"Except for the adults in feather clothes..."

"Is there anyone in this world who has such divine power?"

Looking at the boundless meteorite above the head of suzoneng, the perfect body of Indra summoned from the different space of the king of the world, all the Ninjas present were shocked and stupefied.

"Has it reached this level..."

Only the six immortals sitting at the end of the hall of Renzong, looking outside, brazenly suppressed Indra's feather, muttered thoughtfully, "it's worthy of being the ninja who can change the world in the future. It seems that I underestimated his power..."


On the other side, Asura, who was fighting with Titan to death, saw his brother Indra crushed in the sunken ground by Yu's sky hammer star. He could not help but clench his teeth and felt a sense of common hatred in his heart.


As soon as it broke out, it had no time to show its real power, but it was crushed by Yu with tianchachui star. In the eyes of Indra's bloody and monstrous kaleidoscope writing wheel, there was a strong reluctance, "no one can make me surrender to Indra! Ah, ah, ah, ah

Under the hysterical roar, Indra urged all of his chakras and pupils, and the purple chakra flame on his body soared suddenly. When his position was shaking, he shouldered the huge meteorite on his head.

"Nice eyes..."

Feeling Indra's arrogant and unyielding eyes, seeing that he was carrying the tianchachuixing he had summoned, Yu's face could not help showing a trace of appreciation. "It's worthy of being the God of war who will never yield to his fate, but..."

"If only to this extent, it can't change the fate of the two of you, the reincarnation of the puppet!"

With the falling of Yu's voice, the infinite pupil force in the eyes of the eternal reincarnated eye puppet manipulated by him gushes out. Under the eyes of everyone's horror, the boundless meteorite, which is hard to be lifted by the complete body of Indra, begins to change in shape and turns into a huge Yucun God statue!


Finally, the earth was shaken. In Indra's unbelievable eyes, the boundless meteorite on his head turned into a huge and mysterious statue of Yumura. With a direct blow, his complete body was smashed to the ground, setting off a shock wave.

Ice absolute God clothes!!

Without waiting for Indra's perfect body to struggle to get up from the ground, Yu summoned the elemental general Dong from the different space of the king of the world, and all the terrible power of freezing on his body burst out.

The void freezes around, as if in a twinkling of an eye ushered in a cold winter hell of ice. The ice that can condense all forms armor on the body, and the body is infinitely enlarged into the form of a great general of ice haze.

Together with the reincarnated statue of Yumura, the ice giant and the two monsters beat Indra's perfect suzanneng, which almost made the other side have no fighting power.

"What the hell is this?"

The ground under his feet was shaking wildly. Looking at the picture of Yucun's statue standing in front of his eyes and Bing Lan's army working together to finish the whole battle of Xu Zuo Neng, all the people on the scene were completely lost and groaned numbly.

"Brother, damn it..."

Just like whirlpool Naruto can't help walking when he sees yuzhibozouzu in trouble, Asura obviously has the fetters and feelings of dog blood. Seeing his brother Indra beaten by yuwanwan, his huge chakra finally broke out, "you have to support me!"

Nine tail mode!!

With Asura's roar, the infinite golden chakra soared up like a flame. The huge power of chakra shocked the Titan whose fighting power was above him temporarily, and then his body began to enlarge infinitely.

In the twinkling of an eye, nine huge tails burst out behind Asura, and the whole person has changed into a humanoid monster with nine fox heads and three heads and six arms, which reminds us that it is no less than Indra's complete body and ability.

The mysterious body made up of golden chakra is covered with black and mysterious lines. A necklace similar to Buddha's beads is worn on the neck. Five black giant jade for seeking Tao are gathered on the six arms, showing amazing power.

"Nine tail mode?"

Seeing the earth shaking power of Asura in front of him, even Yu could not help but open his eyes in amazement, "this guy has become a pillar of Nine Tailed man!"

The Nine Tailed model, also known as the nine Lama model, is a complete form in which the Nine Tailed human pillar force and the Nine Tailed nine lamas understand each other and completely integrate into a perfect human pillar force before they can completely control the Nine Tailed force.

Moreover, different from the whirlpool Naruto in the period of the final World War of tolerance, Asura, while launching the nine tail mode, can also use the six immortals to gather jade to fight. Obviously, his strength has temporarily surpassed that of his brother Indra, reaching a level closer to his father's six immortals."Such power Asura? "

Under the joint efforts of binglan general and the statue of Yucun, the whole body must be able to retreat, and the left branch and the right clumsy are almost on the verge of collapse. At this time, he suddenly saw that his younger brother Asura burst out such a powerful force in order to save himself, because he couldn't help but be stunned.

Jealousy? Surprise? be moved?

At this moment, even Indra himself could not understand what kind of mood he was in. His brother, who used to rely on him to protect him, had grown up to such a stage.

"It's a touching drama that my brother saves my brother..."

Looking at the burst out of the nine tail mode of Asura towards himself, I don't know why Yu feels his tone is like a real villain boss, but he doesn't hate this feeling, "but it can only stop here!"

Weizhuang puppet reincarnation!!

With that, under his control, binglan general, who was able to hang Indra, and the statue of Yucun began to merge. In a twinkling of an eye, the armor made of the ice of the demon world directly covered the statue of Yucun.

With the reincarnation of the puppet and the clothes of bingjue deity, the figure of the Yucun deity is bigger than that of the complete body xuzoneng. It has once again expanded a circle. It is very close to the Xianfa, Mudun and true thousand hands among the thousand hand pillars. It not only has strong defense, attack power and unlimited repair ability, but also instantly condenses all the objects it touches And smash it.

"This is Oh, no! "

Looking at the reincarnation of Weizhuang puppet, which is bigger than his complete body, I feel the overwhelming shock momentum and the breath of desperation and chilly. The eyes of the kaleidoscope wheel of Indra six Miscanthus suddenly shrink madly.

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