How can I help you!!

Eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes mysterious gouyu crazy rotation, endless pupil force gushing out, in the feather fairy method · LAN Dun hard vortex water blade shock power, yuzhiboban decisively choose to open must be able to.

Different from the ordinary kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which is more close to blindness when using pupil technique, yuzhiboban, after accepting the eyes entrusted by his younger brother yuzhiboquannai before his death, fused and gave birth to the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which not only has stronger pupil force, but also will not lose light no matter how he uses pupil technique.

Driven by the powerful pupil force, a large number of blue chakra flames filled the void around him, forming a powerful God's outline which could lead to heaven and earth, completely blocking Yu's inevitable strike.

"It's really troublesome to use the complete body must be able to..."

"If you show it here, the whole leaf will disappear in an instant..."

In the face of the dark and cold chakra constantly gushing out of Yuzhi's body, Yu's seeing and hearing seemed to have foreseen the next scene in advance, and amber's deep eyes suddenly sank.

Dawn's base is still under Muye. Honghe Xiyan, Chutian and wuluxi of Muye orphanage are also in Muye village. If yuzhiboban is allowed to launch a full-scale operation here, it will completely raze this place to the ground.

Dimension gate!!

Thinking of this, Yu did not hesitate to use the demon puppet in the strange space of the king of the world. Under the stunned eyes of Yu Zhibo, a deep and mysterious door of the strange space suddenly opened beside him.

The impact of bear · flash!!

The tyrant's burly figure in a black cloak had suddenly moved and popped out. A pair of bear's paws were crazy to condense the infinite elasticity of the meatball fruit, which directly blasted out the bear's paw shock wave through the whole wood leaf.


In front of all the woodleaf ninjas not far away, yuzhiboban, together with his newly formed blue beard, was immediately slapped out by the sudden tyrant.


Under the gaze of gangshou and the three generations of them, together with the tyrant who was manipulated by Yu, Yu Zhibo's spot suddenly flew, directly turned into a light through the distant wood leaf fire shadow Yan Yan, and disappeared in the direction of the back mountain.

"Go! Come on, follow up! "

After seeing yuzhiboban being shot away, the feather that was standing in the same place disappeared out of thin air. The master next to him quickly wakes up the awakened Muye people around and follows up. She has no choice but to pay close attention to this battle which is related to the life and death of Muye and even the whole world of tolerance.

"Yu, you must be ok..."

In the crowd, as the night red on the wood leaves protects the young field behind him, the red eyes gaze at the direction where Yu Zhibo and Yu Zhibo disappear together, and can't help praying in silence.

"I have to say, very strong power..."

"It turns out that you have another puppet hiding in the time space. It's a tough guy..."

At the same time, the back mountain of the whole wood leaf burst open suddenly, the rocks pierced through the air, and the body of Yu Zhibo burst out from it. Under the protection of blue suzoneng, a pair of eternal kaleidoscopic writing wheel eyes burst out a strong divine color, "but this is the fight I long for!"

"Next, let me show you..."

In the face of feather's endless means and incomparable strength, yuzhiboban was finally completely inspired by all the fighting spirit in his heart. His scarlet and secretive eyes suddenly fixed on the feather in front of him, and his face full of cracks showed infinite fighting spirit.

"The power of God, which is said by the world that if you see it with your own eyes once, you will inevitably die!"

As the voice falls, the endless blue chakra flame suddenly rises to the sky, and the pupil force of the eternal eye is stimulated to the extreme by yuzhiboban.

The blue chakra flame of suzanneng shrouded his body soared wildly. In a flash, one of them was dressed in ancient armor, with two wings covering the sky on his back and a samurai sword in both hands. His appearance was similar to that of a crow dog, and the mighty God soared into the sky,

"after all, suzanneng..."

Some of them are looking at the Su Zuo Neng who stands in front of their eyes. Wearing armor, it seems that he has come to the real world from the illusory heaven. Some of Yu's mouth mumbles his name.

"Well What's that? "

Muye ninja, who is rushing to the back of the mountain, is looking at the perfect body that rises from the sky in horror. In the face of this power that has completely exceeded their cognition, his brain can't help but blank and temporarily forget how to accept this reality.

"Is it completely beyond the scope of Ninja..."

Seeing that yuzhiboban burst out such a powerful force that shocked the world, and his body gradually recovered, he could not help muttering to himself with some worry, "that hateful smelly boy, it should be ok..."

"Since Zhujian, you are the first ninja who can let me use this move..."Holding his hands in front of his chest, he stood in the diamond crystal in front of his forehead. He looked down at the tiny feather under his feet like an ant. His eyes were filled with indifference.

"This is a bit in line with my impression of banye's appearance..."

In the face of yuzhiboban's arrogant and uninhabited attitude, Yu didn't care at all. On the contrary, a strange color of God bloomed in his eyes. With the tyrant behind him, the Titan and the man with eternal reincarnated eyes, the puppet flew into the sky in an instant. "However, just to this extent, it's not enough to see it!"

"Fei Cang Yu, I'll let you die under the sword that cuts off all kinds of things!"

Looking at the feather flying into the sky in front of him, a cold sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a pair of eternal kaleidoscope eyes suddenly emitted a sharp light that was hard to look directly at.

Senluo sword!!

When this sentence was passed on to all the ninjas, they only saw the perfect body standing in front of their eyes like the sky. Zoe Neng Hu raised the super long sword in his hand and suddenly waved a sword at the feather flying into the sky.

The sword is just as its name is. Its great power instantly tears all the air in front of it. The sky and the earth turn pale. It seems that it is going to cut through the sky of wood leaves and completely kill the whole person of Yu into nothingness.

"The power is good, but what's the use of not hitting..."

In the face of Yu Zhibo's perfect body, Su Zuo can cut off all kinds of sword Qi, and the ability of Yu to launch the dimensional gate, which is about to be hit, makes the whole person disappear in the original position.



Yuzhiboban's perfect body must be able to cut everything. After the sword of Senluo was waved away, there was a deafening roar in the distant mountains. Only two huge peaks were cut down by his sword.

"Mountain How could the mountain be cut off? "

The intermittent sound came out. The woodleaf Ninja watching from below saw that the two mountains in the far distance collapsed and fell down, and his tongue began to knot.

"Get out of the way, troublesome time and space ability..."

The flat voice came out from the diamond crystal in front of his forehead. The eye of the eternal kaleidoscope with dynamic vision of yuzhibo spot immediately captured the position of the feather again. "I'd like to see how many swords you can avoid!"

Dance of two swords!!

As the voice fell, the two swords hidden in the wings on his back came out together. Before the Ninja Muye on the scene could see the hand of yuzhiboban, he locked the Qi of Yu's sword and cut the mountain into pieces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!