
"This power How is that possible? "

Floating in the middle of the sky, the man in the big wooden cottage looks like a boat in the storm. He is in danger of being doomed at any time. Looking at the explosion of the silver wheel which is gradually destroyed by the explosion of the ether blasted by the tyrant, he can't believe his eyes.

Boom Click!!

Seeing the transparent column of red light spreading infinitely under his feet in front of him, the man in the big wooden shed subconsciously launched the semi-finished product behind him to seek the jade, and opened it to form a black protective cover, trying to block the terrible force of destroying everything.

But with a click, the black jade shield just blocked the terrible elasticity in front of him. In the frightened eyes of the people in the big wooden house, an obvious crack was directly hit on it, and it was about to fall.

"Why not?"

Just then, Yu's voice, like a ghost, sounded behind him, "even if you awaken the eternal rebirth eye In my eyes, you're still the vulnerable kid just now! "

Dimension gate!!

Amber's deep eyes reflected the shocked face of the man in the big wooden shed. He only saw the feather on the ground just under his feet, and the ability to launch the dimensional gate came to his back instantly. The armed, aggressive and black palm turned into a just cast fist and burst out!


The sound wave that can be seen by the naked eye spreads wildly around. The big wooden shed man who was hit by Yu's fist flew out, smashing the black jade shield that opened behind him. The whole man shot into the ground like a light arrow.

Just as Yu said just now, although the big barrel wooden house people absorbed a lot of white eyes and awakened the eternal reincarnation eye, and after entering the reincarnation eye chakra mode, chakra and the speed of physical strength have greatly soared, but their own fighting consciousness still stays at the peak level of tolerance, and they can't completely understand this huge force for the time being.

So in front of Yu, who has been fighting since he was five years old, he is like a child with weapons of mass destruction in his hand, but he can't use them well.

"Damn I don't believe it! "

"As long as there is the power of reincarnation I am the omnipotent God

It seems that I can't accept the reality in yukou. The whole ground suddenly explodes. I can only see the big wooden hut man with green chakra flame all over his body darting out from it. He raises his hand and bombards the feather in the middle of the sky with a huge repulsive force!

"I said..."

"Your action is full of flaws!"

He has already cultivated the power of seeing and hearing that he can foresee a part of the future. He penetrates all the actions of the people in the big wooden shed. Facing the suffocating repulsion, Yu suddenly bursts out a huge magic chakra. It seems that the immortal is born, and even directly launches the perfect immortal mode!

Wailing birds!!

Countless birds wail through the void. A fierce black current suddenly blooms on Yu's hand. The whole person turns into a black-and-white light beam, and bravely goes up against the huge wooden cottage. The huge repulsive force released by the hand is facing the blade!

"This guy..."

Looking at the sudden death stab launched above the head, tearing the whole repulsive feather from the sky, the big wooden house was shocked. As soon as he stepped aside in time, he felt that the whole ground was smashed by black lightning.

Big fire!!

It's just that an unimaginable high temperature of terror is coming like a wave before we have time to stand firm. The surrounding space has been illuminated by the inexplicable red fire.

Yan Emperor, who incarnated in magma devil, appeared behind him at some time. The ground under his feet was burned to ashes by the terrible high-temperature magma on his body. He broke out the strange power of boiling away blood. He raised his hand and smashed his whole body out with a huge magma fist!


Although his powerful reincarnation eye chakra pattern withstood the erosion of high-temperature magma for him, the man in the big wooden house still flew up in the air and vomited blood with the matchless punch of Emperor Yan.

"If I give you a few more years to grow up..."

"With the power of eternal rebirth eye, maybe you will become a terrible opponent..."

By Yu's powerful power and the demonic puppet who manipulated him, a series of fierce attacks were carried out to suppress him. The people flying out of the big wooden hut had no time to wipe the blood from the corners of their mouths. Yu's general voice of judgment had already sounded from above him, "but it's a pity that you will never see that day..."

Xianfa · Landun hard vortex water blade!!

In the sudden contraction of the pupils of the man in the big wooden shed, he only saw the figure of Yu. I don't know when he had used the dimensional gate to appear above his head. In his hand, he still held a gun of light composed of pure thunder plasma, which destroyed everything, and launched a fatal attack on him!

"It's no use..."

"In the face of the power of reincarnation eye, any Ninjutsu is invalid!"Looking at the thunderbolt gun falling in front of me, I felt the terrible power of destroying everything contained in it. The people in the big wooden house were awed by it. After reaction, there was a cruel smile on their face.

In the reincarnation eye chakra mode, the huge chakra in the engine directly blows out a huge green chakra light ball. He wants to devour the ninja of the feather, and then double back.


Seeing the action of the man in the big wooden house, Yu's calm and indifferent look didn't change, because he had already seen the next ending.


The extremely dazzling laser and shock wave also covered the whole dark world in front of people's eyes, and all things were submerged by this terrible light.

With Yu's current strength, he released Xianfa · Landun hard vortex water blade in the state of perfect immortal mode. Its power is just like the explosion of an atomic bomb, directly blooming a halo of thunder and purgatory on the surface of the moon.

"How could that be..."

"Why can't my reincarnated eye absorb your Ninjutsu..."

After the dust had cleared away, Chutian and Bai, as well as junmalu, looked around, only to see that the whole cratered surface of the moon had been completely flattened, and the whole piece in the middle seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

The big wooden house people who were badly hit by one blow had been deeply embedded in the rock and mountain wall nearby. With an unbelievable look on their face, the burning green chakra fire gradually dispersed, and they were forced to break away from the state of chakra mode of reincarnation eye.


"Do you have any last words?"

Standing in front of the wooden shed man who could not move, Yu looked at him with a trace of pity.

In addition to being able to increase the power and effect of Ninjutsu several times, reincarnation eye and reincarnation eye can't be completely absorbed, and qiudaoyu can't be completely ineffective. This is one of the greatest values of immortal mode.

"Cough I'll curse you Ha ha ha... "

"Even if I'm dead, I'll always stare at you with these eyes. I want to see you very well..."

Without waiting for the man in the big wooden hut to finish his last curse, a violent and demonic purple thunder flashed through the air. He only saw that Xianfa Landun thousand birds sharp gun blasted from Yu's hand had pierced his heart and killed him.

"These words..."

"You'd better go to the pure land of bliss and talk to your father."

After killing the man in the big wooden shed completely, looking at his eternal reincarnation eyes whose golden light gradually faded, Yu said calmly.

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