"Yes, follow me!"

After searching the underground space of Loulan ancient city, Yu didn't bother to look for the entrance carefully. He blasted it out with a magic gun in his hand. The terrible white light beam instantly penetrated the 100 meter thick ground under his feet and cut out a round entrance.

"In such a savage way? It's really your style... "

Looking at the collapse of the whole desert under her feet, and the mysterious underground space of Loulan ancient city exposed in front of her eyes, Xiaonan murmured subconsciously, but she didn't notice how easy her words sounded to make people ambiguous and imaginative.

"If you get along with me for a long time, you will get used to it gradually..."

Hearing Xiaonan's innocent words, Yu couldn't help laughing and punning. After that, he took her to jump into the dusty underground space.

After landing on their feet, the two of them are presented with a building similar to the sacrificial altar, with four rock passages in each direction.

At the end of the corridor, a stone statue was pressed down. In the center of the altar was a semicircle protruding object like an eyeball. At the foot was a dark abyss.

"The art of flying thunder is a special suffering..."

From a distance of more than ten meters away, Yu could see that the special kuwu inserted in the center of the altar was a trident shape with the unique skill of flying thunder god engraved on it. He immediately recognized that it was the special kuwu of flying Thunder God's skill of the fourth generation fire shadow golden flash wave Fengshui gate, the father of whirlpool Naruto.

"Is that what you call the" dragon vein "that is sealed by the technique?"

Quietly staring at the semi-circular sphere in the center of the altar in front of him, which was sealed by the flying Thunder God, Xiaonan asked softly.

"Should be..."

Yu's tone was not sure, but he suddenly felt that several other chakras were approaching quickly. Through the obstacles of countless sand layers above his head, he could see the situation on the desert surface above his head at the moment. "There are other ninjas coming, and they are familiar chakras..."

At the same time.

Yu and Xiaonan are fighting in the desert above their heads.

"Spiral pill!"

With the sound of Naruto, he presses the spiral ball which radiates light on his hand on the body of a human figure puppet. Suddenly, the human figure puppet is torn apart by him.

"Be careful! Naruto! "

At this time, Sakura next to Naruto pulls him over and blows a fist at the puppet behind Naruto who is preparing to launch an attack. In an instant, he blows the puppet out and smashes it to the ground, then spills parts all over the ground.

"Thanks, Sakura..."

Seeing that Sakura had saved his life, Naruto began to thank him, and immediately looked warily around his blue eyes. "But where did the hundred foot guy go in a twinkling of an eye?"

In addition to Naruto and Sakura, among the ruins of Loulan ancient city are Daiwa, who leads the team, and Sakai, who replaces Sasuke. In the stage of Muye '.

Because we already know that Baizu's target is the Dragon deep in the wind country, so the seventh team all the way to catch up with Baizu, the rebel Ninja puppet master. However, Baizu is missing and can't find any trace. On the contrary, after arriving here, Baizu is suddenly attacked by the puppet.


At this time, Daiwa and Sakurai appeared beside Naruto and Sakura, and said in a deep voice: "Baizu may have gone into the underground of the ruins of Loulan ancient city now, to find the Dragon veins that were sealed in the legend, and we have to hurry up!"


Naruto nodded slightly, and the four of them ran to the deepest underground of Loulan ancient city towards the direction indicated on the map.


"Another Naruto, some of them..."

"I'm worthy of the leading role. I can run into them everywhere..."

At this moment, Yu, who is in the underground space of Loulan ancient city, makes use of the powerful power of seeing and hearing to see clearly that he is a group of ninjas in the seventh class of Muye, and a helpless smile appears at the corner of his mouth.

I didn't expect that after killing yuzhibo and daitu, he would come here with Xiaonan and meet Naruto and their seventh class of ninjas just like what happened in the theater version. Maybe this is the fate of fate.

"And sasai, the killing tool that only had tasks in the past, and didn't know what feelings were..."

Thinking of this, Yu smiles and shakes his head. He has to sigh that the inertia of the plot is really strong and powerful. "It seems that he has a good relationship with them when he can have such a smile on his face..."


Murmuring to himself, Yu's eyes suddenly turned to the dark corridor beside him, "you are the renegade Ninja Puppet Master Baizu they are looking for, aren't you?"Voice down, in Xiaonan some puzzled eyes, suddenly a brush his sleeve, suddenly countless blue and white lightning laser thousand, like a storm pear general fly out!

LAN Dun, thousands of birds and thousands of books!!

Baizu, who has just entered the underground space of Loulan ancient city, is running fast in the corridor. Suddenly, at the end of the long corridor in front of him, countless thousands of lightning and laser books shining like a meteor shower suddenly burst in.


Caught off guard, all the meridians and meridians on Baizu's whole body were punctured in an instant, and his body suddenly fell into a paralysis, and he fell on the ground and slid out all the way.

When Baizu, who had fallen to the ground in confusion, opened his eyes again, he felt that his neck was tight and he could not move. He had been pinched by a mysterious ninja, and the whole person was carried in the air.

"You What are you

Finally, he saw the appearance of Yu and Xiaonan. His eyes fell on Xiaonan's red cloud cloak with black background. Baizu suddenly swallowed his saliva with some difficulty. Of course, he knew what the clothes meant.

This woman is Xiao's Ninja Why are people from that organization here?!

"It seems that someone should be chasing you outside, isn't it?"

Looking at the hundred feet that are carried by oneself on the hand, feather calmly opens a mouth to say.

"Yes Yes... "

Feel feather body inadvertently revealed the terror momentum, hundred feet some trembling reply said.

With such momentum What is this man?!

Just between Yu and Baizu, four figures appear in front of them. They are the seventh class ninja of Muye.

At this time, the four of them, Naruto Sakura, who appeared in the underground space of Loulan ancient city, were surprised to find that their traitor Ninja Puppet Master Baizu, who they were chasing all the way, was being carried by a man wearing a black cloak and white broken hair.

"Yu Why are you here? "

After seeing Chu Yu's face clearly, Naruto widens his eyes in amazement, and immediately his eyes fall on Xiao Nan, who is standing beside him. His face suddenly changes, "that woman Is it the ninja of Xiao? "

After recognizing Xiaonan's identity through his signature clothes, Xiaoying and Dahe's face behind Naruto also show a vigilant look. After pulling out the chakra knife, they take a defensive posture.

According to the behavior of Xiaoxiao attacking ninja village of five big countries to catch tailed animals and hunting down Dilu and ape Fei ASMA, one of the twelve guardians of the fire Kingdom, Muye's Ninja has already judged this organization to be extremely dangerous.

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