"Strange The battle between monsters... "

Looking at the half tailed four tailed Narutos bombarded by the black light column of the virtual dog gun, and feeling the general power of destroying the sky and the earth, Xiaoying on the side opened her mouth slightly.

Unlike Kakashi and chiyodai, who have experienced the war of tolerance, she has never seen the tail beast or the power of real war weapons. She never thought that Naruto's body contained such terrible and violent power.

"The tail beast jade? It's a power that I haven't seen for a long time..."

In front of the half tailed four tailed Naruto, Yu's figure sped through the endless sea of white lines. His eyes were full of mysterious light. Instead of retreating, he directly met the chakra shell in front of him, which was powerful enough to destroy a hill.

"But this body is just a shadow part. I'm afraid as long as I'm touched by such an attack, I will disappear completely..."

Sixteen sacred fierce bullets · kill by God!!

His body turned into a thunderbolt, and his eyes locked on the magnified jade in front of him. Yu stretched out his palm, opened his five fingers and aimed at the half tailed Naruto. Sixteen white lines of high-density armed color suddenly rose from his feet.

In a twinkling of an eye, a huge string was formed, which was enough to crush everything. With unparalleled shock power, it bombarded forward and directly hit the incomplete version of tail jade bombarded by the semi tailed four tailed Naruto.


Two forces surpassing human beings finally collide together. It seems that a nuclear bomb has been thrown into the middle of the endless forest from high altitude. The round shock wave spreads wildly around, and countless trees around are instantly destroyed and fallen.

"This power..."

Next to Kakashi and Sakura, they don't even have a chance to escape. They just feel that their breath is stagnant. In a moment, they have been blown out by the fierce wind in front of them.

"That level of destruction Who is fighting? "

At the same time, in this endless forest, the Ninja team led by maitekai, who is rushing here, as well as the copy of image rotation of yuzhibo weasel and dried persimmon ghost shark, who are fighting with Baihe junmalu, are also attracted by the shock wave suddenly breaking out in the middle of the forest.

"No It should be Kakashi and them! "

"Let's move faster Speed up! "

They recognized that Kakashi was most likely in the forest ahead. After fighting with the enemy, they led Li Locke, RI Ningci and Matt Keaton, who came to support them every day. Their faces tightened and they quickened their pace again.


"Tail The tail animal jade.... "

"He broke it?"

Looking back at the battle between the semi tailed four tailed Naruto and Yu, I find that after the semi tailed four tailed Naruto's rampage in front of me, the incomplete version of the tail jade is smashed directly after colliding with Yu's 16 sacred bullets. Kakashi and Qiandai are dull.


Seeing that the tail jade that he launched with all his strength was smashed by the feather in front of his eyes, and his body was blasted out by the power of 16 sacred fierce bullets. Under the pain, the half tailed four tailed Naruto's blank eyes burst out two violent red lights, and the huge Nine Tailed chakra in his body began to rage again, and another one began to appear behind him A brand new chakra tail.

"No The fifth tail? "

"No, if it goes on like this Naruto will die! "

Seeing that the half tailed Naruto in front of his eyes was beaten by Yu and ran away again, a chakra tail erupted behind him and entered a deeper tailed state. Kakasi beside him was extremely anxious.

He remembers that before he left, zilaiye explained that Naruto's body and strength can't bear the huge power of nine tails in his body. If Naruto bursts out more tails like this, he will die in the end.

"The fifth tail..."

"It's not bad. The power has soared again..."

However, just before Kakashi's worry became a reality, Yu's voice came again. Under their astonished eyes, they only saw that Yu's figure was like a ghost. I don't know when it had appeared in front of the half tailed Wuwei Naruto. The Amber's deep eyes seemed to reflect the picture of the future, "but I'm sorry, I'm here The purpose is not to play tail counting with you. That's it... "

Armed color · domineering armor!!

In the face of the half tailed Naruto's soaring power, Yu also put aside his mind to play, and the third stage of armed color domineering suddenly launched.

Directly in his hands to form a black armed color domineering armor, as if his entire arm into the arms of the devil. The explosive growth of power almost made him have the illusion that he could crush the half tailed Naruto in front of him with one hand.Bang!!

Voice down, next to Kakashi and Sakura, they are stupefied eyes, only to see feather domineering armor of a blow, no flower skillfully blow out, hard hit in the half tailed beast of five tailed Naruto face, just cast unparalleled power directly in the air formed a circular diffusion shock wave!

When several of them finally reacted, Naruto, who had just burst out with the fifth tail, had turned into a red light beam, flying out and smashed countless towering trees in an instant.

Shield white line!!

After smashing the half tailed Wuwei Naruto with one blow, without waiting for his body to fall to the ground and his ability to grasp the fruit of the vertical line, the endless sea of white lines under his feet quickly surged, directly raising two huge waves of white lines from the ground, and shooting the whole Wuwei Naruto flying out of the body into the sky!

Dimension gate!!

The next second, the half tailed Naruto was photographed in the sky, and he looked down and searched for the trace of the feather with the fury of wild animals. At this time, he only saw the ability of the feather to launch the dimensional gate, and the figure appeared on his head without any sign.

"Come to an end, Xianfa · LAN Dun, LAN Guilong!"

The half tailed Wuwei Naruto noticed the appearance of the feather for the first time, and the five chakra tails behind him turned into five black and red beams of light. But before that, countless complex fingerprints had been instantly formed in Yu's hands.

With a light drink, the thunder like dragon roars, and a huge and dazzling purple thunder ghost dragon bursts out from the huge thunder cloud vortex in front of Yu at the speed of falling thunder!


Time seemed to freeze. At this moment, all ninjas in the whole forest saw the purple lightning ghost dragon suddenly appeared in the sky. The huge size and shocking power seemed to devour the whole forest they were in.

I've never seen such a shocking Ninjutsu. Although it has been unable to see by the dazzling light in front of me, Kakashi, who is standing beside Sakura and chiyodai, can't help but open her eyes.

As the first technician of Muye, who has copied thousands of kinds of Ninjutsu, he doesn't want to miss the extreme state of Ninjutsu that ordinary ninjas can't achieve even in their poor life.

Hiss Boom!!

The shocking purple thunder ghost dragon finally came down like thunder. Endless purple thunder filled the whole forest where people lived, and then the violent explosion directly lifted all of them out.

The aftereffect is not only powerful, but also the shocking purple thunder and lightning ghost dragon roars in the air. The power of destroying all things directly turns all the ground and trees around people into ashes.

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