Xianfa · Landun hard vortex water blade!!

After that, a dazzling purple light filled everyone's eyes.

They only saw Yu, who was standing in front of Kakashi, put his hands together, and then gently opened them to both sides. In a moment, a gun of light composed of the thunder of destroying everything had appeared in his hands, emitting bursts of roar like plasma, which attracted everyone's eyes.

Although Yu's shadow is only half of chakra, with his current strength, he can refine the magic chakra at any time without entering the immortal mode, and his power is extraordinary.


Seeing the thunder gun condensed from Yu's hand, the faces of all ninjas on the scene couldn't help showing a look of horror.

"Spiral pill How could he have developed it to this level? "

On the basis of the most powerful S-level Shuidun hard vortex water blade known, Kakashi raised two levels again. Facing the continuous breath of destruction from the Xianfa · Landun hard vortex water blade in Yu's hand, Kakashi widened the red eye of the writing wheel in his left eye, in which the black sangouyu spun wildly, "that skill It contains at least two kinds of chakra property changes... "

"That form Is it really a spiral pill? "

Seeing with his own eyes that Yu has evolved his best spiral pill into such a shocking shape, Naruto standing next to him can't help but open his eyes, as if he saw a brand new world he had never seen before.

"If you can't take this move..."

"Then you will be reduced to ashes with this forest!"

All the expressions on the Ninja's face were taken into his eyes. Yugujing's eyes were cold. The moment his voice fell, the gun of light burst into a flash of lightning!

Oh, no, that kind of skill

Everyone will be killed

In the face of the destruction thunder gun from Yu's hand, all the people on the scene were covered with the color of dead ash. Time seemed to be fixed at this moment.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye · Shenwei!!

At the same time, under the pressure and threat of death, Kakashi's Scarlet eye of the writing wheel began to rotate wildly, and the black sangouyu quickly turned into the shape of a sword in the hand of a dart.


Under everyone's frightened eyes, the power of Landun hard vortex water blade thrown from Yu's hand finally burst out in front of them, and the endless purple thunder light instantly evaporated the whole forest and the earth.

But just at this time, with the Landun hard vortex water blade as the center, the whole space in front of people began to twist in a crazy spiral, and a channel leading to different space was forcibly opened by Kakashi.

A force that distorts the space instantly absorbs the whole water blade of Landun hard vortex, which has just burst out. The whole space in front of everyone's eyes is torn and twisted like a tablecloth, and finally everything is calm.

It was as if nothing had happened except that the forest and the ground were completely engulfed and destroyed by the power of Landun hard vortex blade.

"Ha Hoo Ha... "

There was no sound in the whole forest. Only after Kakashi spent a lot of chakra and pupil force, he gasped to remind all the people that what they had just seen had really happened.

"Teacher Kakashi What did you do just now? "

Seeing the incredible scene just now, Sakura, who originally thought that her party would die, turned her head and looked at Kakashi in surprise, as if she was in vain.

"I put his Ninjutsu Moved to another space... "

In the face of the surprised eyes of the people around, Kakashi gasped violently, stroked her left eye in pain, and the big sweat fell from her face.

"Fortunately, I caught up with..."

After that, Kakashi finally could not support himself any more, and knelt down on the ground, "but the range of his Ninjutsu just now is too big Use Shenwei to open such a large space and time... "

"In a short time, I don't think I can use the second time..."

Feeling the sharp pain coming from her left eye, Kakashi only felt that all the chakras in her body seemed to have been consumed by the pupil technique of the kaleidoscope wheel eye just now.

"Divine power..."

Yu didn't feel surprised to see Kakashi transfer the Landun hard vortex blade he just released to the time and space of Shenwei, because everything happened in his anticipation. On the contrary, looking at Kakashi, who seemed to be in vain, Yu raised a funny smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's not the ninja of yuzhibo clan who uses the kaleidoscope to write wheel eyes to perform such pupil skill I think it must be hard, Kakashi? "

Kakashi's magic power of the left eye's Kaleidoscope wheel eye is essentially the same as that of yuzhibo's right eye's Kaleidoscope wheel eye, but there are some differences. Both of them belong to advanced space-time ninja.Kakashi's left eye will focus on the object when it absorbs it, and then the space around the object will be distorted by the pupil force and thrown into the time space of Kakashi. Just now, he launched the technique to transfer the explosion shock wave and its huge energy generated by the Landun hard vortex water blade of feather to the alien space in a very short time, saving all the people including himself everybody.

"A Ninjutsu has already made you so tired..."

"Don't you want to give up? So how do you deal with my next Ninja... "

Wearing the black cloak of dawn, he stood in the same place, and the deep pupils of feather amber reflected the despair of all the faces in front of him.

As I said before, ninjas who do not have the blood of yuzhibo family can't bring the power of writing wheel eye to the extreme. Kakashi is the best example.

Although his talent has surpassed most of the Ninjas of yuzhibo clan in using the eye of wheel writing, the pupil technique of using the eye of wheel writing in kaleidoscope only once has collapsed like a dead dog. This is why Yu didn't intend to place the eye of wheel on himself before he became the pillar force of ten tailed man.

"Strength is not at a level at all..."

"Are we all going to die here today..."

In the face of Yu's crushing strength, for a moment, all the people in the forest were covered with a layer of despair.

"Why Why do you want to take me away... "

At this moment, a low voice sounded, only to see the Naruto standing up tremblingly on the ground beside him, his whole body emitting red Nine Tailed chakra, as if he was muttering to himself, "why is it him every time They put the monster into his body, and now Xiao is going to take it out and kill him again... "

"Do you know He's just trying to be a shadow of the wind

With more and more excited emotions, only to see Naruto's face two lines of tears across, dead clenched his hands fist, the red nine tail chakra on the body like a bubble in general crazy gush out!

In addition to Yu's ability to keep calm, under the shocked eyes of all the people around him, the whole ground in front of him was washed out of a huge circular pit by the huge Nine Tailed chakra burst out from Naruto's body!

Then chakra, a black and red tailed beast, directly covered his body, and even grew discolored bones. The whole man was lying on the ground like a wild animal, and the four red chakra tails behind him soared into the sky. The smell of terror was rampant in the forest!

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