"Since you know Tuan Zang has been killed by me..."

"Then I must have expected that I would not have much time?"

With Baihe junmalu floating to the ground from the sky, ignoring the scared eyes of dashuewan and the surprised eyes of all the voices around him, he walked like a leisurely walk and glanced at Sasuke, "Sasuke, you are here too..."

This feeling

Being swept by Yu's eyes, Sasuke only feels that his breathing is stagnant. It seems that his soul is taken away by Yu's eyes. "It's just a look I actually... "

"Is this guy really a monster..."

Trying to calm his breath, Sasuke could not help deeply clenching his fist in his heart. "Obviously, he has become so strong In front of him, I seem to be no different from two years ago... "

"Ha ha ha..."

"I don't know if it's an honor to let Yujun come here specially to kill me?"

Hearing Yu explain his intention, big snake pill secretly wiped a drop of sweat from his face and put on a smile of evil spirit, "but no matter how I say it, I can be regarded as your elder. If you really want to kill me, I'm afraid it's not so easy!"


After that, I saw that the mouth of big snake pill suddenly opened an incredible arc, and used the external body as a substitute to drill a brand new self out of the mouth again. It seemed that there was no damage.

"This kind of stunt..."

"No matter how many times I watch it, I feel so disgusted..."

Looking at the big snake pill which is wet all over the body and appears again in front of me, Bai can't help but say something chilly behind Yu.

"Bai, junmalu..."

"It seems that your progress in recent years has not stopped..."

Subconsciously, his eyes fell on Baihe junmalu, who was behind Yu. He felt the shadow level momentum of the two of them. Dasheban's face was a little surprised.

Although he once believed that Bai and junmalu were very talented children in the land of water, he did not expect that Yu had trained them to such a degree in just ten years.

"You're over praised, Mr. dashuewan..."

Compared with Jun mariu, who was cold and sincere, Bai opened his mouth and said modestly, but there was no temperature in his eyes, "but this time we two came to kill you with Master Yu..."

"Damn The strength of both of them has even reached this level.... "

At the same time, aware of the shadow level chakra and momentum of Bai and junmalu, Sasuke's fingernails can't help deeply embedded in his palm.

"Long time no see, Sasuke..."

"It seems that after you defected to Muye, you really went to Mr. dashuewan."

At this time, Bai also noticed that Sasuke, who was standing beside him, was saying hello.


However, seeing that Bai greets himself, Sasuke, who is in a distorted state of mind during this period, has no answer except a cold hum.


Seeing that Sasuke showed this attitude towards his closest friend Bai Lu, Jun mariu, who was standing behind Yu, suddenly lost his sight and his body.


A crisp sound of metal collision rang out. When junmalu appeared again, he had a sharp white bone knife in his hand, and his face was cold in front of Sasuke.

Sasuke relys on sanguoyu's excellent insight to write wheel eyes and reluctantly reflects it. He raises the straw shaver sword in his hand and reluctantly holds junmalu's bone knife.

"Listen, yuzhibo's boy..."

Ice green eyes looked directly at Sasuke's writing wheel eyes in front of him from a very close distance, and Jun mariu's eyes burst out with a strong sense of killing, "don't think you have made much progress in the past two years..."

"I don't mind killing you now if you dare to show that expression again!"

Although his character is cold, he is always cherished by the people who care about him. He can't allow anyone to hurt or even affect the people he attaches importance to in front of him, no matter the present Sasuke has violated his forbidden area.


Feeling the heavy power transmitted from junmalu's bone knife, Sasuke, who was struggling to support, could not help clenching his teeth.

But even after more than two years of crazy cultivation in yinninja village, his current strength is only between Shangren and Yingji. In the face of gene fusion, junmalu, who wakes up with a complete skeleton, has no resistance.

"Forget it, junmalu..."

"Now we have more important things to do..."

Looking at the big snake pill in front of him, Yu also noticed the actions of junmariu and Sasuke, and stopped junmariu's plan to kill Sasuke."Well! You're lucky! "

After hearing Yu's words, junmalu snorts coldly, and stares at Sasuke with a cold and murderous look. The sharp white bone knife in his hand suddenly makes an effort, and directly splits Sasuke out in front of him!

"This damn guy..."

Sasuke couldn't help flying out and bumping into a big tree, which made his blood surge. After more than two years of crazy cultivation, Sasuke didn't expect that he could not catch up with Yu, not to mention junmalu and Bai. His face was filled with anger and gloom.

"Well, next..."

"Don't waste your time, big snake pill..."

After persuading junmalu, Yu didn't even look at Sasuke, who was gloomy beside him. His eyes fell straight on the big snake pill standing behind a group of Yinren. "Even if you hide behind these fish, it's useless. Today no one can change the fact that you are dead."

"Ha ha, is it..."

Feeling the undisguised killing intention in Yu's eyes, he seemed to condense the air around him. Big snake pill couldn't help sticking out his long tongue and licking his dry lips. The sharp light suddenly burst out from his long snake eyes. "How can you know if you don't try?"

"Up! Kill him! "

In the face of Yu, who is stronger than himself, dasheban decides to take the initiative and directly gives the order to let all Yinren around him enter the second state of incantation. He turns into a group of monsters with dark purple skin and terrible horned spines all over his body. He rushes towards them three quickly!

"Out of measure!"

Seeing a group of humanoid monsters coming into the second state of mantra seal around dasheban, they rushed towards themselves without opening their mouth. Junmalu and Bai were already humming, and immediately met them, launching a one-sided massacre.

"Ban Shu · reincarnation of filthy soil!"

But taking this opportunity, I can only see that dasheban's hands have successfully tied several complicated fingerprints, and is preparing to launch his strongest technique of reincarnation.


However, at this time, a golden lightning light of the sword, unexpectedly without any sign of the moment inserted into the big snake pill chest, accompanied by the extremely violent Leidun chakra, the terrible power spread all over his body!

"This is "The sword of Thor of the second generation?"

The action of hand seal suddenly stopped. Looking at Yu who had crossed countless distances by using the dimension gate, the long and narrow pupil of big snake pill could not help shrinking. Some unbelievably looked down at the sword of Thor inserted into his chest on Yu's hand, and recognized its identity at a glance.

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