediately judged his strength.

"But you don't even have eyes. How can you fight me?"

"I advise you to forget it, so as not to say that I bully disabled children!"

Compared with Sasuke and Naruto, who are still struggling at the level of Zhongren and xiaren, the people of datongmushe in this period have reached the level of Shangren, even very close to the level of shadow. It can be seen how abnormal the blood and qualifications of datongmushe, the descendants of immortals, are.

However, compared with the villain boss in Naruto's theater version of the last, the awakening reincarnation eye of the Golden Wheel explodes and splits the whole moon, it is obvious that the big barrel cottage people in this period are far from qualified to be the opponent of Yu.


As he spoke, his figure flashed slightly. He only saw that Yu directly and easily avoided the fist of the big wooden shed man, reached out and clasped his wrist, and gently pushed his right knee to his abdomen!


The dull sound of impact sounded, and saw the big wooden shed people bend down like shrimps in pain, and the whole people flew out like shells, smashing on the huge eternal rebirth eyes behind them!

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