"This idiot..."

Sasuke, who was preparing to cooperate with Naruto's attack, had no choice but to cover his forehead. His face had been silent for a long time, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, "how can this kind of Ninjutsu work against such an enemy..."


But as soon as Sasuke's voice fell, the people on the scene saw Naruto's body. Seizing the gap between the big tube and muhui's night, they punched her out directly!

"It really worked!"

See Naruto use this kind of idiot Ninjutsu actually work, Sasuke and Sakura Kakashi beside them, their open mouth can almost plug their fists.

"If you are really a willful protagonist, ninja with the first unexpected sex..."

At this time, even Yu, who was floating in the air nearby, could not help but reach out and touch his forehead, because he saw that Naruto had his own figure in the art of seduction against the harem.

"But this idiot doesn't need to change my appearance..."

Looking at the naked self in front of him is constantly playing with a frivolous and teasing attitude towards the big tube of muhuiye, and the young and handsome face is making a kiss to the big tube of muhuiye. Seeing this scene, even Yu can't help but twitch his mouth corners, and there is such a big cross on his forehead.

Bear's impact · empty bomb!!

Yu, who couldn't see it, gently moved his fingers. The tyrant floating behind him immediately released a white light ball formed by extreme compression of the atmosphere. The super shock wave generated instantly blasted Naruto and Sasuke out, like two bright meteors, and landed on the lava sea in the far distance.

"Get the hell out of here!"

Looking at Naruto and Sasuke, the two kids who enter the chaos are blasted out by the violent shock wave released by the tyrant. Yu takes back his eyes with some headache and says, "I'll deal with you two later!"

"Damn, it hurts so much..."

Although Naruto, who has inherited the power of the six Immortals' Yang and the six Immortals' magic, has not been seriously damaged, but the violent shock wave that the tyrant blasted him out still made his blood surge. He could not stop complaining and muttering, "it's all because you didn't grasp the opportunity just now. You are really a crane tail..."

"What did you say? You idiot! "

Hearing Naruto's complaint, Sasuke, who was also blasted out from the side, immediately fought against him. "How can that tactic work against an enemy of this level?"

"What, but it worked just now!"

Hearing Sasuke's retort, Naruto continued to yell at him, "in a word, you're holding back!"

Listening silently to the quarrel between Naruto and Sasuke not far away, just like the original picture, can't help but make Yu have an illusion that time seems to return to the past.

After thinking away from the farce brought by Naruto and Sasuke, Yu's eyes return to the reality in front of him. He happens to see the big tube of Mu Huiye, which was just boxed out by Naruto, flying into the higher air unharmed.

"It seems that in the years when I was sealed..."

After floating in the higher air, the big tube of muhui night's cold and pure white eyes looked down at the audience, "after you got the chakra and knowledge that you shouldn't have, you gave birth to many strange skills..."

"It seems that Naruto's boring Ninjutsu just now left a deep impression on huiyeji..."

Looking up at the sky above some can not maintain their own cold face of the big tube of wood glow night, feather's mouth smile is thought-provoking.

"But anyway, I'm really immortal..."

After gradually calming down the influence of Naruto's kid who didn't play cards according to the common sense, big tube mu Huiye's pure white and indifferent eyes pointed to Yu at his feet, "in addition to the six powers of yin and Yang in the hands of these two reincarnated children of Indra and Asura..."

"In this world, no one will be my opponent!"

The words follow the way. As the shocking voice falls, the eyes of samsara writing wheel in front of the big tube of Mu Hui's forehead immediately burst out with a great shock. The chakra and momentum burst out from the whole person is just like a mountain and a sea.

In the sky!!

Without waiting for Yu and Naruto to help them react, they feel that the whole world has changed again.

As if the howling wind and sand are involved in the side of the feather, the boundless desert is in the eye, and the distant yellow sky becomes a piece, just like a world of sand.

"Did you pull us into the sand space this time..."

The golden and gorgeous eternal reincarnation eyes calmly look around the scene. Yu frowns slightly, and his eyes gradually shift to the floating and heavy big Tanmu Huiye's face in the void. "It costs a lot of chakras like this. Is it meaningful to constantly switch different spaces?"

"In the world I control, I am the only God!"Aware of Yu's mocking voice, the beautiful and cold face of the big tube of wood in the night restored the previous look of indifference to the common people, "I can do anything in this world, including killing you..."

Big sand food in the sky!!

After landing on the ground, mu Huiye suddenly aims at Yu at his feet and gently waves his hand. Suddenly, the whole world of sand in front of him sets off countless violent sandstorms that erode the world.

The violent sandstorm, which is calculated by the number of constant river sand, is sweeping all over the sky, condensing all kinds of shapes and postures in the whole sky. Some are tailed animals, some are human faces, and some are weapons.

"Is the will of the whole world under her control..."

Seeing the whole sand world in front of you, it seems that you are attacking yourself. Facing the attack of the world will, Yu whispers and whispers, eternal reincarnation eyes, mysterious and vast eyes, calm as water, "you really deserve to be the ancestor of chakra, the God of creation in the world of tolerance..."

Lifeless destruction!!

At the same time, Michael, who was manipulated by feather using parasitic line, attacked quickly, launched the ability of barrier fruit awakening, instantly created a huge spherical transparent barrier, which covered the big barrel of muhui night and all the gravel around!


Almost no sound was heard, and the barrier boundary covering the whole Muye ninja village collapsed in an instant.

In the face of all chakra's changes in nature, even the shield formed by qiudao jade may not be able to resist completely.

But now the lifeless destruction released by Michael has turned all the attacks into invisible, as if the wind and sand that swept the whole world just now were just an illusory dream.

"All the gravel in the whole space has been eliminated?"

At the critical moment, the use of huangquan biliangban moved out of the coverage of lifeless destruction in time. Seeing that the offensive formed by his will to control the whole sand space could not produce any effect on Yu, some ferocious muscles appeared on both sides of his white eyed cheek. "These troublesome puppets again..."

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