"What can I do with my beard?"

It's not easy to use this move to deal with the ordinary form of suzannenghu. Seeing the purple laser beam from the feather's mouth bombarding his own suzannenghu, the terrible power directly cut the armor that suzannenghu had just formed. Except for the moment when the six immortals announced that Ashura became the successor of Renzong, Indra's face had never been seen in his life There has been such a shocked expression.

"Is this "Six fairies?"

Facing Yu's xianfalan Dun in the perfect immortal mode, Indra could not help but subconsciously think of his father's six immortals, but soon realized that there were essential differences between them.

Although Yu's perfect immortal mode is far more powerful than the ordinary immortal mode in terms of both endurance and power, it still has a long way to go compared with the six immortals that really master the power of Yin Yang and five elements and integrate all chakra's nature changes.

"I'm surprised to see you..."

Just when Indra was shocked and surprised, Yu's stormy attack suddenly came. He caught the moment when purple xuzoneng was cut. Yu, who appeared in front of Indra, raised his foot and blasted out a dragon shaped air cannon.

Tooth of the dragon!!

In ancient times, the quiet night has never been as lively as it is today. With the roaring of the dragon, the kicking of the feather from the air directly sent Indra out like a shell, breaking countless tall trees and dragging a long gully on the ground.


Even the body of the immortal's son couldn't bear such terrible physical skill. There was no time to count how many ribs he had been kicked by Yu. Indra could not help spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Why did Indra, who was born to be aloof, suffer such a severe blow? His flying body suddenly jumped up again from the ground. With the pupil force of a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, the purple chakra flame that was about to dissipate suddenly surged again, and constantly enlarged, trying to show his full body. So he could bring the feather in front of him with the whole picture The forest is destroyed together.

Dimension gate!!

But just at the moment when Indra broke out, a purple lightning suddenly flashed in the air, and the giant figure of Titan had appeared in front of him from the alien space of the king.

Smash and chop!!

Reach out and pull out a huge hammer emitting red light from the red light ring on his back to launch the ability to shake the fruit. In Indra's suddenly shrinking pupil, Titan's unparalleled divine power directly smashed the whole air in front of him to pieces.


There was no fluke, because the newly enlarged suzoneng around the body of Dharma was smashed like a glass by the Titan, and the blood in his mouth was flying. The whole person turned into an arrow again and shot out in an instant.

"Kill him, Titan!"

In pursuit of victory, a hammer smashed suzoneng, and the whole person of Indra flew out. At the same time, the tall figure of Titan, which was wirelessly controlled by Yu using parasitic line, turned into a touch of purple lightning again, and burst out with amazing speed to catch up directly.


But the next second, there was an unimaginable violent lightning burst in the air. In a twinkling of an eye, it condensed into a huge blue and White Lightning Arrow. The fiery current roared through the whole silent void, and with the power of destroying everything, it directly shot at the pursuing Titan.

"This is "The arrow of Indra?"

Unexpectedly, Indra broke out such a trick. Looking at the lightning arrows that lit up the whole night sky and tore the forest, Yu subconsciously stopped and opened his eyes in surprise.

If he remembers correctly, Indra's arrow is a kind of Ninjutsu that yuzhibo Sasuke, after the end of the final war of the world of tolerance, used perfect body Sasuke as a container for the exorcism, integrated the chakras of the Nine Tailed beasts, and further strengthened perfect body Sasuke into the ultimate form.

This move is to turn all chakras into the strongest arrows and shoot them out with the same power as the sword in the hand of liudao super large jade spiral of whirlpool Naruto. I didn't expect that Indra of this era would perform such a move.

However, when you think about it, Yu is relieved. Just because the animation doesn't show it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. As the ancestors of yuzhibo, yuzhibo Sasuke and yuzhiboban, the origin of chakra's reincarnation in the past, the Indra society is also reasonable.

Of course, chakra, without the nine great tailed beasts, did not use the ultimate form of evolution to perform. The power of ordinary Indra's arrow is certainly not as powerful as yuzhibo Sasuke, who has reincarnation eye and the power of the nine great tailed beasts after the end of the World War of tolerance.

Crack and chop!!

From the red light ring on his back, he took out another red light shining axe to launch the power of shaking the fruit and the endless power of God in his body. Titan smashed the air and smashed the world. He directly met the arrow of Indra.Boom!!

The terrible energy shock turned into a round air wave and spread wildly around. The earth in front of people was instantly torn and turned into a deep and bottomless Canyon crack. The huge sound of shock reverberated among the surrounding countless mountains and shocked all the birds and beasts with breath.

"What a terrible destructive force..."

The paper dance forms a pair of white angel wings on his back. The huge paper wings block the violent airflow for himself and gannai around him. Xiaonan's cold face shows a look of amazement. "Who is the man named Indra who can fight with Fei Cang Yu to this point?"

The names of the six immortals are well known by the world, but the detailed secrets of Indra and Asura have long disappeared in the long history, and only a few people, such as heijue, yuzhiboban and yuzhibodai, know them.

Yu's strength Xiaonan is very clear. She has defeated yuzhiboban and qianshouzhujian, who were reincarnated by filthy soil. In the original era, she could almost describe them as invincible. She did not expect that there were people who could fight with Yu to this extent in this ancient era.

"Bang, I'm running away..."

The dust that covered everything in front of my eyes finally dispersed. I saw that Indra's figure had already turned into a thunder and disappeared in the distant sky. Yu, who was standing in the same place, turned his lips gently and took the Titan back to the king's strange space.

"Do you want to catch up..."

At this time, waving a pair of white angel wings behind, Xiao Nan flew to Yu's side and asked in a low voice.

Although her strength is already the top among all female ninjas in the whole Huoying world, Xiaonan still deeply feels her lack of strength in the face of more and more powerful characters in the later stage of Huoying.

"Don't chase, our main purpose now..."

Hearing Xiaonan's words, Yu silently shakes his head and immediately turns his eyes to gannai, who has collapsed on the ground and has been stunned for a long time. "It's the first time to find the lost dragon vein from this world..."

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