Chapter 159

Name:Naruto Shikigami Aizen Author:
The semi-Tibetan disappeared, and the new leader of Yu Ren, who announced his surrender to Muye?

After learning about the content of this information, I also frowned slightly.

Like the master, the self-consideration also takes into account the information behind this information.

Half-Tibet is undoubtedly a girders that support the rain-bearing village. If the conclusion of the semi-Tibetan disappearance is established, it means that Yulin Village has no threat at this time.

It is not impossible for Konoha to accept this superficial surrender at this time.

But if this conclusion is no, then the hidden half-hidden will become a thorn in the future.

If the new leader of Yu Rencun cannot guarantee the stability of his position, all his decisions are meaningless.

I think of this, and it is also the sole leaf of the wood leaf ninja that is sent solemnly.

"Go back, tell the master, I will investigate the truth of this matter in the rain country."

Hearing his words, Konoha ninja nodded, "shua" disappeared in place.

I also slowly turned to look at the direction of Yu Rencun, and my eyes were deep.

At this time, there was a crisp surprise in the forest.

"There is also Teacher, I have already.. can do it!"

When I heard this sound, the complex expression of the self suddenly burst into a big smile.

I want to do so much.

Now, it is most important to teach this group of children.

When you walk into the forest.

I saw Xiaonanzheng slowly walking on a big tree with his body swaying vertically.

Seeing this scene, the face is also unfortunately revealing a slightly amazed expression, and the eyes are full of praise.

When he officially taught this group of children, he discovered that both Yahiko and Xiaonan had already cultivated Chakra in the body, which made him somewhat surprised.

I was informed after the inquiry.

Once, they were saved by a ninja suspected of belonging to Konoha, who gave them some cultivation methods about Chakra in order to give them some self-protection ability.

I heard that my grandmother said the same thing, and I didn’t think about it any more.

After teaching them, he discovered that these children's cultivation of Innate Talent is very remarkable, completely inferior to him and the big snake Maru and the others.

It is naturally very serious to give the teacher the first time to do the work of the teacher. The treatment of Yahiko and the others is wholeheartedly teaching them, and the methods that the three generations have taught them are also brainstorming out to them.

After seeing their performance, he was also slightly fortunate, lamenting that he had received three good figures.


Within the territory of the country of fire.

The bright sunshine passes through the lush forest foliage, leaving a mottled light that makes the forest look beautiful.

In this quiet forest, some soft noises broke this calm.

"shua!" "shua!" .......

I saw a small black shadow in the forest, stepping on the trunk and rushing.

"pa ta !"

Suddenly, the shadow stopped on a large trunk.

Mottled light shone on his hair, reflecting his brown short hair and a slightly tired youngster face.

"Hey.....has not been able to reach the country of the rain, the map is correct, it should be, and it has been so long, and now I feel so tired."

The youngster was slightly sighed, holding a large trunk with one hand, and his expression was slightly frustrated.


He jerked his head up and cheered himself up. The young face was full of fighting spirits, and he looked forward and shouted.

"Rose tree!"

"How can you give up here! You want to be a man of Naruto!"

"In front, go ahead and you will find the elder sister for a while, very good, be sure to stick to it!"

I saw that he had given himself some encouragement, and then he embarked on the journey again.

Under the bright sunshine.

The emerald green pendant on his neck was a shimmering brilliance.


at the same time.

In the territory of the country of the earth.

There are small stone sarcophagi and desolate rock walls everywhere.

On the ruined mountain rocky hills, a few silent silhouettes appeared quietly.

The amount of protection on their head symbolizes their identity - Yun Ren

In the team, a tall and dark young man and a short sunglasses youngster are very eye-catching.

"This land is really bad, and the people of Lei Zhiguo must not be able to live in this environment."

I saw the tall and dark young youth said solemnly.

"hehe, big brother, you are not right. Since the people of the country of the earth can survive, the people of the country of Lei are naturally without problems. Oh, don't look so weak at the people of the country of Lei."

Hearing his words, the little sunglasses youngster licked his lame tongue.

In this regard, the dark young man’s eyes screamed and screamed.

"Too, how many times have you told me, don't talk to the big brother with your weird rap!"

The sunglasses youngster heard this, but it was even more energetic, dancing with hands and feet.

"hehe, big brother is angry. In such an environment, angry words can lead to judgment errors, so the big brother should not be angry, hehe."

At this time.

The cloud in the team was suddenly frowned, said solemnly.

"Not good, our whereabouts seem to be discovered!"

Hearing this, the dark-skinned youth was owned and had no doubts about his words, said solemnly.

“Can you judge how many people are there?”

That cloud brows frown, said solemnly.

"Not in a ninja squad. This situation is very bad. You and the opportunity to break out, let us not."

Hearing his words, the expression on the face of the dark youth is unchanged, said solemnly.

"I can't give up everyone in the village, and the other's ninja hasn't shown up yet. It's too early to say it."

"You are right, no!"

In this regard, the sunglasses youngster nodded, did not continue rap, said solemnly.

"big brother, the set of cultivation we used may be useful at this time."

Hearing this, the dark young man turned to look at him, his eyes calm and whispered.

"Since I have encountered such an opportunity, let us try it. I am interested in the strength of Yan Ren!"

In this regard, the sunglasses youngster slightly exposed a bright smile.

At this moment.

Not far above the hills.

A team of 16 members of the Yan Ren team appeared in front of them.

"You are the one who wants to sneak into the country of the earth or intend to respond to the information. If you give me the opportunity, then you want to see the office of the Tu Ying adults?"

I saw Captain's mouth in the Yan Ren team with a disdainful smile and looked at a few clouds to bear with a smile.

A few fool-like guys, even a few people dare to go deep into the hinterland. It’s my luck to be met by me.

Captain of Yan Ren was secretly thinking.

When I heard Rock Captain, several clouds were slightly angry.

"big brother, he is laughing at us in his words."

The sunglasses youngster turned to look at the dark youth.

The dark youth is nodded, the eyes are calm, said solemnly.

"Yes, but such arrogant guys tend to die very quickly."

I saw him swaying his arms slightly, and the gimmick looked towards towards the sunglasses youngster, said solemnly.

"Are you ready, than!?"

Sunglasses youngster grin smiled and said.

"I have already prepared, but I want to talk about it before I start."

I saw him aiming at the rock in front of him, loudly shouted.

"Oh, remember, we are ab combination!"