"That guy Actually stopped 10000 ninjas... "

Some can't believe looking at all this in front of their eyes, only to see kakasilu's right eye outside.

Looking at the scarlet haired youngsters who slaughtered ten thousand Yanren soldiers on the battlefield, deep and shocking voices came out from Kakashi's black mask.

"With an enemy of ten thousand, we defeated such a large number of Yanren troops..."

"How can Can anyone really do that? "

Not only Kakashi, but also all the Muye ninjas who arrived at the scene for support opened their mouths as if they were dementia. They were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Have you grown to this level..."

Looking at the shocking pictures and incredible figures on the battlefield in front of us, we can only stand in front of Bofeng Watergate in silence, but our blue eyes show unprecedented shock and amazement.

Originally, I thought that my evaluation of Yu was high enough, but the strength displayed by this incredible young man still refreshed his inherent view again and again.


And standing beside Kakashi and Mackay, red, a pair of red enchanting eyes, staring at the figure in front of the battlefield, I'm afraid I can't forget this scene in my life.

"No! It's Muye's Ninja

"Muye's reinforcements are here!"

At this time, Yanren, who had been killed by Yu, also found the Muye Ninja troops not far away.

In the exclamation, the will to fight finally broke up completely, gave up the plan to continue the attack, and immediately began to organize the team to retreat.

"These guys Finally arrived... "

"It's really slow..."

On the battlefield, the patter of rain gradually stopped, and a group of fingers shot from the fingers, killing a Yanren who had no time to leave.

Yu looks back at the Muye Ninja troops who finally arrived. He can't help but smile bitterly. He feels the exhausted chakra and his physical strength. He can't help but totter.

Bang Bang

Seeing Yanren's troops retreating and fleeing, the tyrant, Michael and general Dong's three demonic puppets immediately turned into a mass of white smoke and disappeared, and were taken back into the space of channeling by Yu.

"It's really holding up?! That's ten thousand ninjas! "

"You boy Is it really a monster... "

At the same time, Qiu Daotang Dong, who led Muye to the battlefield, rushed to Yu's side from the highland.

Seeing that Yu has successfully stopped the massive attack of ten thousand Yanren troops, he is so excited that he can't help clapping his hand on Yu's shoulder.

"Hiss Take it easy! "

Chakra and his physical strength were exhausted. At this time, he was slapped by qiudaotangdong's big hand. Yu, who was hurt by qiudaotangdong, almost fell to the ground, showing his teeth in pain and a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't come again, I'll really hang up..."

Indeed, although chakra's reserves are far beyond the scope of Shangren, Yu is not a Super Shadow Ninja like the three generations of leiying in the original work.

If it wasn't for the power of thread fruit and the power of three demon puppets, just relying on ninja and magic to fight against ten thousand Yanren, even ten feathers would not be enough to die.

Now he has been able to stop the whole 10000 Yanren and successfully support the Muye Ninja army, which is the limit he can do.

"Tang Dong, you guys stay and take care of Yu..."

"I led them to pursue the escaped Yanren."

At this time, a calm voice rang out, and four generations of fire shadow wave fengshuimen came to Yu and qiudaotang East.

The puppet technique just now Is it?!

The blue eyes looked at chakra and the physical throwing feather in front of them, and the wave wind water gate frowned slightly.

Just now I saw with my own eyes that Yu manipulated three powerful and special puppets to kill Yanren. While I marveled at Yu's extraordinary strength in my heart, Bofeng Watergate also had a little hesitation and worry in my heart.

"Sure enough Has it become the fourth generation of fire shadow of Muye? "

"Well, I haven't had time to congratulate you Watergate. "

Feeling the strange look of Bofeng Shui gate, Yu's face was as usual, but when his eyes fell on Bofeng Shui gate's white fire shadow Royal robe, he showed a trace of inexplicable exclamation.

However, it's worth mentioning that Yu is now a disciple of the third generation of Huoying. If you really count up, he is still a junior uncle of the fourth generation of Huoying bofengshuimen

"It's just the love of everyone in the village..."

"If you change someone else, I believe you can do better than me."

After hearing Yu's exclamation, Bofeng shuimen habitually said two words of modesty, and then an instant skill disappeared directly in the original place, leading the Muye Ninja troops behind him to pursue Yanren.Although the Yanren troops have lost more than half in Yu's hands, they are still a huge force that can not be underestimated. If they are allowed to stay at the border of the kingdom of fire, it will undoubtedly become a fatal hidden danger.

Did not Xiyan come

Seeing bofengshuimen and Muye Ninja troops leave, Yu's eyes look around - except Kakashi and maitekai, he doesn't see the figure in his mind.

"Really What a mess

"It's amazing that I'm left alone to fight against so many ninjas! What if something happens? "

At this time, another nice voice sounded angrily. Yu turned his head and just faced the beautiful but angry face.

"Red sister..."

Seeing that xirihong, which has not been seen for more than a year, has become more and more beautiful and moving, and feeling the angry eyes of the girl, Yu laughs.

"Well, in advance, I don't want to care about your life and death."

Seeing that there is nothing wrong with Yu, Hong Yi's heart is finally put down. But seeing Yu's face at the moment, she has a flat face. "I just think that if you die like this, Xiyan will cry like hell."

Is this the legendary place without silver three hundred liang?

Ao Jiao is not suitable for you at all!

Hearing Red's obviously right and wrong words, and seeing the textbook style arrogance of the future beautiful imperial sister, Yu felt a little funny, but at the same time, he couldn't stop a warm current in his heart.

But then again

When did the relationship between her and Xiyan become so good?

However, when he saw that before he left Muye, he and Xiyan had no contact with each other. Now their relationship became so intimate, just like their best friend, Yu could not help but feel a little confused.

"All right, let's go."

"If there's anything else, let's go back to Muye."

At this time, I took a look at the ferocious battlefield with floating corpses everywhere, smelled the pungent smell of blood in the air, and could not help frowning.

With that, he pulled Yu from the side of qiudaotangdong, put his arm on his weak shoulder, and then disappeared in the same place.

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