Chapter 144

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
“Do you know what is the most poisonous creature in the world?”

I saw the half-hidden side and pulled out the breathing mask, and slowly asked.

When you hear him, the three are a glimpse!

I ignored the expression of the three doubts, and the semi-hidden self continued to say solemnmnly.

"It's black mountain pepper fish....."

"And my body is able to bring the poison of this black pepper to the extreme!"

His tob barely fell, I saw him instantly imprinted!

"Mystery. The body is poisonous!"


I saw that on the field, with his slamming, a green poisonous scorpion instantly filled the field!

Seeing this scene, the three people are all tight-eyed and go back in an instant!

Soon, the green drug lords spread!

"this is!!?"

"It's also a big snake pill! Be careful! Don't breathe this poisonous mist!"

I saw the key hand saw the poisonous mist and hurriedly shouted.

When I heard her, the two were nodded, and they looked dignified!

At this moment!

I saw the half-hidden eyes in a poisonous scorpion calmly watching the field, and the palm suddenly slammed into the ground!

"Fire. Detonation blast!"

In addition to the poisonous cockroaches, the hands of a pair of pretty little wrinkled and looked at the poisonous cockroaches in front of her eyes. The face was a bit ugly, and the wound on her shoulder had not healed.

Suddenly, some noise appeared on the ground!

"hua hua 哗...."

With the strange sound, the ground under the foot of the hand seems to soften instantly, there is nowhere to force, just have to sink down!

Her face suddenly became pale!

The side of the self is also a look of this scene!

Damn it! It is this technique! !


I saw the moment and rushed to the side of the hand!


The words of the hand have not been finished yet, and the fingerprints of the hands have been completed!

"Truth the law. Need to hide!!"

As his voice fell, I saw that his white hair seemed to have life, and suddenly it was wrapped up in a huge white burr to wrap him and the master!

Countless detonators on the ground suddenly popped up against the white thorns!

"bang!" "bang!" "bang!"....

a path of The violent explosion sounded loudly!

On the side of the big snake pill face ugly look at the scene in front of me, once again looked towards the group of drug lords, the eyes are full of killing intent!

The smoke dissipated.

I saw a burning flame on the white thorns!


The squad quickly opened, and the hands and the seriously injured ones immediately came out of it! !

"It's okay! You guy! Don't die!! Bastard! You wake up!!"

On the palm of his hand, he quickly brewed a palm scent to help heal the wounds!

Looking at the black face, the blood of the mouth is also a lot of blood, her face panic, a little sobbing in the tone, hurriedly shouted.

"cough cough ... no.. nothing.. since.. the grandfather has not yet knocked this guy what. can...cough cough"

I saw that I was slowly waking up from a coma.

Looking at the face of a pale panic, his heart was slightly hurt, and he could only pretend to grin.

When I saw that I was waking up, I didn’t blame him again. He was still joking at this time, his face was a pleasant expression, and the big snake pill on the side was slowly letting go!

The half of the drug lords in the distance looked at the three people in front of them, and a complicated meditation flashed in their eyes.

As if he was hesitating, he finally chose to give up.


I saw him wearing a mask slowly!

"hua hua ——"

As the semi-Tibetan mask was taken, under the torrential rain, the poisonous sputum slowly dissipated.

The three people have seen the drug sputum slowly dissipate, and it is not a slight joy!

However, after seeing the slow-moving, intact half-hidden, their hearts sank again.

Just as they frown on how to deal with the next fierce battle!

The half-hidden standing in front of them is watching them suddenly come out.

"This fight will stop here!"

"Your strength is very strong. On you, I have seen the burden that the ninja can do! You have the conviction and will that the ninja should have, and it is commendable!"

"The outstanding three of the wood leaves are well deserved!"

"So... you shouldn't die in my hands at this time."

Speaking of this, Han Zang looked up and saw that it had stopped the heavy rain, still gloomy sky, and continued.

"This war is very tragic."

"I hope you can remember, and as a real ninja in the future, try to make this world less wary...."

"Speak to this..."

I saw that the semi-Tibetan said that this would not be repeated, and slowly turned.

Under the ground, a huge mountain pepper fish suddenly jumped up and squatted on the ground!

Then it slowly disappeared here!

The three people who stayed in the same place were staring at this scene.

This... this is gone! ?

"Bastard! Give me back! The grandfather has not defeated you yet! Who wants your approval!! You give me....... Hey."

I saw that I suddenly climbed up and smashed my mouth and shouted. Half of the martyrdom suddenly trembled because of the injury and fell down.

And the hand is holding a pair of pretty and thoughtful looking at the direction of the semi-Tibetan, suddenly sighed.

"In any case.... The words of Semi-Senior are not unreasonable.....warfare..... can be less best..."

"Since he let us go, we should let this world have less war in the future!"

The hand scorpion flashed a firm, pretty voice.

When I heard her, the other side of the world was unwilling to talk.

"Who wants him to let go!! I haven't called Wentai yet!! If not...."

Halfway through, he suddenly burst into pain!

The master did not blame him. He took a look at him without any anger and began to heal him.

The big snake pill on the side was unseen, looking at the direction of the semi-hidden departure, his eyes were slightly cold.

Mountain pepper fish...

Wan snake that guy....make it fixed...

What no one has found is that apart from the semi-hidden, there are two silhouettes that have disappeared here.........

On the hillside, Yahiko and the others are all dull and watch the whole battle!

The shock in my heart is beyond words!

This! Is this the battle between ninjas? !

This power! !

Thinking of this, Yahiko suddenly whispered to Xiaonan and Changmen.

"Little South, Changmen, I want to follow them cultivation!"

Hearing his words, Xiaonan glimpsed a little, then woundly said.

"But Yahiko, why go to them, they are the ninja of Konoha!"

"If... rashly... will... will be killed... and you already have a big brother professor, isn't it..."

In this regard, Yahiko is determined.

“All the big brothers have said that as long as they have the power to protect their existence, there is no need to manage who comes from!”

"And all the big brothers have told me that he can teach me not much... I want to cultivate ninjutsu... like the guys like Ninja!"

His little face was slightly dignified, and he pondered for a while, said solemnly.

"I will go first. If they are willing to accept me, I will call you again!"

"If .... I was are far from here...I understand?!"

Hearing his words, Xiaonan’s face was pale and he was overwhelmed.

The long door is soft.

"me and you together!"

In this regard, Yahiko and Xiaonan are a glimpse.

"I... I want to have the power to protect you..."

The long door lowered his head and whispered.

In the end, the three little children went together to the three-bearing that had just experienced a big battle.


In a forest in the country of the rain.

A few silhouettes are waiting here.

A young, rainy eye with a narrow eye leans against a big tree, boring and fiddling with the leaves.

"I didn't expect the semi-Tibetan to solve a few ninjas for so long?"

I saw the whispered of the young rain and contempt.

If it is blue dyed Captain.....the power of the gods.....

I am afraid that I will not put ordinary ninjas in my eyes........

Thinking of this, a smile appeared in the eyes of the young ninja.

As the sword progresses slowly, try to work harder and more.

Please don't say that Tibetan swords and waters, Tibetan swords never ask for rewards from readers. I really want to write books to eat with the ability. I also write this book very carefully. The sword has its own rhythm, thinking, hope everyone. Don't mind Ha ~ (don't criticize me, I will be very sorrowful...)