Dimension reduction hit!!

With the fall of Yu's voice, the ability of the thread fruit in the body was immediately pushed to the limit by him, and he entered a new field. What he turned into a thread was not only the ground around his feet, but also all other objects.

It's not easy to break away from the white line of the huge wave, and feel the change of the surrounding space. Although I don't know what Yu has done, a strong and fatal crisis has occupied the whole heart of the big wooden peach style.

"This is..."

When the big wooden peach style suddenly felt again, he found that he had come to a black space, the whole void around him, the ground, the desert, the air, the light, all things had been turned into white lines by feathers.

"Why Time and space capability? "

From the original three-dimensional world forced by Yu into the two-dimensional plane world, looking down at his body which began to gradually collapse, the big wooden peach face finally showed a sense of panic and confusion.

Subconsciously, I tensed my muscles and tried to activate the ability of space crossing, but my body suddenly stagnated. I was scared to find that my whole body seemed to be watered with cement and could not leave the two-dimensional world.

"The power of time and space..."

"If you want to understand it in this way, you are not wrong..."

In the whole two-dimensional space, which is completely black-and-white, only Yu and the big wooden peach in front of him can still keep three-dimensional shape, and feel the fear emerging from the big wooden peach. Even though Yu forcibly launched the existing line, the fruit's ability to wake up consumed a lot of physical strength, he still calmly opened his mouth and explained to him, "But to be more precise, I have reduced your spatial dimension..."

"Reduce dimension?"

Like huiyeji, the big wooden peach form from a different world has the knowledge and power that ninjas born and bred on the earth can't touch. After hearing Yu's explanation, they struggle desperately, but they can't get rid of the big wooden peach form in two-dimensional space. Their eyes finally show the color of fear.

"You don't have to struggle any more. I've seen the future from what I've seen and heard..."

Standing quietly in the same place, watching the last desperate struggle of the big wooden peach style in front of you, Yu finally began to understand why those villains boss always die of talking too much in the end, because this feeling is really wonderful, "your future is only death!"


With Yu's last sentence of judgment, the whole two-dimensional space seems to have been thrown into an atomic bomb. The unspeakable shock wave spreads around, and all objects begin to collapse and destroy.

"My body..."

Struggling, he watched his body collapse and destroy with the whole two-dimensional plane space around him, and his big wooden peach like white eyes widened. Bursts of panic and fear began to come out of his mouth, "it's impossible, I'm immortal!"


With endless sarcastic tone, Yu's eyes scornfully looked at the big wooden peach style in front of him, whose body was constantly collapsing and collapsing. "Do you think that I have consumed so much physical strength and spared no effort to launch a dimensionality reduction attack? Is that the only extent?"

"If an object in three-dimensional space is put into two-dimensional space, the formula of the interaction force between the micro particles of the object itself will change, and the molecules of the object will not be able to maintain the existing stable state, and will disintegrate, leading to the destruction of the object itself."

"So even if you really have an immortal body, you can't recover, because your own existence has been destroyed, the molecules that make up the object have disintegrated, and you can't maintain the original stable state."

Listening to Yu's words and looking at his broken body, he was so frightened that even his original tone became distorted and unnatural, "destroy me?"

"No No way! "

After the whole surrounding space is completely linearized by the feather, you can see that even your own immortal body can't resist the destruction brought by the reduction of space maintenance. Finally, the big barrel wooden peach style is completely crazy.


All chakras in the body suddenly burst out to the limit, and the God's power constantly poured out like a tsunami to repair his broken body, shaking the black space composed of the whole white lines around him.

"It's not easy..."

"Fortunately, he didn't get more chakra to change into a complete state..."

In the face of the fierce battle in front of him, the force of God emanated from the large wooden peach style body. The shocking hurricane blew the white broken hair, and Yu's mouth uttered a sigh, "it's all over..."

"It's just a pity that he can't keep his body intact. After all, it's almost impossible for such a level of existence to be killed intact..."

Looking at the large wooden peach like hysterical roar in front of him, he was completely destroyed, and the surrounding two-dimensional plane space gradually began to return to the normal three-dimensional world. Yu murmured to himself with some regret."Trying to kill me Stop dreaming! "

"Even if I die My soul will be watching you all the time! "

Even the recovery speed of the immortal body can't catch up with the destruction speed of Yu's dimension reduction strike. Realizing that he can't escape the fate of death, Tao Shi stares at Yu in front of him, and utters the most vicious curse: "my white eyes can see through the fate of others Your power will take everything from you in the end! In the end, even the soul can't rest! Ha ha ha ha


With the last curse of peach style, the black space composed of countless white lines finally collapsed. The explosion of destroying everything instantly flooded the whole desert space, and Xiaonan and gangshou nearby were rushed out directly.

After losing the power control of the big wooden peach, the lava giant was cut into pieces of ice by the zero saber in the hand of Weizhuang puppet reincarnation, and the whole 100 meter tall body suddenly collapsed, raising dust and gravel in the endless desert.


I don't know how long time has passed. After seeing that the battle in front seems to be gradually calming down, Xiao Nan flapped the white angel wings behind him and flew up directly. The gang hand around him hesitated for a moment and caught up with him.

"It's done..."

See Xiaonan and gangshou come to his side, feather suddenly showed a relaxed smile.

"Are you ok..."

Seeing that Yu's perfect immortal mode, armed color, domineering armor and instant state are relieved together, Xiao Nan knows that he must have consumed a lot of money. He doesn't say anything, but silently reaches out to help him.

"Of course not. Let's go back!"

Looking at Xiaonan who holds his arm tightly, and the master who pretends to be calm in front of him, a joyful smile suddenly appears on Yu's face, and the boundless desert space seems to shine a ray of warm dawn.

"Wait a minute..."

Originally, he was planning to launch the dimensional gate to leave. In front of him, there was something in the circular pit which had been completely destroyed by the dimension reduction blow just now. It seemed that something had attracted Yu's attention.

"This is..."

Step forward and have a look. It looks like a ghost's head. There is a purple reincarnation eye on the forehead. The tarnished white eyes seem to be dying. They are slowly recovering at an almost imperceptible speed. The remains of the large wooden peach style body after losing their soul make Yu, Xiaonan and gangshou all stunned.

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