"Hum, Fei Cang's feather..."

"Whether it's you or the Nine Tailed kid..."

"Now it's too late for you to say anything. The world is about to become one!"

Just at the moment when Yu Yu talks with Naruto at his feet, yuzhiboban floating in the sky is infinitely close to the huge full moon on the top of the sky. He reaches out and breaks the white cutin in front of his forehead. A pair of reincarnation eyes flashing purple and strange light are directly opposite the bright moon on his head.

"Those who have the power of reincarnation are close to the moon..."

In the past, what I saw on the stone tablet of yuzhibo's Nanhe shrine crossed yuzhibo's mind one by one. His eyes were staring at the full moon overhead, and his mouth whispered, "the eyes that can realize the infinite dream will open and shine on the moon..."

Gradually, it seems to communicate some special power. A crack gradually appeared in the center of yuzhiboban's forehead. A red reincarnation eye engraved with nine black gouyu appeared on it. It seems that there is a kind of incomparable power in the strange red light.

There are two known ways to release unlimited moon reading: one is to summon the divine tree, project the reincarnation writing wheel eye at the top of the divine tree onto the moon, and release the magic through the moon. In the absence of all eight tail and nine tail chakras, it takes about 15 minutes from the beginning to the final flowering.

The second is that those who have the power of reincarnation (including nine tailed animals, chakras, demons, and a pair of reincarnation eyes) actively approach the moon, open the eyes of reincarnation writing wheel in front of their forehead, and shoot the pupil force seal on the moon. Through the moon, they release magic to the whole world. Yuzhipoban now adopts the second method.

"Reincarnation writing wheel eye..."

He whispered softly in his mouth. Even from a very long distance, Yu could clearly feel the surging pupil force from the red jiugouyu reincarnation writing wheel eye opened in front of yuzhiboban's forehead. It was a kind of eye more powerful than reincarnation eye.

"Waiting so long The moment has finally come! "

He murmured as if he were a dreamer. He felt the powerful pupil force of his forehead's reincarnation writing wheel eye. Yu Zhibo's heart quickly crossed all kinds of previous pictures, and finally turned into a sigh. Gradually, he put his forehead's reincarnation writing wheel eye pupil force on the full moon above his head.

At this moment, in an instant, Yu seemed to feel that a long sleeping will on the moon was awakened.

all ninjas like as two peas in the sky, looking at the bright moon on the sky, turned into bloody red color and turned into the nine jade pattern that is exactly like the Yu Chi Bo's forehead and the wheel of the moon.

In a trance, I don't know if I have the illusion in my heart. On the huge full moon with blood red sky above my head, Yu seems to vaguely see a woman's face. It is as beautiful as a fairy, but it looks like a ghost.

"What's that..."

At this moment, all the Ninjas in the final battlefield are looking up at the blood red full moon hanging above the sky, which has transformed into a huge reincarnation writing wheel eye.

"From now on Let all things be one! "

Floating in the extremely high sky, yuzhiboban, who is infinitely close to the blood red full moon, has a ferocious look on his face because of the extreme excitement and expectation, and his hands suddenly seal.

Unlimited monthly reading, launch!!

Then comes light, light that pervades the whole world.

In the eyes of all ninjas, the strong light from the blood red full moon above the sky shines all over the world, and the mark of reincarnation eye is engraved in the eyes of all people in the world.

"The light can penetrate even the shadow. Nothing in the world can stop and avoid it..."

Seeing the endless radiance from the sky covering the whole world in front of us, at this moment, the expression on yuzhiboban's face finally got an unprecedented sublimation, and the long cherished wish for so many years finally got the answer.

"As I expected, unlimited monthly reading still started..."

At the moment when he was about to fall into the infinite moon reading magic, Yu went directly into the alien space of the king of the world. Looking at the infinite light penetrating the whole world, he thought, "unless he has the samsara eye which also reaches the extreme of Yin Dun, otherwise, except for the dead, no creature can escape the light penetrating all things..."

However, Yu's heart is very clear that unlimited monthly reading is not a continuous release. Although he does not have the reincarnation eye with extreme Yin hiding power, as long as he avoids the stage of shining and wrapping by the divine tree, he will no longer be in the magic of unlimited monthly reading.

However, apart from Yu Yu and Yu Zhibo, who escape into the alien space, it seems that the eyes of all people in the whole world are stained with the mark of reincarnation eye and fall into the eternal dream.

In this eternal dream, everyone goes to a world that he or she yearns for most.

Beautiful, but not real.

Just when the light of unlimited monthly reading enveloped the whole world, suddenly, Yu's seeing and hearing color domineering suddenly foresaw another scene.

In the distant sky, a purple spot is gradually enlarged. Almost in the blink of an eye, it comes to the center of the battlefield at the foot of Yu Yu and Yu Zhibo. The huge purple shadow covers Naruto and Kakashi, who are about to fall into the endless reading of the moon.The huge purple chakra flame, wearing the ancient warrior's armor, with a pair of huge wings on the back, seems to be the complete body of Indra, the eldest son of the six immortals who had been taught by Yu in ancient times!

"Can you help me?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the perfect body must be able to help, in the face of this very familiar force, Yu Zhibo's face showed a look of surprise, "you said you want to destroy the leaves, now why stop my unlimited monthly reading, Sasuke..."


Looking at Sasuke, who uses purple full body beard to cover Naruto and Kakashi on the ground under his feet, Yu gradually comes out of the world king's different space after the light of endless reading stops at last. "The six immortals really don't favor one over the other. Even Sasuke, who didn't die, is pulled into the spiritual space by him..."


Seeing that Yu, who doesn't have reincarnation eyes, didn't fall into the illusion of infinite moon reading. He covered Naruto and Kakashi with purple full body beard. Their Sasuke's face was surprised and immediately said hello.

In addition to replacing the right eye with the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye given by yuzhibo weasel, Sasuke's left eye is a purple liugouyu reincarnation eye, and under the domineering perception of feather's seeing, hearing and color, chakra in his whole body has undergone a change of germplasm, as if a strange soul is attached to him at the moment.

"Chakra of Indra's reincarnation also awakened..."

Not only that, Yu also saw the mark of the moon in the palm of Sasuke's left hand, which was constantly emitting a kind of purple light. He could not help murmuring, "was it the six immortals who gave him the power of Yin Dun and the reincarnation eye of liugouyu..."


At this time, what surprised me more was not Yu or Yu Zhibo. Instead, it was Naruto who was enveloped by Sasuke in the purple perfect body. Seeing Sasuke's sudden appearance, his eyes were more surprised than puzzled, "why did you come to help me..."

Because of Yu's intervention, Sasuke didn't have too much fetters with Naruto since he left Muye, and with the death of Weasel, he already knew the truth of the destruction of yuzhibo. It really surprised everyone that he appeared in such a way at this time.

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