
Hearing Yu's words spread all over the battlefield, all the Ninjas on the scene almost suspected that they had heard the wrong thing, and looked up at the figure above the sky in disbelief.

"Yu Are you crazy? "

Just now, in the turbid eyes of the three generations of Huoying who still had expectations, an unbelievable color suddenly appeared, "why do you want to do this?"

"Control the whole ninja world..."

Hearing Yu's words, gangshou, who was standing in the five shadow camp, opened his eyes and bit his silver teeth. "Anyway, it's too much to do that, Yu..."

"Too much, I don't think..."

Seeing gangshou's dilemma, Yu chuckled, and a pupil force suddenly appeared in the eyes of the reincarnation writing wheel of blood red monster in front of his forehead, which interrupted the words that gangshou wanted to continue to say, "my elder martial sister gangshou, shouldn't you stand on my side like Honghe and Xiyan?"


Before he finished speaking, the master exclaimed, and his body couldn't resist the strong attraction of the eye of reincarnation writing wheel. The whole person followed the red and sunset on the other side to fly up to the sky and float beside Yu.

"Yu, please let me down!"

The strong gravity generated by Yu's reincarnation writing wheel eye is fixed and floating in the sky. He feels the strange eyes of all ninjas on the whole battlefield at his feet. Gangshou struggles to say that at this time, he just sees Xiaonan waving the white angel wings behind him come to Yu's side.

"When I deal with this matter, I will let you down naturally..."

Yu's eternal reincarnation eyes, with the struggling eyes of the master beside his upper body, whispered to her in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "believe me, I will not let this world go to destruction..."


Originally, according to the character of gangshou, she would not agree with Yu's crazy and dangerous practice, but somehow, after looking at Shangyu's deep and mysterious eyes, she could not help relaxing her tight body and chose to believe what he said.

"Well, my patience is limited. Please make your choice as soon as possible..."

After drawing all the people who care about in the battlefield to their own camp in the sky with the powerful gravity generated by reincarnation writing wheel eye, Yu opens the different space of the king of the world and takes out a red writing wheel eye from it. The black sangouyu in the center rotates for a while and evolves into the form of a four corner windmill.

"By the way, I would like to remind you that this is my only best friend Yu Zhibo's Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. The pupil technique on it is known as the most powerful magic other gods..."

He gently plays with the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of Shuitou's right eye, which was dug from Tuan's hiding body. Yu's calm eyes flit across the despair expression on every Ninja's face on the battlefield. "As long as I want, I can refer to Yuji poban's practice of unlimited moon reading, and use the pupil force of reincarnation writing wheel eye to project the pupil technique of Shuitou's eye onto the moon, releasing the whole world Don't be a God... "

"At that time, the light of the infinite gods will shine on the whole world, invade everyone's brain directly without being noticed, modify everyone's will, and make everyone become my puppet!"

Infinite other gods, launch!!

In order to verify his statement, Yu gently raised his head and aimed his eyes at the huge full moon in the sky. The light of the world filled the whole battlefield.

In the eyes of everyone's dismay and despair, the huge full moon on the top of the sky, which had been pure and bright, seemed to have been stained with the color of blood red monster by the reincarnation writing eyes of feather, and the black four corner windmill gouyu unique to other gods appeared in the center.

"The eye of the writing wheel The infinite other gods? "

The blood red full moon in the sky above my head has become a huge and incomparable eye of water. Naruto's face, who rushed with Sasuke, has completely turned into the color of dead ash, "that guy Yu Is he really going to turn people all over the world into his puppets? "

Although the plot of the final battle of tolerance has been completely disrupted by Yu, Naruto, who rushed to support Siying and Sanchuan, still met yuzhibo weasel, who was reincarnated and resurrected by filthy soil. No one knows more about the terrible power of other gods, who are known as the strongest illusions.

What's more, Yu also uses the pupil force of reincarnation writing wheel eye to project the pupil technique of water stop eye onto the moon. As he said, when the light of infinite gods shines on the whole world, everyone has become a puppet completely manipulated by Yu without any awareness.

"Damn, Fei Cang's feather..."

Looking at the figure in the sky above his head, which overlaps with the huge eye of water, the three generations of Tu Ying Da Ye Mu are completely crazy. "I have already said that this guy and Yu Zhibo ban, who are trying to control the world, are just like birds of a feather No, he's ten times more dangerous than yuzhiboban! "

"Yuzhiboban was like this before, and so is Fei Cang's feather now..."Standing in the forefront of all ninjas in the whole world of tolerance, shuiyingzhao Meiming of the Five Dynasties is also helpless in her delicate tone. "Although ambition is also part of the charm, why do excellent men have in common to control the world..."

"His power is much stronger than that of yuzhiboban in six forms..."

At this time, there are only five generations of wind and shadow, I love Luo can keep calm, but deep in his eyes, it is hard to hide the shock, "once this infinite God starts, people all over the world will become his puppet Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's necessary for us to seriously consider his choice... "

"Consider the choice he gave? Are you kidding? "

Just after hearing what I love Luo said, the next three generations of Tu Ying Da Ye Mu jumped up and said, "do you want us to accept his domination and let the whole ninja world fall into the hands of such a dangerous guy?"

"What else should we do? Do we have a better choice..."

I didn't expect that just after yuzhiboban and huiyeji were solved, the world ushered in a more terrible enemy. The five generations of shuiyingzhao Meiming was already in a mess, and her tone lost its previous calm. "Do you really want him to launch infinite gods and make people all over the world become his puppets?"

"Damn, now all the Ninjas in the whole world are here. I don't believe he is alone..."

Three generations of Tu Ying Da Ye Mu also wanted to struggle to explain, but another voice beside him poured a basin of cold water.

"It's useless. Don't take chances..."

I saw Naruto and Sasuke come to them, staring at the huge and incomparable eye of water in the sky. Sasuke's left eye liugouyu reincarnation eye showed a very dignified eye. "His power now has completely surpassed the six immortals, even if all ninjas together will not be his opponent..."

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