Dust, fall.

It took Yu two years to build a satisfactory human puppet from the corpse of a man in a big wooden shed. It not only perfectly preserved the blood of the eternal reincarnated eye, but also fully exerted the power of the eternal reincarnated eye.

A move of silver wheel explodes, and there is no grass in the place where it passes. It almost penetrates the earth within ten miles, which directly startles all the Ninjas in the whole marshland.

"Kill Did you kill it... "

After a long time, it was not until she saw that the hurricane of destruction connecting heaven and earth was finally completely dissipated, and the aster, who buried her head in Yu's arms, finally asked with some uncertainty. After all, monsters and monsters had always been a nightmare in her heart.

"Of course There is no residue left... "

Feeling the worry in Ziyuan's heart, Yu searched the completely destroyed earth under his feet with his powerful sense of seeing and hearing. After he was sure that the monsters had completely disappeared from the world, he began to point out that Yan Emperor and the puppets of the people in datongmushe were taken back to the alien space of the king.

To be fair, this so-called monster has the power of shadow level at best. In the original plot, the Astragalus and Naruto kill him with a leading role aura, which is far from the extent of destroying the world. Yu didn't pay attention to it at all from the beginning.

"Let's go It's time to send you back to the land of ghosts... "

At a glance, the sun has risen in the distant sky, and the golden dawn begins to shine on the earth. After taking back his eyes, he stands in the sky, holding the purple yuan's feather, and directly steps into the dimensional door and disappears.

"Great! Has the monster been completely eliminated? "

"It's amazing! You are the legendary master Fei Cang Zhi Yu

In a twinkling of an eye, after returning to the palace of the ghost Kingdom, I heard the news that Yu was going to wipe out the monsters so soon. The whole palace was boiling. I only saw Zu Sui said excitedly.

The battle is over, and the golden sun is pouring warm sunshine into the palace of the ghost kingdom. The originally cold palace is also full of vitality, as if a new life is about to begin, a beautiful picture after the victory of justice over evil.

"Well That... "

"Mr. Yu Thank you... "

Among the cheers of the people around, I only saw that the color of asters was slightly red, and some of them came to the front of feather, and said thank you, but then suddenly put forward a request to make all the people on the scene blush.

"In order to pass on my ability to the next generation of witches..."

"Mr. Yu, can you lend me strength..."

As soon as the words fell, there was silence all around. Although the people around could vaguely see that Ziyuan had a little love for her, they didn't expect that she would be so bold as the Witch of the ghost country.


"It's no big deal. If you have anything to help, just tell Yu!"

But obviously, Naruto was the only one who didn't understand the girl's meaning. He scratched the back of his head and said, which attracted Sakura to give him another blow.

"The next generation of witches..."

"What do you think? It's too early for you to do such a thing!"

Ignoring Naruto, who is in charge of making fun next to her, Yu can't help but feel a little funny when she feels the admiration in the eyes of the girl in front of her. She didn't expect that such a young girl had already begun to consider the issue of inheriting her family. She couldn't help but put out her finger and gently touched her forehead.

"But just as Naruto said, let me know if you have any help!"

"Or if you have something to do, you can write to the queen of the snow kingdom. See you next time!"

In my heart, I remember Jun Malu's illness. Yu didn't stay here for a few more days. After greeting, his ability to directly launch the dimensional gate entered it and disappeared in the same place.


"Is that a refusal? Or... "

Looking at Yu in front of him, he disappears and leaves after he has finished his words in a hurry. The Astragalus, who is still in the same place, can't help feeling a little lost in his heart. However, after carefully pondering Yu's answer just now, some hope emerges in his shining eyes.


Muye, ninja hospital.

Dim lights lit up the huge room, everywhere are all kinds of medical equipment, research instruments, and countless bottles.

After taking advantage of the gate of dimension to return to the kingdom of snow and bid farewell to Fenghua Xiaoxue, Yu takes Baihe junmalu to Muye's Ninja hospital in an instant.

"Junmalu, are you ready..."

"If you get through this, you will not only be able to recover from your blood disease, but also be able to fully awaken your bones and veins..."

"But if you can't get through it, you'll be dead..."

The pale junmalu was lying flat on a white medical bed. There was no hesitation and panic in his eyes. Some of them were just plain and persistent.And Yu is holding a small medical pinhole syringe in his hand. He has successfully restored the blood of the big tube wooden feather coat through the gene fusion of yuzhibo, whirlpool, and thousand hand pillars, and then restored the blood of the big tube wooden feather village through the gene fusion of the big tube wooden house man and RI Chutian. However, the combination of the two has restored the blood of the big tube wooden feather village, the ancestor of chakra.

So what he's shaking on his hand now is the gene he just synthesized and extracted, the incomplete part of junmalu's gene chain.

"I'm ready, Master Yu."

Facing the choice of life and death, junmariu's voice seems very calm.

Since he was a child, he was imprisoned in the dungeon by his clansmen. In addition to fighting, he was released. As a fighting tool, he could not find any reason for his existence in this world.

It was not until he met Yu and Bai that he saw that there were other different colors in life, so he had long been indifferent to life and death, and the rest was only persistence and nostalgia.

"Listen to junmalu..."

"Wait a minute, no matter how painful it is, you must get through it!"

Looking at junmalu with a resolute face in front of him, Yu can't bear it. With the help of his superb medical skills, junmalu's illness is more than two years later than the original plot, but he still has to face this hurdle in the end.

It's a very dangerous thing to inject other people's cells into the body, especially the cellular genes of the ancestor of chakra. If junmalu's willpower is not enough, he may be engulfed by the injected cellular genes and die completely.

For example, the body was engulfed by Mudun cells among the thousand hand pillars before, which is a good example.

"You must come on, junmariu!"

"Lord Yu and I are waiting for you to get better!"

It seems that for fear that years of companions will disappear, next to the white can not help but tightly grasp the hand of Jun mariu.


Standing on the edge of life and death, looking at the feather and white in front of him, there was a smile on Jun Malu's cold face which had not changed for thousands of years.

After making up his mind, the pinhole syringe on Yu's hand slowly plunges into Jun mariu's arm. After watching Jun mariu close his eyes, Yu takes Bai out of the room and closes the door.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he can make it."

Leaning at the door of the room, Yu shows a smile to comfort Bai.

He knows that junmariu is a ninja with strong willpower. As long as he gives junmariu a belief to stick to it, junmariu can stick to it no matter how bad the situation is. This can be seen from the animation that junmariu drags a seriously ill body to fight with I love Luo, and it's almost a click to kill me love Luo.

Now, he and Bai are the reasons and beliefs for junmalu to persist.

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