
Xiang phosphorus standing next to him saw Sasuke's wailing and crying. She couldn't help but scream out. After all, she was a member of the team. She couldn't see Sasuke killed by Yu.

"I didn't even wake up to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, so I wanted to use magic to me..."

As if appreciating the pain of Sasuke carefully, Yu's mouth showed a smile of ridicule, "the blood of yuzhibo family, has given you so much confidence..."

As the voice fell, countless violent black thunder and lightning gradually dispersed. Yu finally gently released his palm, only to see that the dark purple spell on Sasuke's body had completely dissipated, his eyes turned white, and he almost fainted. The whole person slid to the ground like a limp noodle, with a line of unknown liquid hanging at the corner of his mouth.


Almost all the cells in his whole body were destroyed by Yu's black Leidun chakra. I don't know whether it was the numbness of his body or Yu's taunting words, which made Sasuke wake up a little, and his eyes were full of fear.

Why can this guy be so strong

Can I really never get revenge from the weasel

In the face of Yu's crushing strength, a deep sense of powerlessness enveloped Sasuke's heart, and a look of decadence appeared on his face.

"Ah I'm going to kill you all! "

At this time, a crazy and cruel voice suddenly sounded. Except for Yu, all the people present subconsciously turned their eyes to the direction where Libra Chongwu was.

Finally, he broke away from Sasuke's magic using the eye of writing wheel. Libra Chongwu's tyrannical and murderous personality was completely angered. As soon as he got out of Sasuke's magic, his whole body immediately began to spread a layer of dark purple color, and entered a completely immortal and humanized form. The whole person instantly became a monster covered with thorns and armor.

"Well? Is that you? "

After entering the complete immortality, Libra Chongwu realized that the scene in front of him had changed completely before he fell into the magic.

Just now, Yu Zhibo Sasuke, who was fighting with him and made him fall into magic, just like a defeated rooster, collapsed at the foot of a strange white haired ninja. Suddenly, he saw such a scene. He was filled with violent killing, and Chongwu in his heart seemed to recognize Yu's identity.

"Does Libra weigh me..."

Feeling the fierce killing intention of Libra, Yu finally looks back at him.

As mentioned above, Chongwu is the source of mantra seal. He is born with the ability to absorb natural energy, that is, the ability to become immortal. This is also a kind of immortal mode. But once he stays in a place with strong natural energy, he will become immortal automatically, and he will run away because he can't control it.

So later, he volunteered to take the initiative to find the big snake pill, and the xianrenhua on his body was copied into the mantra seal by the research on the big snake pill, which was applied to a number of experimental bodies, including Sasuke.

It is said that last time, thanks to this guy, Yu found the location of Longdi cave, successfully cultivated the perfect immortal mode, and greatly enhanced his strength.

"So strong chakra It must be more interesting to kill you than to kill them! "

After recognizing that Yu was the one who had knocked himself out in yinninja village of tianzhiguo, he felt the huge choking chakra on the other side. Chongwu, who was completely controlled by the crazy desire to kill, whispered as if in a dream, and his eyes burst out with a terrible killing intention.

Many lotus do not even artillery!!

After a violent walk, Chong Wu was controlled by the desire to kill, but he also knew that Yu was not an easy opponent. He burst out with amazing momentum and strength. In an instant, he broke the ground under his feet and rushed up.

With the skill of killing, the immortal cells of the whole body are infinitely enlarged, and dozens of barnacle like cannons are formed on the back. A large number of chakra shells are madly compressed on each cannula at the same time, in order to kill the opponent in front of us with one blow.

"Out of measure..."

In the face of the immortal Chongwu's countless chakra shells, Yu didn't even lift his eyelids. His five fingers beat elegantly. A tall figure with the same black cloak appeared beside him in an instant.

The impact of bear · flash!!

The whole corridor in front of everyone's eyes was suddenly full of endless elastic distortion. Looking at the flash of destruction from the hands of the tyrant summoned by Yu, Chongwu only felt that his body shape and breathing were stagnant. The unimaginable terrible elastic force seemed to be going to completely bounce him away from the world in the next second.


Chongwu's countless chakra shells and the elastic shock wave of the tyrant's hands finally collided head-on. Sasuke and Xiangyu, who were present, only felt a roar in their ears, and a very strong force pushed them all to the wall behind them.

The dust kept falling down, which made the air in the corridor seem a little pungent. Sasuke and Xianglin, who were sitting on the ground, and Shuiyue, who was still turned into liquid and crushed on the wall by Michael's transparent barrier, were staring at the almost completely destroyed human body Research Institute.The sky outside is still blue, hot eyes scattered in, and just stood in front of them Libra heavy I already completely disappeared, also don't know by the tyrant's terrible elasticity to fly to which corner of the world.

"Well, Xiangyu..."

After seeing Chongwu's disappearance by the tyrant's elastic shock wave, Yu quietly turns around and looks into Xiangyu's eyes, flashing with inexplicable brilliance, "are you going to follow me or stay here..."

Libra Chongwu somehow indirectly helped himself find the location of Longdi cave, so Yu didn't hurt the killer, but he was photographed by the tyrant to which corner of the world, and whether he could come back depends on his own nature.


I feel that Yu's eyes fall on me, and the fragrant phosphor immersed in the picture just now suddenly wakes up. I raise my eyes to meet Yu's amber eyes, and find that there is something deep and mysterious hidden in them that she can't see through. I can't help but hesitate to lower my head.

When she was young, she lived in the grass ninja village with her mother and was bitten by thousands of people. Until she was rescued by Yudao, she was taught medical Ninja by Yudao. After that, Xiangyu wandered alone in the world of tolerance to find her father, whom she had never met since she was born.

As a result, there was no news and she was captured by dashuewan. Because of her unique ability and excellent medical Ninjutsu, she became the administrator of the southern base of yinninja village. Not long ago, Sasuke invited her to join the "snake" team.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke..."

On the one hand, she was kind to Yu, and on the other hand, she was a companion who had just established a fetter. Xiang Yu seemed to be in a dilemma. But soon, she made a choice and went to Yu's side silently. "I don't think I can help you and Shuiyue in the future..."


Seeing that Xiangyu finally chose himself, Yu nodded with satisfaction. Instead of looking at Sasuke who collapsed on the ground, he took back the tyrant and Michael and left the collapsed human body research institute with Xiangyu. "Let's go, there are many new companions waiting for you to know next..."

"Finally left, what a terrible guy..."

After removing Michael's transparent barrier, the relieved water moon slowly flows down from the pit on the wall, and recovers itself on the ground, with a look of fear on her face.


Only Sasuke, who collapsed on the ground, watched Yu take Xiangyu away. The team he had just set up collapsed and once again deeply felt his weakness and powerlessness.

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